[WIP][0.12.22+] Subsurfaces 0.0.4 : build beneath your base
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Re: [WIP][0.12.22+] Subsurfaces 0.0.4 : build beneath your base
When using this on a map with limited dimensions (in my case, a ribbon with height=128), the underground layers still allow digging out to infinity.
Edit: Also, i'm planning to build a fairly large underground computer, possibly on multiple layers. Any chance you could make a standalone electric+signal pole that bridges layers? It's a bit awkward to use the full player elevator every time I want to move a signal!
Edit: Also, i'm planning to build a fairly large underground computer, possibly on multiple layers. Any chance you could make a standalone electric+signal pole that bridges layers? It's a bit awkward to use the full player elevator every time I want to move a signal!
Re: [WIP][0.12.22+] Subsurfaces 0.0.4 : build beneath your base
Yup, I know, it is in my toFix listjustarandomgeek wrote:When using this on a map with limited dimensions (in my case, a ribbon with height=128), the underground layers still allow digging out to infinity.
I could probably do that yes!justarandomgeek wrote: Edit: Also, i'm planning to build a fairly large underground computer, possibly on multiple layers. Any chance you could make a standalone electric+signal pole that bridges layers? It's a bit awkward to use the full player elevator every time I want to move a signal!
also, ribban worlds are much more fun if they are less than 32 high!
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Re: [WIP][0.12.22+] Subsurfaces 0.0.4 : build beneath your base
Awesome! I'm on a ribbon more for the linearity of it than the size restriction. I didn't like the lack of direction in the normal infinite-world map, so I played with different size ribbons until I found a size I liked, and specifically chose a map with water all the way across one end of the starting area. Of course, I've now dug under the water to the other side, but I'm not currently planning to actually expand there... It's also handy for building my self-configuring combinator network, I can just use the station's X coordinate as it's unique ID!StanFear wrote: Yup, I know, it is in my toFix list
I could probably do that yes!
also, ribban worlds are much more fun if they are less than 32 high!
I've also noticed that drills on the bottom chunk (I think? below the last thick gridline, 32 tiles) seem to hang on "stabilizing hole". The other three rows all work fine so far.
EDIT: Also, is there any faster way to clear large underground areas than riding back and forth on the mobile borer? This feels painfully slow, and feels like maybe I'm missing something...
Re: [WIP][0.12.22+] Subsurfaces 0.0.4 : build beneath your base
sadly, it seems to be a bug ...justarandomgeek wrote: I've also noticed that drills on the bottom chunk (I think? below the last thick gridline, 32 tiles) seem to hang on "stabilizing hole". The other three rows all work fine so far.
if you d'ont fear a HUGE ups drop, you can enable the automated digging bots (see first post)justarandomgeek wrote: EDIT: Also, is there any faster way to clear large underground areas than riding back and forth on the mobile borer? This feels painfully slow, and feels like maybe I'm missing something...
but it's still a WIP so ...
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Re: [WIP][0.12.22+] Subsurfaces 0.0.4 : build beneath your base
StanFear wrote: if you d'ont fear a HUGE ups drop, you can enable the automated digging bots (see first post)
but it's still a WIP so ...
I tried it, and it works fine until there's nothing marked to dig, which is when the slowdown happens. As soon as I mark something else to dig (or remove the deployment centers), it speeds back up.
Re: [WIP][0.12.22+] Subsurfaces 0.0.4 : build beneath your base
Ah, well now you have my recipe file!StanFear wrote:just because it is a WIP mod and I don't want to have to mine a lot of stuff just to be able to test one functionnalityVas wrote:Also, why is every single item 2 iron plates? I'm trying to balance out the recipes right now.

