Ive been messing around with some intersections, and I am kinda curious what you think of this design, how to measure throughput?
Ive created it myself a moment ago in my own factorio save.
Hmm... quite difficult I think to make 6 belts be ballanced perfectly, or at least make them balanced at variable inputs. Those designs with different speeds of belts, does that work when this balancer recieves a random percentage of the input capacity?
The thing is, at the end you probably end up having all trians the same length, IF they use all the same track, otherwise you could end up in deadlocks blocking everything because of the equal distance between the signals, but variable lenghts of trains. In case of iron for example, if you dont use ...
I made two mods solving this: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Inventory%20Sensor returns if the carriage is a locomotive or wagon alongside the inventory
https://mods.factorio.com/mod/LogisticTrainNetwork probably overkill for this feature alone ;) LTN stops return the composition of parked trains ...
1: Don't send trains of different lengths to the same station. Obviously some people are simply going to find this an unacceptale limitation. I never had any issues just making sure trains of the same length went to the same depot, but I ...
My idea is to add an option at the inserters to only load locomotives. This option should show up in the inserter interface (just like how it opens at the filter inserters) when the inserter is placed in reach of a traintrack.
Why would I see this option? For example I have 1 ...