first I want to thank the creators of Factorio: you made an aswesome game!! (this is my first post

After some time it got kinda boring (even with biters). So I decided to make my own mod.
What does it do
- Use bob's ores as basis
- Ore crusher and pulverizer to process raw ore and stone
- Process by-products (gravel, dirt, slag), eg. to create concrete, landfill, stone bricks
- Removed hand-crafting, added burner assembling machine instead
- Cokery to transform wood to coal
- Water well pump to pump up water even in deserts
- Biofarm to produce trees
- Bio reactor to produce seedlings and fertilizers
- Terraform: build land on water tiles
- Plant trees
If you use in combination with mojo-advanced-tech (, you also get new recipes: - Updated recipes: new products and updated recipes for vanilla items (eg. tungsten ore to wires for lights)
Dependency: base >= 0.12.3", bobores >= 0.12.7
Licence: GPL v3

I primarely created this mod for myself, but I hope you enjoy it as well. Feedback is welcome.
I used a lot of stuff of other mod creators, especially graphics. Kudos to all of you guys. I take no credit for that stuff. And thanks for providing it to the community.