Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Energy production, weapons, handling fluids and much more - excellent graphics.

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Re: Yuoki Industries 0.2.27 (11.17+)

Post by 1M_Industries »

I found something called condensed pollution, but I cannot find a recipe or figure out how to make it. I have looked at the changelogs and found nothing related to it. Is it not fully implemented yet? Thank you!
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Re: Yuoki Industries 0.2.27 (11.17+)

Post by YuokiTani »

1M_Industries wrote:Hello,
I found something called condensed pollution, but I cannot find a recipe or figure out how to make it. I have looked at the changelogs and found nothing related to it. Is it not fully implemented yet? Thank you!
To produce condensed pollution you need a Fatmice-Cycle-Engine (looks like a air-blower in YI-Engines-Tab). Also you need Energy (more is better because more air-intake) and a lot of Water. Air was taken and pollution bound in water, then filtered and solid remains gives the condensed pollution.

It's from YI-Engines ... use a gray oder blue vanilla -assembly - switch recipe-tab to YI-Engines and choose Condensed Pollution - Icon. Then it get's worked into Mixed-Fuel-Blocks which you can burn again.

(it's not a full infinite cycle but gives you more efficency cleaning air - next update will make this a little harder to run)

if i'am right it should remove with 500 kW intake ~ 100 pollution. it's up to you to use solar, steam or cleaner energy to feed. I suggest using in pollution hot-spots or block pollution in a specific direction.

The same effect has the Owner's Monument but this works only at nighttime (lights on).
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e: Yuoki Industries 0.2.27 (11.17+)

Post by YuokiTani »

I have released a new version, you can find in Downloads
but before you USE this new version read the following notes

- make a backup of your savegame
- check your worlds what is in these releated to Yuoki-Industries (items/entities/material)
- install new version
- load a savegame -> ALL CONTENT should migrated
- if some migration fails - Ask Yourself - can i play without this
- check your world if all items/entities/fuel etc. still in this world -> if the anwser yes -> congratulations - if not i can't help you - maybe you should continue use a older version.

why i annoy you with this ?
Factorio load mods not into a separate mod-namespace. If i decide to name my dirt - earth ingame and give this values another modder can have the same idea and use this name for a complete different process-line or a gun-turret. The benefit of this system is, every modder can easly overwrite vanilla-recipes and items, the downside the game decide what is what at load-order and overwrite previous things. I think from this system comes some issues and conflicts so i have given all my items/entities etc a prefix (y- or yi- or ye-) to separate.
Back to the days i started the mod, i don't know this and from this times some items left over which has names without the prefix.
This release renamed the last items and now i can say my mod is NOT the source of a conflict.

This also applies to Addon YI-PFW (0.0.3+) and YI-Engines (0.1.2).

Sure another modder can use also the same prefix and the same name - but if this happens i maybe change to hash-value-names or latain-translations or coded-numbers ^^
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Release+In-Depth Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Post by Dariel92 »

RU: Привет, мне очень нравится этот мод, но кое чего все же не хватает, а именно - изучения! Как то скучновата что все приборы и технологии сразу даны. достаточно быстро получается добыть нужные ресурсы и дальше уже идет все слишком быстро и просто. Возможно ли в будущем сделать научную часть для мода?
EN: Hey, I really like this mod, but something is still missing, namely the study! How boring is that all the devices and technologies are given. quickly get the right resources and further it goes all too quickly and easily. Is it possible in the future to do the research part for fashion?
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Release+In-Depth Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Post by 1M_Industries »

Dariel92 wrote:RU: Привет, мне очень нравится этот мод, но кое чего все же не хватает, а именно - изучения! Как то скучновата что все приборы и технологии сразу даны. достаточно быстро получается добыть нужные ресурсы и дальше уже идет все слишком быстро и просто. Возможно ли в будущем сделать научную часть для мода?
EN: Hey, I really like this mod, but something is still missing, namely the study! How boring is that all the devices and technologies are given. quickly get the right resources and further it goes all too quickly and easily. Is it possible in the future to do the research part for fashion?
I agree. Researching the machines would add a whole new depth to the mod, and would make it a lot more balanced. As it is, it is a bit too easy.
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Release+In-Depth Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Post by Degraine »

