Chunk-aligned modular railway system with LTN Stations

Smart setups of railway stations, intelligent routing, solutions to complex train-routing problems.
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Re: Chunk-aligned modular railway system with LTN Stations

Post by Salty Wagyu »

Odhrean, could you explain the numbers on the LTN 3 unloading BP? Specifically, S * 368 and S * -40? I want to adjust the requester amount to a lower value at one of the stations rather than fill up 8 chests completely (solid fuel for the smelters, which is a bit too much).
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Re: Chunk-aligned modular railway system with LTN Stations

Post by Salty Wagyu »

This station keeps returning iron ore back to the depot, I'm not sure why? After an hour I found 1.2k ore there, also the chests are unloading unevenly with the provided 8 8 balancer, some of the chests are showing a 2k difference between them.
Screenshot 2017-11-03 23.40.28.png
Screenshot 2017-11-03 23.40.28.png (3.54 MiB) Viewed 13362 times
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Re: Chunk-aligned modular railway system with LTN Stations

Post by bunnyman14 »

HELP ... 1201946947

I cannot find where on the Mining Station where to put the item it provides! It's Aluminum Ore (bauxite) from Bob's Mods. I have a Depot that tells me that nothing provides the Bauxite, and the Bauxite won't insert into the cargo bay. Does it need to be connected to the depot at my base?
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Re: Chunk-aligned modular railway system with LTN Stations

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bunnyman14 wrote:HELP ... 1201946947

I cannot find where on the Mining Station where to put the item it provides! It's Aluminum Ore (bauxite) from Bob's Mods. I have a Depot that tells me that nothing provides the Bauxite, and the Bauxite won't insert into the cargo bay. Does it need to be connected to the depot at my base?
If it couldent see the brux in the LTN network, it would not have sent a train to pick it up. If it sees the brux and sent a train and it is not loading whne stoped at station then maybe you have wagon signal not matching the wagons you used in the train. I know bob's have upgraded wagons and they all have diff signals for them in LTN. That looks like hte outpost station that requests maintenance goods first, like walls, turets and stuff before allowing the LTN to send the 4 cargo train. Hard to tell what the problem is from that screenshot alone. Mouseover the pole near the green light and see what all the signals are there, this will tell you what is going on at the station.
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Re: Chunk-aligned modular railway system with LTN Stations

Post by Xzoh »

Hey, I am having some trouble. I got my unloading stations all setup properly and they run fine. The only downside is that even if 1 slot of a chest isnt filled it calls a whole train of ore. Which then unloads the 1 stack and goes back to the depot and the excess ore is then put into my system which I dont want to happen since its 24K per train. Any solutions?
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Re: Chunk-aligned modular railway system with LTN Stations

Post by mkaito »

Xzoh wrote:Hey, I am having some trouble. I got my unloading stations all setup properly and they run fine. The only downside is that even if 1 slot of a chest isnt filled it calls a whole train of ore. Which then unloads the 1 stack and goes back to the depot and the excess ore is then put into my system which I dont want to happen since its 24K per train. Any solutions?
One of the arithmetic combinators should output a request threshold. If not, your blueprint is faulty. I've had this happen to me when placing the blueprint before researching LTN tech, and when my blueprints got corrupted when loading a save with LTN mod disabled (although this should be fixed in 0.16 now).
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Re: Chunk-aligned modular railway system with LTN Stations

Post by Xzoh »

mkaito wrote:
Xzoh wrote:Hey, I am having some trouble. I got my unloading stations all setup properly and they run fine. The only downside is that even if 1 slot of a chest isnt filled it calls a whole train of ore. Which then unloads the 1 stack and goes back to the depot and the excess ore is then put into my system which I dont want to happen since its 24K per train. Any solutions?
One of the arithmetic combinators should output a request threshold. If not, your blueprint is faulty. I've had this happen to me when placing the blueprint before researching LTN tech, and when my blueprints got corrupted when loading a save with LTN mod disabled (although this should be fixed in 0.16 now).
Ok new problem. I have one station that I laid exactly from the blueprint for an unload station. The station is 100% full but it keeps calling in full trains of ore to go and sit there and then get emptied into my system. I have close to 300K copper ore because of it this issue? But here is the weird catch, its only this station, all the other stations I placed work fine except this one.
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Re: Chunk-aligned modular railway system with LTN Stations

