Railway stations – Hell for a perfectionist

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Railway stations – Hell for a perfectionist

Post by SANTIMEL »

Correct mistake.
The positioning of trains in different directions, is different.
This problem does not allow the use of only six containers per wagon. For loading/unloading .
This forces the addition of a seventh container.

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Re: Railway stations – Hell for a perfectionist

Post by Illiander42 »

This is because rails are on a 2-grid, wagons are 6 long, and have a 1 gap between them.
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Re: Railway stations – Hell for a perfectionist

Post by SANTIMEL »

Illiander42 wrote: Thu May 09, 2024 9:15 am This is because rails are on a 2-grid, wagons are 6 long, and have a 1 gap between them.
Why is there an asymmetry in different directions?
Although not. I'm not even interested in that.
Just let them fix it.
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Re: Railway stations – Hell for a perfectionist

Post by MeduSalem »

SANTIMEL wrote: Thu May 09, 2024 9:27 amWhy is there an asymmetry in different directions?
As Illiander wrote... It is the 1 tile offsets (from couplings) in a 2x2 grid which result in asymmetry when making stations in the opposite direction.

SANTIMEL wrote: Thu May 09, 2024 9:27 amJust let them fix it.
To be honest I am not sure if they can fix that. The 1 tile offsets in a 2x2 grid will always result in some train or station configurations breaking the symmetry.

The only "universal" solution that I can think of that would make it symmetrical for any train configuration would require reworking the positioning of couplings, maybe even size of wagons & locomotives and thereby the graphics. I doubt it is worth the effort. ^^
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Re: Railway stations – Hell for a perfectionist

Post by FuryoftheStars »

This does not "force" doing anything. You do not "have" to place 7, and doing so just cramps up your available space, anyway.

IMO, does not need fixing.
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Re: Railway stations – Hell for a perfectionist

Post by Nidan »

Space the stations in such a way that an odd number of rolling stock fits in between. Then they'll line up in both directions.

Your pictured 1-4 is six rolling stock long after accounting for the locomotive going the opposite direction. Try e.g. a 1-3 or 1-5 setup instead.
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Re: Railway stations – Hell for a perfectionist

Post by SANTIMEL »

FuryoftheStars wrote: Thu May 09, 2024 11:12 am This does not "force" doing anything. You do not "have" to place 7, and doing so just cramps up your available space, anyway.

IMO, does not need fixing.
Come back to reality!
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Last edited by SANTIMEL on Fri May 10, 2024 6:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Railway stations – Hell for a perfectionist

Post by FuryoftheStars »

SANTIMEL wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 4:33 am
FuryoftheStars wrote: Thu May 09, 2024 11:12 am This does not "force" doing anything. You do not "have" to place 7, and doing so just cramps up your available space, anyway.

IMO, does not need fixing.
Come back to reality!

So first, I want to note that picture does not show for me. You're better off attaching pics direct to posts vs using 3rd party sites in order to avoid exactly that. If I hadn't quoted you, I would've never known that was there.

Second, as someone else already said, that's an artifact of the 2 tile offset of rails and that railcars are 6 tiles with a 1 tile gap (effectively making them a length that is not divisible by 2). I doubt that this can be "fixed" without redesigning the whole thing from the ground up. Your solutions are (from left to right) either use an odd number of cars in the train, park your trains so the last car lines up with the loco of the others, or shift your inserters up/down by that one tile (a 7th inserter is still not needed...).
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Screenshot 2024-05-10 015933.png (648.72 KiB) Viewed 2617 times
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Re: Railway stations – Hell for a perfectionist

Post by SANTIMEL »

I don't understand how you align the wagons?
After all, the game itself determines the places for the construction of stations.
Do you use any mods?

It doesn't matter though.
We need to fix this flawed foundation!
And I don't understand all the excuses about the odd and even something out there.

Just let them fix the accumulated problems.
It doesn't matter how.
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Re: Railway stations – Hell for a perfectionist

Post by FuryoftheStars »

SANTIMEL wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 6:33 am I don't understand how you align the wagons?
After all, the game itself determines the places for the construction of stations.
Do you use any mods?
No, no mods. It's just math.
SANTIMEL wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 6:33 am It doesn't matter though.
We need to fix this flawed foundation!
And I don't understand all the excuses about the odd and even something out there.

Just let them fix the accumulated problems.
It doesn't matter how.
Well, aside from completely rewriting trains & rails to not use a 2 tile offset, the other options are (and by "cars" below, I'm including locos):
  1. Remove the 1 tile gap between cars: ugly and crams everything together
  2. Add an extra 1 tile gap between cars: looks ridiculous
  3. Shrink the length of cars by 1 tile: now we can only have 5 inserters per car
  4. Increase the length of cars by 1 tile: now it's 7 inserters and medium power poles won't reach the center inserters from the gaps at the ends
All of which are bad in their own way, imo....
[Edit: Oh, and forgot to mention, changing the spacing or car sizes, while it'd "fix" it for even cargo wagon trains, would then "break" it for the odds.]

The only other thing would be to allow the station itself to not be 2x2 aligned, but I don't know if there are technical reasons for it being that way that can't be undone without a full redesign, and that's definitely not worth it for this.
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Re: Railway stations – Hell for a perfectionist

Post by Kyralessa »

FuryoftheStars wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 6:01 am So first, I want to note that picture does not show for me.
This is probably a CDN issue.

