I am presently playing a game that involves widely dispersed resources, exploration, deathworld and a bunch of other mods along with yours

I have run into a problem where I need green fracture circuits to make blue science.
But I need silver bars to make green fracture circuits.
And I need blue science to make silver bars because I only have the four base starting ore in my start are (no Crotinnium or Jivolite) and the slag/crystalisation process to make silver ore needs blue science.
Basically I can't make blue science because I don't have access to crotinium or jivolite - is this requirement intentional ?
This isn't a fault with your mods, but rather my map design. But I would like to determine your design intent here before junking the map. Also maybe the issue is with the other mods anyway

I don't want any mods changing if this behaviour is intentional - I can always go play something easier - like seablock