Post by Ringkeeper »

Xzoh wrote:
mkaito wrote:
Xzoh wrote:Hey, I am having some trouble. I got my unloading stations all setup properly and they run fine. The only downside is that even if 1 slot of a chest isnt filled it calls a whole train of ore. Which then unloads the 1 stack and goes back to the depot and the excess ore is then put into my system which I dont want to happen since its 24K per train. Any solutions?
One of the arithmetic combinators should output a request threshold. If not, your blueprint is faulty. I've had this happen to me when placing the blueprint before researching LTN tech, and when my blueprints got corrupted when loading a save with LTN mod disabled (although this should be fixed in 0.16 now).
Ok new problem. I have one station that I laid exactly from the blueprint for an unload station. The station is 100% full but it keeps calling in full trains of ore to go and sit there and then get emptied into my system. I have close to 300K copper ore because of it this issue? But here is the weird catch, its only this station, all the other stations I placed work fine except this one.

wrong stack size? That happens if you set the wrong size per stack, f.e. if you have modded 100 per stack ore in mind but play "vanilla" where its only 50 :) Or green/red circuit -> blue circuit... one is 200, other 100
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Re: Chunk-aligned modular railway system with LTN Stations

Post by SHaFT7 »

I have a working LTN setup using all 1-2 (LCC) trains. I tried using the universal provider and universal requester to get 50 med poles. I put the item count in as -50 in the constant combinator in place of one of the x=1 signals. I can't get the schedule to be made. Does this not work with 1-2 trains?

EDIT: Figured it out. looks like my minimum threshold has to be -200, then it worked fine. Can it not use less than that?
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Re: Chunk-aligned modular railway system with LTN Stations

Post by SHaFT7 »

Question2: The Mining Outpost B. I put it down, but I really just want it to be a requester for repair/supplies, not a mining outpost as well. I got it to deliver a load by getting my max/min train length to 3 instead of 4 (for my LCC train). It froze when it got the med poles out of the first wagon. it won't change the filter to anything else and everything else just sits there. Also, there's only an unload on the first wagon, not all of them, so I'm assuming it'll never unload the 2nd wagon, but it looks like it's calling for a LCCC train by default, so how does this work?

EDIT: figured out part of it. If I unload the med poles from the 2nd wagon, it switches to the next items, large poles, and then freezes again when it gets all of them from the first wagon. This leads me to believe that it is designed for LC trains, or it's just missing the unloaders on the other wagons? (and the filter inserters to bring bots over to the roboport...)

EDIT2: I manually added the unload portion to the 2nd wagon, and it started working like normal. at least that part is good, but I still wonder if the blueprint has problems as it's calling for a LCCC train but can only unload a LC train, unless i'm mis-reading it.
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Re: Chunk-aligned modular railway system with LTN Stations

Post by Ringkeeper »

EDIT: Figured it out. looks like my minimum threshold has to be -200, then it worked fine. Can it not use less than that?
Change threshold? :D I have requester where i request 50 items with threshold of 20 ^^ works also with low amounts.

For your second question, i'm atm not ingame so can't check, but Outpost B has 2 stops as far as i remember. One for loading LCCCC and one for unloading LC(C?) with supplies.
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Re: Chunk-aligned modular railway system with LTN Stations

Post by SHaFT7 »

figured it out, yeah the threshold was 200. I finally found where I can change that.
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Re: Chunk-aligned modular railway system with LTN Stations

Post by mstrstewart »

HI, Im new to forums, so i dont know the best way to show you my problem.
I tried using the uranium mine outpost station, but have a major issue. The station correctly requests the sulfuric acid, but will not send out the signal that it has uranium to be picked up. My chests are full and i still see the LTN notification that there is no station supplying uranium. I have turned off the combinators requesting outpost items also.
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Universal Provider Problem (probably PEBKAC)

Post by mstrstewart »

I appreciate the work put into these stations. By bulk transports are going well. However, I have run into an issue with universal providers.