Technically, it wouldn't be "small entities" taking less space. These would be one way entities. It goes up or down, and only in one direction. So you'd need 8 of them to go in all 4 directions both up and down. Consider it the first stage before you unlock the 2x2 version that can transport up and down at the same time which you currently have.StanFear wrote:As of 0.12.33, it is not possible to have non squared rotatable entites so a 2x1 entity is not possible (I could probably think a a way around the limitation but it would add too many lines to the coding and the end result would not be satisfying).Vas wrote:I'd also like to see a small version of this item elevator. Perhaps one that just takes two blocks of space max, where it has a one way path. Place one at the top end that points in a direction, and place one at the bottom flipped with the arrow pointing towards the belt. Basically it would be one belt and one underground belt, that would be the entire graphic. Same for a fluid transport, only a bit different. A small 1x1 sized buffer tank that stores 1/8th the MK1 tank with only one side with a pipe on it, though I've not used the fluid elevator yet so I don't know how it works.
as for the small tank, I don't think I will add a 1x1 entity for that, maybe a 2x2 but not smaller, don't forget that it needs to be able to push liquids on level up, so it needs some kind of internal pump, and in a 1x1 entity, there wouldn't be enough place
and ... I don't really like the idea of small entities that don't use space when it should
I was under the assumption that turning something into a configurable variable would be easy, and if you have it in the config file, simply set it at what you want it to be and anyone who DLs the mod for normal use will unlikely change it, but anyone like me who wants to fine tune it, won't have to go digging around in the files to figure out how to change stuff. I myself am not sure how to make something a config option so I dunno how hard it is, but I hope that you do decide to make it a configurable option soon.StanFear wrote:yeah, sorry, my code is not the simplest ...Vas wrote: I can't understand the code used in this mod, so I am unable to find and make some changes myself.
1. Digging needs to take longer, could you put that in a config file?
DigDuration = x
2. Digging needs to take more power. Would you also put that in the config file?
DigPower = "50kW" (current takes 50)
I've set it to 500 myself. "energy_usage = "500kW"," in the entities file.
3. I am unable to find out how you rendered these entrances and elevators. I wanted to alter the tunnel entrance and exit to move the big power pole to the center again like in the image up top but I failed at that.
1 and 2. same reason as the recipe being all 2 iron plates, the mod is still a WIP project so I don't want to have to wait on minute to go to the underground (or even more)
the time and power needed will be changed but I don't think they'll be configurable.
3. I actually fixed it in the non released version, you can use the entity.luafrom the github repository to fix it (it's actually just the pole that has a problem, and the belts are other entities)
You could have a tunneler make a "hole" spot, where the light level of the current time hits the ground normally, maybe even 30% brighter, so that you can find where the tunnel exit used to be and have either a tool like some grappling hook or portable ladders in inventory (much like how you use the ion cannon), while standing on that spot to exit the tunnel.StanFear wrote:Yes, it has already been discussed before, I will add a way to go back up when all entrences have been destroyed.Vas wrote:I've noticed two things today. I accidentally hit my tunnel exit when in the mobile bore destroying it, causing me o permanently be stuck down here forever. The other thing is, if you build a drill in the sub surface, it works and makes a second level of subsurface.
A suggestion for fixing these is to build a craftable tunnel exit that can only be placed in the subsurface to go up one level of subsurface territory.
it might be an escape pod or stairs, I don't know yet, but it'll be added at some point
How about this then? Config options where "max-levels=-1" (negative one) means infinite, and you still add the textures but they change only at certain levels deep. For example, when you get 5 levels deep, you get into a rocky stone cavern type area and when 100 levels deep, you hit the magma type rock. With more config options!StanFear wrote:hum... no!Vas wrote: Another suggestion is to make the second level subsurface a different texture, like the first one is dirt and rock, make the next one stone and rock.
A tier 3 subsurface could be darker and darker. Tier 5 could be molten rock and allow you to go no further.
I won't limit the number of layers there are, I could, but I won't, and because I wan't the game to be able to handle any number of layers, I can't change the graphics on each new level (that would mean having an infinite amount of ground an wall tiles in the mod, which, is not possible, and even if it was, would make the mod way to big.