Have a look here for how to fix it:

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Re: Railway stations – Hell for a perfectionist

Post by FuryoftheStars »

Kyralessa wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 7:44 am
FuryoftheStars wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 6:01 am So first, I want to note that picture does not show for me.
This is probably a CDN issue.

Have a look here for how to fix it:

I use Firefox, though the instructions here appear to be mostly the same, but there is no "Clear Cache" or similar option when right clicking.

That said, looking through the list that revealed, I discovered the real issue:
Screenshot 2024-05-10 082509.png
Screenshot 2024-05-10 082509.png (11.41 KiB) Viewed 2499 times

Simply disabling the adblocker for here (I mean, there are no ads here anyway) fixed it. Thanks for the suggestion that lead to finding that.

Still, I feel like folks should use the forum attachments more often than 3rd party hosting as I've had the reverse happen before (loads on my PC just fine, but then doesn't on my phone (no adblocker there)), as well as by posting here there's no automatically deleted after X months like many 3rd party sites do (yes, attachments get deleted on the really old posts here too sometimes, but it feels like that's a pretty rare occurrence).
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Re: Railway stations – Hell for a perfectionist

Post by Tertius »

SANTIMEL wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 6:33 am I don't understand how you align the wagons?
After all, the game itself determines the places for the construction of stations.
It has pointed out that's all due to the 2 tile snapping grid for rails, and the 7 tile spacing for the 6 tile wagon plus 1 tile space between wagons, so every other tile is skipped for placing rail related items.
It looks like this:
2024-05-10 15-00-45 start=1 length=20 fps=10.gif
2024-05-10 15-00-45 start=1 length=20 fps=10.gif (724.03 KiB) Viewed 2483 times
As far as I see, the option to change the wagon length to 7 (or 5) or to change the space between the wagons to 0 or 2 to make the wagon spacing align with the rail grid is far worse than having a perfect station alignment.
Just dealing with it is probably the most reasonable thing to do. The only reasonable fix I see would probably be to make wagons and locomotives 7 tiles long, but I'm unable to evaluate the consequences of this, because the train and station game mechanic would significantly change. One tile more space per wagon is quite significant.
I'm quite sure this has been evaluated by the devs before and apparently not implemented.
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Re: Railway stations – Hell for a perfectionist

Post by FuryoftheStars »

Tertius wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 1:22 pm The only reasonable fix I see would probably be to make wagons and locomotives 7 tiles long, but I'm unable to evaluate the consequences of this
This would actually swap which length trains experience the "issue". Currently, 1-X trains where X is an even number (so the whole train has an odd number of entities) has this alignment "issue", whereas trains where X is an odd number (so the whole train has an even number of entities) don't. Changing any of the properties I had mentioned before, including increasing loco/wagon length to 7, would simply swap the "problem" between the two.

As such, another "fix" for the OP would be to make their 1-4 trains into 2-4. :mrgreen:
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Re: Railway stations – Hell for a perfectionist

Post by Illiander42 »

There's a question I don't think anyone has asked yet:

Why would anyone ever have two different directions of train stations sitting next to each other like that!?
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Re: Railway stations – Hell for a perfectionist

Post by MeduSalem »

Illiander42 wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 4:31 pm There's a question I don't think anyone has asked yet:

Why would anyone ever have two different directions of train stations sitting next to each other like that!?
I might be leaning out of the window but likely because OP has not played Factorio for a very long time yet. ^^

I remember when I did opposite direction stations similar to OP something like 9-10 years ago.
Back then, still being relatively new to the game, I thought drive-through stations for both directions would be enough to handle all the resource/item throughput. xD

But if you have enough experience and did some bigger bases and considerably bigger rail networks you realize a rail network designed that way won't work on large scale anyway.
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Re: Railway stations – Hell for a perfectionist

Post by SANTIMEL »

This is relevant at the initial stage of the game.
And also in a hardcore game, with the minimum possible amount of resources, at the maximum distance from each other.
Where to build two directions is impractical.
There you think about how to save money, not to attract unnecessary attention of enemies. Because there simply won't be enough resources for defense.
And if it's enough. But there are not enough resources for research.
Because of this, the evolution of enemies will outstrip the defense capability of the base.
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Re: Railway stations – Hell for a perfectionist

Post by Illiander42 »

SANTIMEL wrote: Sun May 12, 2024 8:57 am This is relevant at the initial stage of the game.
It's really not.
SANTIMEL wrote: Sun May 12, 2024 8:57 amAnd also in a hardcore game, with the minimum possible amount of resources, at the maximum distance from each other.
That actually makes it easier to use pretty rail layouts, because you have so much more space.
SANTIMEL wrote: Sun May 12, 2024 8:57 am Where to build two directions is impractical.
Aren't you the one talking about building stations in two directions? Have you just found out why people don't do it?
SANTIMEL wrote: Sun May 12, 2024 8:57 am There you think about how to save money, not to attract unnecessary attention of enemies. Because there simply won't be enough resources for defense.
And if it's enough. But there are not enough resources for research.
Landmines are wonderful, wonderful things. As are fire and funnels.
SANTIMEL wrote: Sun May 12, 2024 8:57 am Because of this, the evolution of enemies will outstrip the defense capability of the base.
Current deathworld record is just under 3 hours to launch a rocket. Once you've launched a rocket, handling 100% evolution biters isn't hard.
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