[*]Make it one and the same item and name it Circuit Network Connector (CNC) and that's it (LNC = Logistics Network Connector respectively). There shouldn't even be 2 different items for reading from and writing to something with the circuit network anyways because it makes everything seem more ...
Hello, just downloaded your mod after admiring the graphics. All the added items have the 'unknown key'. I'm currently running 12.11 with the latest version of your mods.
So I've been puttering about with an old large save and am now unable to save. Autosave works fine, but when I try to save from the game menu, I get the following error:
boost::filesystem::read_symlink: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process: "C:/users ...
I also really want this to be a feature. The latest update allowed force-placing blueprints, so blueprints of miners are now feasible. The only thing missing is copying module settings in blueprints (I need my efficiency!). Automatic switching like ssilk suggested would be nice, but it seems like a ...
This has been discussed at great length in a number of threads. One I remember is here
Short version: Your suggestion is in service of something that is beyond the scope of the current game. You can make smaller logistics areas and connect them together with rail. Well, the problem is well ...
So on my current map, I've been playing for 100+ hrs with an extremely bot-heavy end-game base. I use blueprints for almost everything including railroad expansion. I have everything connected to one massive logistics network and so far it works OK. The problem is that bots have to grab items from ...
Hello, long-time lurker, first time poster. I've been using your logistics and assembly mods for a while now and have built up a pretty decent-sized base. A couple days ago I started getting a game-killing crash and after eliminating other mods have narrowed the issue to these two. If I disable both ...