This meaning, you only need 5 texture packs for those levels. Stone and DarkStone output stone when mined, Obsidian and HeatedObsidian output Obsidian, Magma produces a mix of those two with damage to the vehicle while mining.
Depending on how it looks when I try, I could make the textures for this.
Don't forget my favorite thing, configs! Just like in the last one that lets you set the percentage of light lost at certain levels.StanFear wrote:having differents light levels on each levels is not possible yet (it will be in 0.13) but as soon as it is, the light level on each layers will change the deeper you go!Vas wrote: I'd also like to suggest that there is no light in a second level subsurface or deeper, that you require using lights to light the path.
Vents should be half as effective per level meaning at a Level 5, a vent will only work 3.125% as efficient.
LightLevel1=0.15 (15% loss)
LightLevel2=0.2 (20% loss of the level above it)
LightLevel3 to LightLevel10 would be something like 25% loss each making the total light from the sky 9.08% of normal. You wouldn't need to add pas 10 because anything after would continue using 10's value and decrease 25% each (or whatever the user gave it)
At the very least, a single config option to set how much light is lost per level;
LightLossPerLevel=0.15 (15% each level)
Can you fill me in on what those consequences would be? I'm just curious is all.StanFear wrote:using ghosts would have undesired conséquences so this solution won't be used, but I have an idea that might be just fineVas wrote: One further idea I had is instead of forcing the structures in the way of an item to be deleted or destroyed, when placing an item on one surface or the other, is to give the player the item that needs to be placed on the other side in his inventory and place a ghost on the other side that lasts an infinite amount of time. Give it say 500 hours of life. If there is a structure in the way, or something blocking it, emit an error in the console and tell the player they must move their object. In the event that it is a drill, scan below where you want to place the other end at and check if it is buildable before the drill begins digging. If there is an object, don't let the drill dig and emit the same error.
I hope that my input and ideas have helped you plan out your next update to the mod.
This is good, I don't think that pollution should be pushed down because that allows for exploiting like pumping all surface pollution underground where aliens will be unaffected. Unless you're evil enough to add random cave bases. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!StanFear wrote:@flabort, Yes, I won't add the air vent that take the pollution down a level, still havn't read a good enough reason
One random thought of an idea, but you could make oxygen across the entire sublevel fall till it hits zero, and only when a player is within range of a fan that brings air down to them, will they be able to breathe, giving them a 60 second buffer of oxygen before they take any damage when they leave the range of that fan. (with research, fan range can be increased by a max of 50%, 10% per level for 5 levels, and breathing time can be increased by 30 seconds per level, 5 levels)StanFear wrote:@Vas, indeed, the air is based on pollution level, to be albe to not use it, I would have to recreate the pollution system, with small modifications, but then, it would be really performance heavy (even more than it is right now) so... I won't do it. although, I would love to be able to take the oxygens level into account, and have to pump air down, etc... but it won't be done.
Lastly, oxygen tanks, like the oxygen mod uses which aren't used while within range of a fan. The starting timer for oxygen is so that the player can do a few things underground before they need to start making these fans.
EDIT: Just had another idea, it would be nice if we could use anti-pollution. You know of a game called Creeper World? Creep, is a liquid that has a positive number, AntiCreep, is a liquid that has a negative number. If the two liquids hit each other, they null each other out based on their number. So if we could get antipollution into the game and call it air, setting it to a negative number, making air vents produce that negative number, that could function as air.

Another suggestion I might add here, is a small tower that you place, and you use a tool on it (like the colored gear tool you use in the forcefield mod) to open an interface that lets you specify an area you want dug out with two options in it, planning mode only (which uses the digging bots by placing those planned dig spots for you) or mobile bore mode, which requires you to place a mobile bore into its inventory and fuel to keep it powered while it extracts rock from the area its size was set to (and in the same way you upgrade forcefield range, you can upgrade the range at which it is able to go), this thing will have an inventory on it so that it can take all the stone collected from mining. It won't actually drive a bore around however, its just something you can put in there as a requirement till we come up with a better item to use as a requirement. Simply it will just mine the next nearest wall within its range until it hits the max range, consuming some amount of fuel per wall mined and it would be able to export the stone collected into a chest should you have a smart inserter next to it set to pull stone out while leaving fuel and the mining bore in.StanFear wrote:if you d'ont fear a HUGE ups drop, you can enable the automated digging bots (see first post)justarandomgeek wrote: EDIT: Also, is there any faster way to clear large underground areas than riding back and forth on the mobile borer? This feels painfully slow, and feels like maybe I'm missing something...
