Train stuck at gate

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Train stuck at gate

Post by Lancemark »

When train with wagons is standing on place when construction robots have to place gate on rails, they will wait because train or wagons are on the way, but if You try to move train, the gate will be placed immediately when robot see a gap between trains/wagons and the gate will by closed, and train can't move anywhere.

Another problem a saw about constructing robots is that they don't remove old stuff marked for remove, instead they float above endlessly with new item to place, and there can be no more robots left to remove old stuff because all of them can stuck waiting with new items to place.
factorio train stuck.png
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Re: Train stuck at gate

Post by MF- »

Thanks for the report,
that could be a nasty surprise if a gate gets destroyed and then auto-replaced.
EDIT: Now I see it was moved to "Duplicates". I guess it's known to the moderators then.

What happens if you set the train to automatic and tell it to go somewhere?
Will it break the gate or itself?
Could you set it free by running to the gate?

The obvious solution is to check whether the new gate should be currently open or closed.

Regarding the unrelated other issue:
No idea how to reasolve that one.
Please create a separate thread that second bug report.
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Re: Train stuck at gate

Post by MF- »

I was unable to find the "original" report, tried all these and nothing. ... gate+build ... gate+stuck ... build+gate

Even if the gate gets fixed to be built already open,
one could still create his own "wall that doesn't collide with track"
and the issue with logistic robots placing it inside a running train would reapper.
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Re: Train stuck at gate

Post by cube »

Moved back to bug reports.
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Re: Train stuck at gate

Post by kovarex »

Fixed for 0.12:
changelog wrote: The construction robots don't build gate in the gap between the rolling stock vehicles. They wait for the train to get away.
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