I have built multiple universal requesters at various outposts. Then, I built one universal provider near the mall i built in my main base, well within a well stocked bot network. Almost all items are stored in at least one passive provider chest or storage chest. At first, I didn't set the provide threshold low enough that the requesters would generate a train request, but no stations were found to supply. After finally figuring that out, the LTN sends a train to the universal provider, but the train sits there for a minute or two, waiting to be loaded, then leaves without any cargo, goes to the station that was requesting, and then returns to depot. I assume it has to do with how the logic circuits control what the requester chests at the universal provider, but can't figure it out. also, what are the active providers at the universal provider station for. thanks in advance
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Re: Chunk-aligned modular railway system with LTN Stations

Post by SHaFT7 »

GPS wrote:I'm using the LTN-Bulk Unload-Front-B blueprint, and I'm having trouble understanding the circuit logic. The behavior I'm seeing is that, even when the chests are all full, the trains are still stacking up with 8k Copper Ore, in my case.

I've been tracing the circuits, and one of them is multiplying the Stack size (S) by 1,472, but I can't figure out where that number comes from. It isn't the number of stacks in my <LCCCC<L trains (4*40 = 160), nor the number of slots in the chests (4*2*48=384), nor the item counts based on the stack size (8000 and 19,200, respectively). The net result is that the station is requesting 73k ore, but it can't absorb that much, so I wind up with a lot of trains waiting with full ore loads that can't offload fast enough.

What am I missing? I can provide screenshots, if needed. Thanks!
I'd love to figure out the same thing. Right now i'm testing cutting the number in half to 736 with my modified <LCCC setup.
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Re: Chunk-aligned modular railway system with LTN Stations

Post by Josephstock95 »

Hi all. sorry for a very basic question I'm just getting started with LTN. Thank you for the amazing blueprint book and the logic associated with the plug and play designs. I just have no idea how to name the stations. Are they assigned or sequential or what. Thanks.
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Re: Chunk-aligned modular railway system with LTN Stations

Post by PrometheusX »

I seem to have broken my whole LTN network. I built one of your LTN Mine Outpost B and since then, my LTN stopped working:

- It doesnt send any notifications, even though I activated debug level + level 3 of messages.
- It isnt responding to things that usually worked, like requesting things, or depot ing trains, etc.

I have the feeling, that the combinators in the outpost got my LTN into trouble.
Is there anybody who has an idea how to repair my map?

I cant deactivate LTN and sync the map, it gets corrupted then.
So its a little like I cannot go back or further.
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Re: Chunk-aligned modular railway system with LTN Stations

Post by Yinyang107 »

I see the non-bulk unloading stations for smaller trains, but where are the loading stations to match?
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Re: Chunk-aligned modular railway system with LTN Stations

Post by nuhll »

Im tryin your blueprint book for firs ttime.

Depot is clear.

But stations, you say replace this with this.

You mean like right click remove it and add new? Or how should it look?

Its not clear to me how u need to do it. I want to request 20000 iron, so i removed the 2. signal and put there -20.000 iron. The other is the stack, so i put 200 there?! No S and X there anymore, is that correct!?!?
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Re: Chunk-aligned modular railway system with LTN Stations

Post by mrvn »

Salty Wagyu wrote:This station keeps returning iron ore back to the depot, I'm not sure why? After an hour I found 1.2k ore there, also the chests are unloading unevenly with the provided 8 8 balancer, some of the chests are showing a 2k difference between them.
That difference might be the cause. If the chests are unbalanced the unloading can take too long and the train gives up and leaves.
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