If you like, we can always discuss ideas and features over steam, if you want to add me, StanFear. I tend to have lots of ideas and am able to help find workarounds or solutions to current problems and am good at balance testing.
You can get my mods by clicking here, and use discussions there or PMs here to suggest or report issues.
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Re: [WIP][0.12.22+] Subsurfaces 0.0.4 : build beneath your base
The Fluid Elevator MK1 needs the connection points changed to the corner like the Vanilla Tank's or the Sprite needs to be changed to show the connetion points on the middle of the tank on the edge's
Re: [WIP][0.12.22+] Subsurfaces 0.0.4 : build beneath your base
Been playing around with this for a bit and all seems to be working fine (with a vast list of mods). About to test an undersea train-route with item transferers between above and below stations at each end, we will see how well that functions.
Once you get round to balancing the costs could i make a suggestion; Make the walls un-diggable by hand, and then have the borer use 1 'drillhead' from its inventory per tile mined. Can then control the cost of underground expansion by tweaking the cost to make the drillhead items.
Minor bug: The download zip contains all the .git folders and files.
Once you get round to balancing the costs could i make a suggestion; Make the walls un-diggable by hand, and then have the borer use 1 'drillhead' from its inventory per tile mined. Can then control the cost of underground expansion by tweaking the cost to make the drillhead items.
Minor bug: The download zip contains all the .git folders and files.
- DogeTheShibaInu
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Re: [WIP][0.12.22+] Subsurfaces 0.0.4 : build beneath your base
It seems pretty dammn fine. But, I think underground randomly occuring ores would make it a bit more realisitc.
Well, Thats just a suggestion.
Well, Thats just a suggestion.
Re: [WIP][0.12.22+] Subsurfaces 0.0.4 : build beneath your base
Hi, I don't know if someone already asked (Not seen in other pages), Have you thought about train tunnels? Something to allow trains to travel freely from/to the underground.
- Cyber_Garret
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Re: [WIP][0.12.22+] Subsurfaces 0.0.4 : build beneath your base
On start game version 0.13 this error. please update mod for 0.13 version
"What is locked, can be opened,
What is hidden, can be found,
What is yours, can be mine" (c) Garret
My English is very bad, sry.
What is hidden, can be found,
What is yours, can be mine" (c) Garret
My English is very bad, sry.
- Cyber_Garret
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Re: [WIP][0.12.22+] Subsurfaces 0.0.4 : build beneath your base
Anyone can update this great mod to 0.13 version? 

"What is locked, can be opened,
What is hidden, can be found,
What is yours, can be mine" (c) Garret
My English is very bad, sry.
What is hidden, can be found,
What is yours, can be mine" (c) Garret
My English is very bad, sry.
Re: [WIP][0.12.22+] Subsurfaces 0.0.4 : build beneath your base
Somebody will have to spend effort actually modding.Cyber_Garret wrote:Anyone can update this great mod to 0.13 version?
Will you?
Re: [WIP][0.12.22+] Subsurfaces 0.0.4 : build beneath your base
Hy everyone, I just want to appologies for not having updated the mod yet, I wanted to get an extensive feel of the new update before I did that !
But I will get to it, You should be able to expect an updated version sometime next week !
But I will get to it, You should be able to expect an updated version sometime next week !
