Search found 16 matches

by warbaque
Wed Mar 12, 2025 5:29 pm
Forum: Resolved Problems and Bugs
Topic: [boskid][2.0.40] Crash updating platform from blueprint (WaitCondition::getLocalisedConditionDescription)
Replies: 2
Views: 248

[boskid][2.0.40] Crash updating platform from blueprint (WaitCondition::getLocalisedConditionDescription)

I made small changes to my platform in earlier version (maybe 2.0.39) and saved those changes to a blueprint. Now, when I place that blueprint game crashes.

Edit: just exporting blueprint string crashes the game

How to replicate:
1. save game: ...
by warbaque
Fri Feb 14, 2025 1:24 pm
Forum: Assigned
Topic: [raiguard] Fluid transfer rates are capped even on directly connected entities (MR)
Replies: 10
Views: 2393

Re: [raiguard] Fluid transfer rates are capped even on directly connected entities (MR)

Setup on the left produces 6122 molten iron per second. Identical setup on the right produces 5769 molten iron per second. We get 6% more output if we unsync productivity bonus from normal production cycles :)

edit: I ...
by warbaque
Thu Dec 26, 2024 6:21 am
Forum: Resolved Problems and Bugs
Topic: [Lou] [2.0.15] Railgun is shooting other Railsguns
Replies: 24
Views: 6340

Re: [Lou] [2.0.15] Railgun is shooting other Railsguns

Same issue [2.0.28]. My rail guns are getting destroyed :cry:
Screenshot from 2024-12-26 08-07-28.png
Screenshot from 2024-12-26 08-07-28.png (1.26 MiB) Viewed 4436 times
Screenshot from 2024-12-26 08-06-51.png
Screenshot from 2024-12-26 08-06-51.png (1.19 MiB) Viewed 4436 times
Screenshot from 2024-12-26 07-57-20.png
Screenshot from 2024-12-26 07-57-20.png (1.19 MiB) Viewed 4436 times
by warbaque
Thu Dec 19, 2024 10:14 am
Forum: Duplicates
Topic: [2.0.21] Foundry at high speeds is fluid output bound
Replies: 17
Views: 3757

Re: [2.0.21] Foundry at high speeds is fluid output bound

Duplicate of

This is a side effect of the fluid transfer rate being restricted based on the fullness of the source and sink. I have some ideas on how to fix it but they likely won't be implemented until 2.1.

Yeah, there are some quirks with the new fluid ...
by warbaque
Tue Dec 17, 2024 9:22 pm
Forum: Duplicates
Topic: [2.0.21] Foundry at high speeds is fluid output bound
Replies: 17
Views: 3757

Re: [2.0.21] Foundry inventory size causes flickering production

No, pumping directly from the output of the machine.

I did a bit more testing and for example if you want to boost chem plant output to 8653 fluid per second from 8645, you just need to add 135 pumps (for a total of 201) :lol:

Funnily, if I output directly to turbines, I also need 201 turbines ...
by warbaque
Mon Dec 16, 2024 2:30 am
Forum: Duplicates
Topic: [2.0.21] Foundry at high speeds is fluid output bound
Replies: 17
Views: 3757

Re: [2.0.21] Foundry inventory size causes flickering production

I improved tester circuitry to just measure production ticks.

0eNrdXF1yG7kRvoqLVXlJoM3gZ/Dj2jxs7QX2fWtLRUljm7UUqZCUN64tHSC3yNlykmAaDZG0OSYapqw0UlvRADNo9Ad0NxrgZ/w5u1k+Dg+bxWo3e/vnbHG7Xm1nb3/9c7ZdvF/Nl2Pdan4/zN7OboZ5fDkTs38 ...
by warbaque
Mon Dec 16, 2024 12:06 am
Forum: Duplicates
Topic: [2.0.21] Foundry at high speeds is fluid output bound
Replies: 17
Views: 3757

Re: [2.0.21] Foundry inventory size causes flickering production

Are you able to share some of your solutions to extracting a higher effective output? I tried using pumps directly into storage tanks, even legendary pumps, but it was somehow worse than without a pump+storage tank solution, just underground pipes to my LDS machines.

