[2.0.23] Unpowered Beacons still factored into square root deminishing returns calculation

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[2.0.23] Unpowered Beacons still factored into square root deminishing returns calculation

Post by HomoSapien »

What did you do?

Placed an assembler set to copper wire with two beacons with speed module 2 in them, one on each side, and connected only the left one to power.

What happened?

The assembler received a +64% speed boost, instead of the expected 90% with one beacon.

What did you expect to happen instead? It might be obvious to you, but do it anyway!

The assembler receives a 90% speed boost from one beacon with 2x30% speed modules.

Does it happen always, once, or sometimes?

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Re: [2.0.23] Unpowered Beacons still factored into square root deminishing returns calculation

Post by Hares »

As was published in FFF-409: Diminishing beacons, beacons have lower effect when they are affecting the same entity. It looks that, for optimization purposes, unpowered beacons still contribute to that diminishing returns policy.
12-08-2024, 03-07-12.png
12-08-2024, 03-07-12.png (142.32 KiB) Viewed 86 times
Powering the second beacon results in +127% speed, which is approx. 1.41x better than one beacon.
12-08-2024, 03-08-06.png
12-08-2024, 03-08-06.png (127.32 KiB) Viewed 86 times
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