No the pipe has still a fluid-box of 200, something else changed.BlueTemplar wrote: Thu Oct 03, 2019 8:27 pm That's just the expected change from increasing pipe size ?
Anyways i had a different idea, how many Steam turbines you can now passthrough out of a tank with a pump? Its an increadible 88 now. so a bit more then 0.5GW out of one compressed steam tank. 78 with 2 iron (200) pipes
64 with 4 pipes
53 with 6 pipes
48 with 8 pipes
45 with 10 pipes
43 with 12 pipes
41 with 14 pipes
81 with 2 (800size stone) pipe
74 with 2 (400size modded plastic) pipe

78 with 2 iron (200) pipes
50 with 2 (100size copper ) pipe
So lets say: even with a moderate optimized reactor arrangement you can easily passthrough around 40 Turbines now...
Ok i tried a bit around and found an interesting "issue". The infinite pipe can be set to a fixed pressure. and usually 100% pressure mean the pipe is full.
I connected it to all 4 pipes with interesting results: actual/max
copper: 100/100
iron: 111/200
plastic 400/400
stone: 411/800
This correlates to above findings, that the plastic pipe is kinda odd to the others .
So it appears you enabled the iron and stone pipe to "compress" their contents to about 200% pressure. Which then make them like 2 as good than a vanilla pipe.
Sine the pump can still fill a iron or stone pipe easily to their max level, it will indeed increase the flow speed dramatically