I have though of it, it was the original idea behind the mod, but sadly, it cannot be done yet.Lucianus wrote:Hi, I don't know if someone already asked (Not seen in other pages), Have you thought about train tunnels? Something to allow trains to travel freely from/to the underground.
hum ... are you sure this comes from my mod ? I don't recall having used that ...Cyber_Garret wrote:On start game version 0.13 this error. please update mod for 0.13 version
Yes, Yes I will get to that quickly !kiba wrote:Somebody will have to spend effort actually modding.Cyber_Garret wrote:Anyone can update this great mod to 0.13 version?
Will you?
- Cyber_Garret
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Re: [WIP][0.12.22+] Subsurfaces 0.0.4 : build beneath your base
Version 0.0.4StanFear wrote: hum ... are you sure this comes from my mod ? I don't recall having used that ...
Yep im use only your mod, in info json im make change like:
Code: Select all
"factorio_version" : "0.13",
"dependencies": ["base >= 0.13"],
if im delete mod Subsurface game start without broblemVersion 0.0.3
Game will start, im update in control.lua all new "breaking changes" from this theme Mod changes in 0.13
and if im drilled new surface all ok, but if im go too elevator nothing happens.
"What is locked, can be opened,
What is hidden, can be found,
What is yours, can be mine" (c) Garret
My English is very bad, sry.
What is hidden, can be found,
What is yours, can be mine" (c) Garret
My English is very bad, sry.
Re: [WIP][0.12.22+] Subsurfaces 0.0.4 : build beneath your base
OK, I'll look into thatCyber_Garret wrote:Version 0.0.4StanFear wrote: hum ... are you sure this comes from my mod ? I don't recall having used that ...
Yep im use only your mod, in info json im make change like:and have this in log:Code: Select all
"factorio_version" : "0.13", "dependencies": ["base >= 0.13"],
factorio-current.logif im delete mod Subsurface game start without broblem
Version 0.0.3
Game will start, im update in control.lua all new "breaking changes" from this theme Mod changes in 0.13
and if im drilled new surface all ok, but if im go too elevator nothing happens.

Re: [WIP][0.12.22+] Subsurfaces 0.0.4 : build beneath your base
[/quote]StanFear wrote:Hy everyone, I just want to appologies for not having updated the mod yet, I wanted to get an extensive feel of the new update before I did that !
But I will get to it, You should be able to expect an updated version sometime next week !
I have though of it, it was the original idea behind the mod, but sadly, it cannot be done yet.Lucianus wrote:Hi, I don't know if someone already asked (Not seen in other pages), Have you thought about train tunnels? Something to allow trains to travel freely from/to the underground.
It can be done, it is just incredibly hacky and takes too much effort to be worthwhile, since LuaEntity.Teleport (http://lua-api.factorio.com/0.13.6/LuaE ... y.teleport) only allows players to be teleported between surfaces and LuaEntity.surface is read-only.
Re: [WIP][0.12.22+] Subsurfaces 0.0.4 : build beneath your base
well, the issue is not actually with teleporting the train, that can indeed be done in a hacky way. no, the issue is with telling the pathfinder of the train that to go to some staion, it must go through some defined place (the train tunnel in this example) and I have not yet thought of a way to do that !Simcra wrote: It can be done, it is just incredibly hacky and takes too much effort to be worthwhile, since LuaEntity.Teleport (http://lua-api.factorio.com/0.13.6/LuaE ... y.teleport) only allows players to be teleported between surfaces and LuaEntity.surface is read-only.
wal, I may actually just think of a way that might work, but that is realllly hacky (a bit too much) and even if it worked, I'm not sure how I would implement it.
Re: [WIP][0.12.22+] Subsurfaces 0.0.4 : build beneath your base
Maybe it can be done separating the 2 things: train pathfinding and train routing. the train tunnel can be registered as a "station" in the train route ( by the user or by the mod itself), and the tunnel could be made from 2 parts to be deployed (one on surface, one underground) linked by their code.
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Re: [WIP][0.12.22+] Subsurfaces 0.0.4 : build beneath your base
is this mod still being worked on or is it dead? I'm really missing the ability to make a massive mass storage facility under my actual base.