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by TreefrogGreaken
Wed Jul 06, 2022 6:36 pm
Forum: Not a bug
Topic: [1.1.61] Graphic issue in burner mining drill sprites
Replies: 1
Views: 1145

[1.1.61] Graphic issue in burner mining drill sprites

So its the most minor of graphical issues, but I couldnt see a report for it.

On the plunger that goes up and down, you can see a black box over the top 2/3rds of the graphic. Theres a noticeable black edge 2/3rds down.

You can see it in the graphics too, in the ...
by TreefrogGreaken
Thu Nov 25, 2021 4:54 pm
Forum: Releases
Topic: Version 1.1.47
Replies: 11
Views: 15632

Re: Version 1.1.47

Klonan wrote: Tue Nov 23, 2021 7:59 am
orzelek wrote: Mon Nov 22, 2021 5:53 pm This one looks.. interesting. Do we have mods that enjoy extreme table nesting? :D
Soon :D
expansion mod.......??? Asking for a friend :D
by TreefrogGreaken
Tue Sep 21, 2021 12:06 pm
Forum: General discussion
Topic: My new PC (Specially ordered for Factorio)
Replies: 22
Views: 9746

Re: My new PC (Specially ordered for Factorio)

From what I know, Factorio is all about the RAM/CPU, and looking at your RAM, well you could have saved a lot of money.

The G.SKILL from looking on Amazon UK is around £280. Working out its Latency = CL * 2000 / Frequency = 14 * 2000 / 3200MHz = 8.75ns.

A look on overclockers, you can get Patriot ...
by TreefrogGreaken
Fri Mar 12, 2021 10:47 am
Forum: General discussion
Topic: Some ideas for the "One big expansion pack"
Replies: 44
Views: 20031

Re: Some ideas for the "One big expansion pack"

Throw my 2 pennies in on this one.

So Factorio is "perfect", and by that, I mean that for all the machines and entities appearances they all don’t wear down, break down, cough black smoke, catch on fire, explode. Now I know there is a MOD that does some of this, I think for the base game, some ...
by TreefrogGreaken
Fri Dec 04, 2020 3:54 pm
Forum: Releases
Topic: Version 1.1.5
Replies: 8
Views: 18427

Re: Version 1.1.5

So few fixes, stable release is almost there ?

No, that was hotfix because of drag building ghost electric poles was accounted for at least 100 crashes within 14h

Ha, somewhere on earth, every 1 second a lightning bolt hits Earth. Somewhere else on Earth, every 8min 24 seconds, someone ...
by TreefrogGreaken
Wed Nov 25, 2020 7:03 pm
Forum: Resolved Problems and Bugs
Topic: [boskid] Fluid box "get_flow" returns wrong value
Replies: 6
Views: 3748

Re: [boskid] Fluid box "get_flow" returns wrong value

Does this also mean that the FlowRate wont go to 0 on full outputs? i.e a really long pipeline will have those first few pipes full.
by TreefrogGreaken
Wed Nov 25, 2020 4:31 pm
Forum: Resolved Problems and Bugs
Topic: [boskid] Fluid box "get_flow" returns wrong value
Replies: 6
Views: 3748

Re: Fluid box "get_flow" returns wrong value

Yeah its always been like this, been trying for years to work it out.

I use the FlowStatistics that the game generates for the graphs, this gives a way to get a flow rate without needing to go through all the offshore pumps on the map. You can get the FlowStatistics rate per tick, and i divide by ...
by TreefrogGreaken
Mon Jun 01, 2020 4:04 pm
Forum: Pending
Topic: [0.18.28] The game just crashes
Replies: 11
Views: 3519

Re: [0.18.28] The game just crashes

Just having a look in his log file.

Code: Select all

20.751 Loading map F:\Games\Factorio_0.18.28\saves\ 2645659023 bytes.
20.774 Loading level.dat: 6482668896 bytes.
So that save file is 2.64 Gb and Level is 6.48 Gb.

I've not seen a non-modded game have a save file that huge?
by TreefrogGreaken
Tue May 19, 2020 6:11 pm
Forum: Resolved Problems and Bugs
Topic: [0.18.22] Modded game won't load.
Replies: 20
Views: 9942

Re: [0.18.22] Modded game won't load.


Quick question im sure I can test this with my mod.

What does this fix, fix exactly?

The old version of my mod, used to store every water tiles position, type, and some other mod variables in a table when a offshore pump was placed in a water area, as you can imagine, this table could be ...
by TreefrogGreaken
Thu Mar 12, 2020 3:51 pm
Forum: Duplicates
Topic: [0.18.12] Tank rendered under foliage
Replies: 2
Views: 1347

Re: [0.18.12] Tank rendered under foliage

Ha ha reminds me of the Mirage Tank from Command & Conquer!
by TreefrogGreaken
Fri Mar 06, 2020 4:56 pm
Forum: News
Topic: Friday Facts #337 - Statistics GUI and Mod Debugger
Replies: 74
Views: 36482

Re: Friday Facts #337 - Statistics GUI and Mod Debugger

The only slight tweak I would make here.

