You can test my mod, I think that the interface is quite friendly for the moment, with subgroups and items, like in the classic game.It would be nice to make a user-friendly interface, so that would be more convenient to buy) all the products from all the mods.
I'm afraid I do not want this : for me, one purpose of this mod is to avoid some technology developement and to focus on other ones (ex: focus on rocket production, but avoid military technos). Buying only things that you have discovered is NOT realistic : on a market you can buy ANYthing you want, if you have the money. And the limitation to "cheating" will be the money : prices are exponential with technology, so you won't be able to buy high-end techno items while selling lower ones. You won't have enough money.And by the way there is an idea that I have to buy could be just what is already learned or discovered in technologies for realism and less cheating.
and buying resources could also be.