I think the point is that the mod is still in development, Yuoki wants to complete the mod to a satisfactory degree before they start assigning techs to everything.
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Release+In-Depth Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Post by YuokiTani »

Degraine wrote:I think the point is that the mod is still in development, Yuoki wants to complete the mod to a satisfactory degree before they start assigning techs to everything.
This is clearly one point.
The last release changed only some names ... i need 3 hours to find and exchange all names, and 2.5 hour to get the migration-script working.
In a very old version was some research but this was with research-crystals but of course not worked. For me is the current sciene-generation and production not logical, it depends on some time and 4 resources (energy, iron, copper, crude-oil). this are all production or economic values nothing with spirit or expericene.
every tech/research i made would only consume X red, X green or X blue ...

i know that my mod sometimes to a different and easy way playstyle leads (and sometimes it can prevent your natural expansion because you can generate iron/copper). but it's up to you build things different and experiment with. adding a research would not change this. you would prefer YI-research because it gives you some advantage, and at this point you encounter the same problem YI is to easy or OP.

^^ a really research would be a minigame in which you arrange some things and you get research points, or move around and collect data in some chunks for research point etc. not automate red flask and throw them into a building. (i should give research point if you gunshot these buildings ;) )

but i can jump over the shadow or the game-engine so you become in one of the next versions research only for Yuoki-Industries.
(and i'am sure you cry after because you need to research all and this without a documentation :) )

in my opinion would be PFW-Addon a good research-generator, because you need different things to automate and solve before you get a result. if you have produced this part (only this) 10x or 100x you get the experience to build/research the next step ... I'am not sure when next factorio-version comes, but i think i wait what this version then brings. so you need still some patience.

I did some thinking ^^ - and had a idea and if you like or not - include research make you part of a story. And i think the first research would be "Call/Connect Yuoki-Industries for help" or "Make a Deal with Yuoki-Industries" as entrance ;) and of course you would pay with red, green and blue flasks.
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Release+In-Depth Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Post by jobromedia »

A suggestion: You got a download topic, but no downloads listed in it. Only change notes. Something that doesn't fill me with that much confidence that this mod is to be taken seriously. This is what you should do:

1. Stick that topic at the top, so people see it first.
2. Put all of the latest download links at the top in that topic. This way you won't get questions how to download this mod.
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Release+In-Depth Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Post by YuokiTani »

Have you really viewed in the topic Download Yuoki-Industries Mod 0.2.28 (f 11.20+) ?
YuokiTani wrote:1. Stick that topic at the top, so people see it first.
Can You Do this ? - No ? ... same situation for me ...
YuokiTani wrote:2. Put all of the latest download links at the top in that topic. This way you won't get questions how to download this mod.
Don't waste your time by searching the download-link, or posting questions about it. Try another mod from the forum - there are many good mods that needs your attention too. Some parts of this mod still in development and because that this mod is not very comfortable for new factorio-players.

and before someone also would give forum-tips - No i can't post as Sticky, Announce or change topic from normal later - but i can create polls.
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Post by Vitduo »

The Turret of the Apocalypse
Not bad
Not bad
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Release+In-Depth Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Post by Airat9000 »

YuokiTani wrote:Have you really viewed in the topic Download Yuoki-Industries Mod 0.2.28 (f 11.20+) ?
YuokiTani wrote:1. Stick that topic at the top, so people see it first.
Can You Do this ? - No ? ... same situation for me ...
YuokiTani wrote:2. Put all of the latest download links at the top in that topic. This way you won't get questions how to download this mod.
Don't waste your time by searching the download-link, or posting questions about it. Try another mod from the forum - there are many good mods that needs your attention too. Some parts of this mod still in development and because that this mod is not very comfortable for new factorio-players.

and before someone also would give forum-tips - No i can't post as Sticky, Announce or change topic from normal later - but i can create polls.
my idea is to make the building and the type of air cleaner environment, and the building of an increase in the dirt.
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Post by orzelek »

Btw Youki you should be able to make stickies, announcements etc now in your mod forum section.
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Post by Tatze »

