Games Like Factorio

Things that are not directly connected with Factorio.
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Re: Games Like Factorio

Post by blazespinnaker »

Koub wrote: Mon Jun 15, 2020 7:32 pm Heavy inspiration is heavy. I guess that's the price to pay when one creates a game so good and innovative that it gives birth to a new genre bearing the game's name.
Doom-like, Diablo-like, ... Now, people create "Factorio-like" games.
Yeap. But it's OK, I think, in my way of looking at things. This is pure flattery. They are at least decent enough to steal and not just borrow.

Would be nice if they coughed up some royalties tho. Got to underwrite factorio expansion kit somehow!

As for Dyson Sphere Program, I was initially extremely excited when I saw this, but after some review I have to say while it looks like all idea and no execution.

it looks more original concept wise than satisfactory, which is good. I mean, they're not just bloating on 3d graphics.

But I really didn't see anything particularly interesting or new in terms of game play. Just a lot of fancy graphics.

That said, I think they are onto the right idea (universe scale!), but I doubt they will have budget or talent to do it correctly. Too much obsession with eye candy and not enough with mechanics.

If I were them, I'd suggest forgetting everything they knew about factorio and pull some a bunch of hard sci books off the shelves. There's some really great universe building stories out there which they could start looking at for new ideas.

I think some kind of combination of starcraft and civ would be what I'd go for, RTS and PVE but with the civilization / economy building aspect on a universe scale.

To be frank, DSP seems like someone had a very cool idea for a game and then some well meaning idiot came along and said "oh can we make it like factorio??"

I mean seriously:
Screenshot 2021-01-30 005400.png
Screenshot 2021-01-30 005400.png (981.79 KiB) Viewed 19034 times

At least they are wise enough to utilize isometric and not fps, I'll give them that.
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Re: Games Like Factorio

Post by Hoodier »

I'd like to play Rim world. Is it difficult?
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Re: Games Like Factorio

Post by Kyralessa »

Hoodier wrote: Mon Mar 08, 2021 8:22 am I'd like to play Rim world. Is it difficult?
It has a "peaceful" mode where you don't get raided. There are still a few minor threats (e.g. the occasional angry animal attack), but nothing that can't easily be dealt with, especially if you're playing in the default mode (three colonists starting out with some weapons and equipment).
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Re: Games Like Factorio

Post by Hannu »

blazespinnaker wrote: Sat Jan 30, 2021 8:31 am
Yeap. But it's OK, I think, in my way of looking at things. This is pure flattery. They are at least decent enough to steal and not just borrow.

Would be nice if they coughed up some royalties tho. Got to underwrite factorio expansion kit somehow!

As for Dyson Sphere Program, I was initially extremely excited when I saw this, but after some review I have to say while it looks like all idea and no execution.
The basic idea of Factorio is so realistic that it is impossible to avoid in logistic games. Processing machines, conveyor belts, fluid pipes, robotic hands, drones, trains. etc. It is like car games. There is million car race games too, which are practically very similar.

In my opinion better thing in DSP compared to Factorio is more different biomes. DSP does not utilise possibilities well, for example use temperature, radiation and atmospheric effects to entities into account, but different planets have different resources and you are rewarded if you explore and make logistics from further away. There is also rare resources unlike Factorio, in which every raw materials is about as valuable (very abundant at normal settings). Dyson sphere program has also 3D.

But Factorio has liquids, automation controls, trains, defense aspects and far better building tools (blueprints). It gives also more options to different games, like railworlds, defense weighted games etc. Dyson Sphere Program is a good game, in my opinion worth of its price, but I probably never play more than 2 or 3 games, if devs will not bring something new content and much better tools to build large factories. I am now at endgame phase of my first game (150 h), wait that I get Dyson sphere around B-class stars completed.
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Re: Games Like Factorio

Post by Challenger007 »

Hannu wrote: Tue Mar 09, 2021 9:55 am
blazespinnaker wrote: Sat Jan 30, 2021 8:31 am
Yeap. But it's OK, I think, in my way of looking at things. This is pure flattery. They are at least decent enough to steal and not just borrow.

Would be nice if they coughed up some royalties tho. Got to underwrite factorio expansion kit somehow!

As for Dyson Sphere Program, I was initially extremely excited when I saw this, but after some review I have to say while it looks like all idea and no execution.
The basic idea of Factorio is so realistic that it is impossible to avoid in logistic games. Processing machines, conveyor belts, fluid pipes, robotic hands, drones, trains. etc. It is like car games. There is million car race games too, which are practically very similar.

