When I have mods enabled and try to join a multiplayer server (clicking the "Join Game" Button after selecting a server in the "Browse Public Games" dialog) , the game asks if I would like to sync with the server. The selected server has no mods (base 0.17.14). This has happened with several servers, all vanilla (I've not tested vs modded servers)

It correctly shows the dialog regarding which mods will be removed

2. What happened?
But then crashes immediately after confirming

List of all installed mods (same as above confirmation, plus creative mod which is disabled)

When I restart the game after the crash, the mods have all been disabled, so that step appears to be happening properly. I can then join the server normally
If I deselect "join server after sync", the game does the whole refreshing thing (like if you manually change mods) and I can join the server manually immediately, so it appears to be related to this setting
3. What did you expect to happen instead? It might be obvious to you, but do it anyway!
I expected the game to either do the "mod refresh" thing and join the game, or just join it. Probably the latter.