[1.1.61] Pipe Graphic Glitch on Specific Coordinates

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[1.1.61] Pipe Graphic Glitch on Specific Coordinates

Post by xaetral »

First here's what the issue looks like:

- The entity below that weird line has to be an up-left corner pipe, the one on the top can be most other type of pipes including the down-right corner.

- Also the zoom level has to be the default one (obtained with the ctrl + F9 shortcut or not) and zoomed in one step further.

- The issue appears on any map at around Y = -167, but a vertical version of the issue also appears on the X = -167 coordinate as well:

I also found a similar issue at Y = -99 but its visibility is not consistent depending on the Y coordinate of the player (visible: -97.8047, -99.6797 invisible:-98.0078, -98.8047, -99.0078)

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Re: [1.1.61] Pipe Graphic Glitch on Specific Coordinates

Post by xaetral »

I came across the same issue now in 1.1.76 at the X and/or Y coordinate -208 at the default zoom level (again, I mean ctrl + F9) and zoomed in 2 steps further.
Here an example on a new vanilla game at both coordinates being -208:
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Re: [1.1.61] Pipe Graphic Glitch on Specific Coordinates

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. I was not able to reproduce anything when I tried. Do you have a save file that shows the issue? Also, can you show me what graphics settings you're using?
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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Re: [1.1.61] Pipe Graphic Glitch on Specific Coordinates

Post by xaetral »

Thank you for looking into it.
I attached an example save, you have nothing to do except pressing ctrl+F9 then scrolling one step up.
Also here are my graphical settings:
graphical_settings.jpg (104.58 KiB) Viewed 1281 times

From what I have tried the fullscreen/windowed option, the resolution of the viewport and the flip/blit option do not matter.
I confirm that the issue is still present in 1.1.80 still at the same -167 coordinates.
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