In my opinion better thing in DSP compared to Factorio is more different biomes. DSP does not utilise possibilities well, for example use temperature, radiation and atmospheric effects to entities into account, but different planets have different resources and you are rewarded if you explore and make logistics from further away. There is also rare resources unlike Factorio, in which every raw materials is about as valuable (very abundant at normal settings). Dyson sphere program has also 3D.

But Factorio has liquids, automation controls, trains, defense aspects and far better building tools (blueprints). It gives also more options to different games, like railworlds, defense weighted games etc. Dyson Sphere Program is a good game, in my opinion worth of its price, but I probably never play more than 2 or 3 games, if devs will not bring something new content and much better tools to build large factories. I am now at endgame phase of my first game (150 h), wait that I get Dyson sphere around B-class stars completed.
Realism and detail in 2021 is a basic requirement for games, in my opinion. It is extremely problematic to come up with a completely new plot, but it is possible to think over the details. And another cool thing is that there is a choice of development in the game. Factorio is good in this regard, although there is something to improve, in my opinion. There are no boundaries for perfection.
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Re: Games Like Factorio

Post by nicolaasvanwaveren »

New game will be launching soon, Captain of Industry. Look like if it has a lot of potential. I think any Factorio fan will also enjoy this game.
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Re: Games Like Factorio

Post by FuryoftheStars »

nicolaasvanwaveren wrote: Tue Dec 07, 2021 7:45 am New game will be launching soon, Captain of Industry. Look like if it has a lot of potential. I think any Factorio fan will also enjoy this game.

Edit: After looking at it a bit more, though, it seems like it's only an island hopper with simple naval combat only (at the moment). Hope some of that changes.
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Re: Games Like Factorio

Post by doryjoge »

Mindustry,Satisfactory, Automation Empire, Going Medieval, Post Master are the ones I know that are similar to Factorio.
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Post by tuhe »

I stumbled on this on reddit and it is both infuriating and hilarious.

Manufactory is a factorio-type game but with build-in crypto-derp. The idea is that as you play, you mine a special and totally not worthless cryptocurrency ($MNFT), and the game will then reward you for holding the currency (by giving you loot boxes in proportion to how much currency you hold) but at the same time the currency deflates every month by (as far as I can tell) 60%... I'd call it budget Factorio with monthly payments and lootboxes, but I think it is much simpler to call it a way to scam investors.

The website is a treasure trove. This is their roadmap: ... 0cc87e51b2
It does not actually say they are developing an engine or a game; right now they are supposed to be developing an "upgraded white paper", and then in Q1 an alpha version will materialize from nothing

It is not for lack of people. The team consists of 20 people, although some have really sketchy social media profiles:

When you want to rip off factorio but don't want to buy the game you get this description: ... 37eaaede0b

The game has raised 1.3M (they claim). I wonder if this is the old or upgraded version of the whitepaper: ... 705dd0d06b
(The engineer has 100HP and I can change his colors! Where do I pre-order?)

Their idea for multiplayer is to let you run your own little pyramid scam on your friends. ... 13e41c2dd1

In more seriousness, I think it is a problem they ripped off factorios logo to such a degree it might create an association between this and factorio.
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Re: Games Like Factorio

Post by ssilk »

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Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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Re: Games Like Factorio

Post by dorfl »

Factropy is in this space: Indie, WIP, free demo. Factory simulation genre tropes abound.

Two parts Factorio, one part Satisfactory, a dash of Supreme Commander and a bunch of loose ideas a certain solo developer failed to mod into one of those games. The overall aim is to explore only those uses of 3D that enhance the basic idea of a base spreading over a flat 2D build grid.

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Re: Games Like Factorio

Post by Blacky007 »

My color birthday was May 2nd 2020 - Thank you Enchroma
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Re: Games Like Factorio

Post by Twinsen »

Pretty good "Factorio lite" for mobile.
Doesn't have ridiculous micro-transactions(for now?), just 5$ to unlock the rest of the campaign and freeplay, and donations.

I played the first 2 missions on a phone and it scratched the Factorio itch. ... l=en&gl=US
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Re: Games Like Factorio

Post by Hannu »

nicolaasvanwaveren wrote: Tue Dec 07, 2021 7:45 am New game will be launching soon, Captain of Industry. Look like if it has a lot of potential. I think any Factorio fan will also enjoy this game.
I have played Captain of Industry about 100 hours now and like the game very much. I would say that many Factorio fans would like but not all. COI has much more colony surviving aspect than Factorio with default settings. It is easy to fall in death spiral or at least the situation very difficult to recover. There is also much more micromanaging and grinding in COI. Similar exponential growth is not possible.
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