I could, in theory, just add ...
by warbaque
Sat Dec 07, 2024 9:24 pm
Forum: Duplicates
Topic: [2.0.23] Train schedule UI doesn't always highlight which station it's approaching
Replies: 1
Views: 177

[2.0.23] Train schedule UI doesn't always highlight which station it's approaching

Sometimes train schedule UI doesn't update yellow "go to station" button status.

Example 1 (1st stop is always highlighted):

Example 2 (which station is highlighted depends on schedule settings): ...
by warbaque
Wed Dec 04, 2024 6:55 am
Forum: Duplicates
Topic: [2.0.21] Foundry at high speeds is fluid output bound
Replies: 17
Views: 3757

Re: [2.0.21] Foundry inventory size causes flickering production

With molten metals from ores, bonus production tick stops foundry for a tick.

1000 molten metal produced during single tick and 100+ metal still in buffer, foundry has to stop for a tick empty buffers.

After ~5000 fluid per second foundry can no longer empty its buffers fast enough:

+1220%, 5156 ...
by warbaque
Fri Nov 01, 2024 9:46 pm
Forum: Ideas and Suggestions
Topic: Allow scaling display panel icon map view, so we can use them as pixels
Replies: 1
Views: 264

Re: Allow scaling display panel icon map view, so we can use them as pixels

Alternatively we could add option to lamps to render their color on map.
by warbaque
Fri Nov 01, 2024 9:08 pm
Forum: Ideas and Suggestions
Topic: Allow scaling display panel icon map view, so we can use them as pixels
Replies: 1
Views: 264

Allow scaling display panel icon map view, so we can use them as pixels

Enable using display panels as pixels in map view.


Currently display panels can be used to draw icons on map view.
I propose that we could scaling that icon size from 1 tile to current 15x15 tiles which would allow for more flexibility when drawing on map and enables rudimentary ...
by warbaque
Fri Aug 26, 2022 10:11 pm
Forum: Railway Setups
Topic: 3 and 4 way intersections
Replies: 477
Views: 273604

Re: 3 and 4 way intersections

I'm guessing that it's because I put safe exit blocks on it, which I believe are needed.
Are they? Each exit already has room for 1 train from each direction, without blocking.
by warbaque
Thu Aug 25, 2022 7:15 pm
Forum: Railway Setups
Topic: 3 and 4 way intersections
Replies: 477
Views: 273604

Re: 3 and 4 way intersections

My goal was to make in-place buffered upgrade for Symmetrical Cross 4- or 3-way intersection.
Also my rails are aligned to 48x48 grid, so intersection had to fit inside 5 such nodes.

Results if intersection is built as stand alone or if middle rails are removed after upgrade:

Set 1 76
Set 2 64 ...
by warbaque
Wed Apr 08, 2020 12:18 pm
Forum: Ideas and Suggestions
Topic: Some sort of herbicide, remove grass and foliage
Replies: 3
Views: 1740

Re: Some sort of herbicide, remove grass and foliage

Placing pavement removes some foliage, but not everything, which I think is fine. But for cases when I want to clean everything it would be nice if I could just pour some flamethrower fuel everywhere killing everything, or something similar.

Placing pavement repeatedly to remove all grass is ...
by warbaque
Wed Apr 08, 2020 9:05 am
Forum: Ideas and Suggestions
Topic: Some sort of herbicide, remove grass and foliage
Replies: 3
Views: 1740

Some sort of herbicide, remove grass and foliage

Some way to remove all shrubberies and grass from parts of the factory.

What ?
Item that is placeable the same way different paths are, but when placed would remove all grass and bushes from area.

Why ?
Placing pavement removes some foliage, but not everything, which I think is fine ...

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