Transport water tubes

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Transport water tubes

Post by Raze1991 »

I think, many have encountered a problem (or rather inconvenience), that move through a huge base is problematic. or for example, if you have 2-3 or even more bases. You can drive at car, but at large distances it is still long.

My suggestion:
(assembling machines - enter stations, and scale in a real situation will be «a little» more)

Make recipe with «Transport water tubes», with new kind of Pipes. Probably larger than current pipes. With stop (and enter) stations and with engines, which will distill water with player's «capsule».

You can sit at station and you will automatically be sent very quickly on ways to the next near station. At station you can choose at which side you want to move (one of the four sides).

Anybody watched Man in Black 2?
Main idea comes from that moment.

If the structural integrity of the Tube is broken (with random Biters attack or you forgot to build one title of Tube at the way), then you throw away in the rift place, without the possibility to continue your the path. But if you had a station, you can place it, at broken pass, to continue your way, but it needs electricity for working.

Movement on it will be faster than a train or car, but for if you should lay Tubes from one base to another. And it not attracted Bites, but if they are to pass by, then they attack.
Of course, it's a very late expensive content.

p.s. at first I thought about teleportation stations, but it's so boring and too easy (but perhaps, as the final end content).
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Re: Transport water tubes

Post by kovarex »

I have to admit, I like this idea very much.
Especially the solution of arrow-based choosing of next direction.
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Re: Transport water tubes

Post by ssilk »


What I thought first: the tubes in Portal 2.

This scene:
Jump to 3:10

Other parts: (jump to 1:50)

Not that I mean to have such scenes in the game, but just to see, how it works and looks. And . . . forget about the water in the tubes. That's just stupid. :)

Why I'm showing this so detailed? Cause I think it would be a big waste to use such a system not only for transporting the player, it would be used much better for transporting items.

Cause this tube system could fill also this gap between the belts, trains and bots. Would be nice and a completely crazy idea, but let me explain:
When you let you suck into the pipes, you can use the switches yourself to be transported at any output pipe.
But the switches can also decide themself, which item goes into which direction (how is a completely different question). You plug a flexible pipe onto a chest and the pipe sucks everything from the chest in, transports it to such a switch station and then it is moved forward in one of 3 other pipes, depending on, where the iron plate is needed most (that's also a different question).

It will work quite well, you can transport hundreds of items per second over middle distances as a constant stream. Exactly what's needed. And it builds also some type of network, which knows, what is needed where.

I would say, it should not replace the train, which keeps better over long distances, but this will only work, if it is very expensive and not nearly that fast like train. But then it's not so useable for transport of yourself, but I think this is also another question.

Some more thoughts:
- two pipes in one enable transport in two directions.
- instead of pipes: transparent "fields" in form of a tube. More like how in Portal.
- instead of building each pipe, step by step: building transport stations, which connect with up to 3 other transport stations in direct airline over - let's say - maximum 50 tiles. You see: this is the distance of the roboports. ;)
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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Re: Transport water tubes

Post by BurnHard »

I am hoping that some day the train system and the signals are working that good, that you can just place your personal waggon on the existing rail system and get (semi)-automatic to the station where you want without interrupting the automated trains. Don't really see the need to build a seperated player-ony transportation network, the railway system just needs some serious improvements.
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Re: Transport water tubes

Post by ssilk »

Maybe it wasn't that clear above: I see tubes as transport of items/fluids. Not for the player (only that he can use it like the belts or so). Some very fast transport for player is indeed needed, but it would be a cruel for me to built so many pipes and stuff just for transporting the player. That's just stupid.
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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Re: Transport water tubes

Post by Drury »

Oh, at first I thought this would be about proper liquid transportation over long distances, always thought those small pipes aren't the best.

Apparently it's just Futurama tubes.


Nice idea, though.
BurnHard wrote:I am hoping that some day the train system and the signals are working that good, that you can just place your personal waggon on the existing rail system and get (semi)-automatic to the station where you want without interrupting the automated trains. Don't really see the need to build a seperated player-ony transportation network, the railway system just needs some serious improvements.
Do you realize this is impossible without your locomotive passing through the other ones like a ghost (Railroad Tycoon style)? It's already possible to make a proper railway network where you can automatically get to your destination, but you will have to wait at signals, it's literally impossible to get to your destination without waiting if there are more trains on your track.

I do agree that trains need some work, but for this purpose they are good enough.
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