Satisfaction shoude change to Demand.

It should be the electric network is demanding 38.7 GW of power, and producing 38.7 GW of power. I believe this is the standard wording for power networks.

It always confuses me what satisfaction is when i initally ...
by TreefrogGreaken
Fri Feb 28, 2020 11:34 am
Forum: News
Topic: Friday Facts #336 - Offshore pump redesign
Replies: 51
Views: 25654

Re: Friday Facts #336 - Offshore pump redesign

Looks cool.

I take it, its just a redisgned on the graphics, the entity hasn't been changed?

Looking at the redisign, i also take it that the offshore pump, will report that its been built on a land tile not a water tile? Or will it still show that its been built on water when checking?

Can the ...
by TreefrogGreaken
Fri Dec 06, 2019 7:19 pm
Forum: News
Topic: Friday Facts #324 - Sound design, Animated trees, Optimizations
Replies: 98
Views: 54326

Re: Friday Facts #324 - Sound design, Animated trees, Optimizations

Have to agree with others here, the noise on those leaves, is rather distracting and overall doesn't look that nice.

If you keeps your eyes centered, then you can see the wave effect going on and almost predict where its going to be next. I think it needs to be a bit more random. When ever Ive been ...
by TreefrogGreaken
Fri Sep 20, 2019 1:57 pm
Forum: News
Topic: Friday Facts #313 - Light at the end of the bug tunnel
Replies: 58
Views: 30672

Re: Friday Facts #313 - Light at the end of the bug tunnel

This is a race between getting my mod to 0.7 or Factorio going 0.17 stable, its going to be close i think!

Guess its time to start working on those 1700+ Minor Issues right! ;)
by TreefrogGreaken
Thu Sep 19, 2019 3:02 pm
Forum: Pending
Topic: [0.17.68] Crash: "Pump::update()"
Replies: 3
Views: 1893

Re: [0.17.68] Crash: "Pump::update()"

Looking at the logs, and knowing what the past few updates have done.

Looks like WaterWell Mod is the culprit, I bet its something to do with the bounding boxes on pumps being changed?
by TreefrogGreaken
Fri Aug 23, 2019 1:52 pm
Forum: News
Topic: Friday Facts #309 - Controversial opinions
Replies: 290
Views: 160609

Re: Friday Facts #309 - Controversial opinions

Nice to hear about some of these, I think Adventure mode in particular would be great.

If we think about the start of the game, you crash land from a spaceship, you could start with only a basic level of knowledge, some of this could then unlock as you get through some basic recipes, but some of ...
by TreefrogGreaken
Sun Jul 14, 2019 12:02 am
Forum: Modding help
Topic: Migrated Content Event ?
Replies: 2
Views: 1322

Migrated Content Event ?

Hello Modders!

Simple enough question really.

Is there an event that gets raised when Factorio shows the Migrated Content window?

Specifically I'm looking for an event that gets raised which would contain the entities that have been removed from the save file.

Having issues with my mod, if ...
by TreefrogGreaken
Tue Jun 18, 2019 12:06 pm
Forum: Resolved Problems and Bugs
Topic: [Oxyd] [0.17.49] Biters not attacking at the same frequency after patch
Replies: 6
Views: 6100

Re: [0.17.49] Biters not attacking at the same frequency after patch

Most likely realted to this big fix : 71865

Wonder if the code is being a bit to hard on limiting the amount of attacks?
by TreefrogGreaken
Fri Apr 05, 2019 3:07 pm
Forum: Resolved Problems and Bugs
Topic: [Twinsen] [0.17.25] Production values displayed incorrectly
Replies: 6
Views: 4844

Re: [0.17.25] Production values displayed incorrectly

Dont think this is a bug.

Some maths.

~65 hrs = 3900 minutes
4.3k/m Wires = 16770000 wires in 65 hours

250 hours = 15000 minutes
1677000 / 15000 = 1.118 k/m Wires

1000 hours = 60000 minutes
167700 / 60000 = 279.5 m Wires

So the maths adds up to your images. The graphs show the average for the ...
by TreefrogGreaken
Sun Mar 17, 2019 2:23 am
Forum: Pending
Topic: [0.17.11] Inconsistant Mod Behaviour on Custom Created Map
Replies: 2
Views: 1653

Re: [0.17.11] Inconsistant Mod Behaviour on Custom Created Map

So I've been doing a bit of investigation.

This looks to be an error in the initialization phase. The mod onit function sets up a list of global variables and tables. It seems that when in a scenario, the init function is messing up my global.LandFill table and filling it with 4000 entries, thus ...

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