I can second this.Hornwitser wrote: Mon May 08, 2023 12:06 pmIf I add --window-size 1080x1080 to the launch options Factorio opens at 1080x1080 on my system. And it keeps that resolution after apply changes to the mod list. I'm unable to reproduce the bug you are referring to.JohnWittle wrote: Sat May 06, 2023 6:58 am This is a bug that needs to be fixed, period. Calling it a suggestion is obvious nonsense. Windows exposes a window manager API for exactly this reason and failing to use it is not a lifestyle choice, it's a mistake. If there is a place where users can tell Factorio how large they would like the Factorio game window to be (and I suspect there is, since each of us sufferers always get the same resolution on startup), it needs to be documented, ...
@John: If you think there's a bug, then go ahead and report it.
Otherwise, I would love that factorio remembers the position.
I have a startup script under Linux (X11, XFCE4), which moves Factorio window to the top left corner after 1 sec.
Code: Select all
gamemoderun ./$1/bin/x64/factorio --window-size "3000x2050" &
sleep 1
for fac in `wmctrl -l | grep -G "Factorio [0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9][0-9]"| sed 's/ .*//' | sed 's/\n/ /g'`; do
wmctrl -i -r $fac -e "0,0,0,-1,-1"