Added RU locale for Yi-Industry and Yi-Engines

-Create ru-locale for Yi-Engine 0.1.2
-Add Stirling engine ico for Yi-Engine
-Update ru-locale for Yi-Industry 0.2.28 (base translation is not mine, just update it to new addon version)
-Nothing else changed

Yi-Industry 0.2.28 +ru locale
Yi-Engine 0.1.2+ru locale
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Post by Airat9000 »

the guys who work on this mod, I have to ask you, just super fashion, but here there is a big problem how to produce parts for the robots and machines, everything is very difficult. it is impossible to be simplified and that I do not know how to set up a base to build another 3 bases or something
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Post by Airat9000 »

and the question on what produce is :? there is no description
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Post by Sphinx »

Maybe it is already reported but i found one thing that makes no scene to me.
When i deconstruct a "Steam-Generator-B" or C. I get only a "Steam-Generator-A" back.

In the lua files it is also the case

name = "y-notfall-generator-s2",
icon = "__Yuoki__/graphics/icons/lt-v2-icon.png",
flags = {"placeable-neutral","player-creation"},
minable = {mining_time = 1, result = "y-notfall-generator-s1"},

Maybe this is intended, or just a bug from Copy and Paste :)
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Post by Lishget »

No. it should be so. I remind, Yuoki said, he would prevent the inventory for spamming with different engines.
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Post by BH5432 »

Hi all. love this mod. but the issues I'm having atm is wrapping my head around the power system. As much as Id love to watch the tutorial series the mod author has made I sadly don't speak the language. and its quite difficult to see how things work just by looking. anyone think they can give me an idea of where to start. Mainly with power generation.
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Post by YuokiTani »

Airat9000 wrote:and the question on what produce is :? there is no description
i have made some videos about this and showing some solutions. the AQE-Accumulator is produced in the Atomic-Quantum-Composer.
I know the other things setup is hard, it's for fun and enjoy and for have mission to think a little bit. (like a puzzle) - some things of course are useful and upcomming stuff too.
Lishget wrote:No. it should be so. I remind, Yuoki said, he would prevent the inventory for spamming with different engines.
That's correct. But after some time everyone uses a inventory-mod so in last version or next version you get back what you remove. i still love the old way, but for better gameplay and understanding it's changed.
BH5432 wrote:Hi all. love this mod. but the issues I'm having atm is wrapping my head around the power system. As much as Id love to watch the tutorial series the mod author has made I sadly don't speak the language. and its quite difficult to see how things work just by looking. anyone think they can give me an idea of where to start. Mainly with power generation.
First if you love green energy like solar then you can use Sun Powered Stirlings but thats all green. You need to be a real industrialist and hate green ;) for using most power stuff.
Your first steps should be using Yuoki-Industrie Boilers because more efficent. Then think about Steam-Generators or use Steam-Turbine. Rensuir is most powerful and effectively. If your power-network consumes permanently more then 4.5 MW (day and night) you can use a Steam-Power-Plant for providing 4.5MW base-power-supply.
Electric Generators are most powerful in outputs but needs more water or shaft-power (after gearbox-setup) from YI-Engines.
Steam-Generator-A, -B, -C ...
A is primary power-supply mean run always - if runs at 100% -B turns on
B is secondary (Vanilla-steam) and the most common power-supply - if runs a 100% -C turns on
C is terciary (all accumulators) - if C runs your power-supply has no more reserves - accumulators get discharged and your power-network will collaps.
This options helps you to set a main-fuel-line and keep main-power-supply, set different power-plant locations for handling shortages or power-demand-spikes.
as example a fuel-tank with hydromechanical-power and a 5.6-Generator-T is a huge power-reserve and need small space comparing to maybe 50 Accumulators or more.
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Re: Yuoki Industries - Informations, Suggestions, Questions

Post by YuokiTani »

Version 0.2.29 is aviable, it contains some of the suggests in the posts before.

this version was ready on 30.May but i went for 3 weeks afk, so i don't release this earlier because no support over this 3 weeks after release.

after this time i forgot all things i have changed ^^ but i had made a video of the changes before i went afk - so you can see the changes if you not already watched ->Youtube-Video

Many things still todo come back in my mind after playing some factorio again, or by your hints and suggestions.
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