I need to kill the process or hit ctrl-c twice on the command line.
2635.545 Quitting: user-quit.
^C2645.843 Received SIGINT, shutting down
^C2648.155 Received second SIGINT, terminating immediately
2635.545 Quitting: user-quit.
^C2645.843 Received SIGINT, shutting down
^C2648.155 Received second SIGINT, terminating immediately
Code: Select all
48.262 Script @__resourceMarker__/control.lua:42: The english.lua table missing `se-holmium-ore`
59.359 Script @__resourceMarker__/control.lua:42: The english.lua table missing `se-cryonite`
138.954 Quitting: user-quit.
Code: Select all
292.776 Quitting: user-quit.
294.412 Goodbye
Code: Select all
13.031 Quitting: user-quit.
^C 17.581 Received SIGINT, shutting down
^C 21.533 Received second SIGINT, terminating immediately
1.1.62 uses the ALSA driver, 1.1.63 and newer also has PulseAudio driver, which is used by default.
Code: Select all