Does anyone have updated info on Biter evolution for 0.13?

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Manual Inserter
Manual Inserter
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Does anyone have updated info on Biter evolution for 0.13?

Post by GeekTheory »

Does anyone have an updated graph/table on the new biter evolution mechanics? The wiki claims big biters will begin spawning when the evolution factor is 0.65, but is now outdated by 0.13 (I am getting big biters by 0.5).
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Re: Does anyone have updated info on Biter evolution for 0.13?

Post by Koub »

The up to date info is somewhat written in demo-enemies.lua, in data\base\prototypes\entity folder

Code: Select all

    result_units = (function()
                     local res = {}
                     res[1] = {"small-biter", {{0.0, 0.3}, {0.6, 0.0}}}
                     if not data.is_demo then
                       -- from evolution_factor 0.3 the weight for medium-biter is linearly rising from 0 to 0.3
                       -- this means for example that when the evolution_factor is 0.45 the probability of spawning
                       -- a small biter is 66% while probability for medium biter is 33%.
                       res[2] = {"medium-biter", {{0.3, 0.0}, {0.6, 0.3}, {0.7, 0.1}}}
                       -- for evolution factor of 1 the spawning probabilities are: small-biter 0%, medium-biter 1/7, big-biter 4/7, behemoth biter 3/7
                       res[3] = {"big-biter", {{0.5, 0.0}, {1.0, 0.4}}}
                       res[4] = {"behemoth-biter", {{0.9, 0.0}, {1.0, 0.3}}}
                     return res
and from enemies.lua for spitter spawns :

Code: Select all

    result_units = (function()
                     local res = {}
                     res[1] = {"small-biter", {{0.0, 0.3}, {0.35, 0}}}
                     res[2] = {"small-spitter", {{0.25, 0.0}, {0.5, 0.3}, {0.7, 0.0}}}
                     res[3] = {"medium-spitter", {{0.5, 0.0}, {0.7, 0.3}, {0.9, 0.1}}}
                     res[4] = {"big-spitter", {{0.5, 0.0}, {1.0, 0.4}}}
                     res[5] = {"behemoth-spitter", {{0.9, 0.0}, {1.0, 0.3}}}
                     return res
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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