I say infinite loop, because the inserter is constantly stuttering slightly, as if it's trying to pickup an item, but the item disappeared (to the underground exit) just before the inserter grabbed it. It reminds me a bit of for example Burner inserters trying to pickup from a fullspeed red belt. The belt in question is being fed with a vanilla loader and thus should be fully compressed. Also, the science setup I'm testing uses about 72% of the belt (100% / 1.4), and because all inserters on the belt face the same direction, one half of the belt is fully used and thus flows at max speed. The inserters that get stuck and become unable to pickup items are the first one or two, which will always see a fully saturated, full speed belt lane.
I've included the test save on which this occured (it's a sandbox game). The camera should be centered already on the inserter in question that's stuck. While I tried saving and reloading the game with the inserter stuck, the behavior continued even after reloading, so you should be able to instantly see the problematic behavior. I've also tested the same setup, rotated by 180deg, which had the same problems. A little bit north in the provided map you can see a second red science setup where I've reversed the belt, letting the inserters pickup from the underground *exit* instead. This setup doesn't seem to ever get stuck. This leads me to think that maybe the problem has to do with the different pickup rates for inserters depending on what type of belt configuration they pickup from (see https://wiki.factorio.com/Inserters#Bel ... nserter.29).
What did you do: Have a stack inserter pickup items from an underground belt, with the inserter in front of the underground belt.
What happened: After shortly working properly, he inserter seems to get stuck and can no longer pickup items until the top lane of the belt stops flowing at full speed, or is no longer fully compressed.
What did you expect to happen instead: The inserter to continue to pickup items normally. The stack inserter should easily have enough speed to pickup from a blue belt, and its underground and splitter versions. While there is slight variation in the inserter speed depending on the belt configuration, this shouldn't affect the inserter performance in such a binary way.
How to reproduce: Simply load up the provided save file. More detailed explanation above.
Reproduction rate: always, and persists through save/load.
Screenshot: (can't really show the problem, but does show part of the setup used)