Search found 17 matches

by authorized411
Fri Dec 01, 2023 12:38 pm
Forum: News
Topic: Friday Facts #387 - Swimming in lava
Replies: 172
Views: 65682

Re: Friday Facts #387 - Swimming in lava

Better yet, the resource drain % is affected by quality of the drill

Do tell.
by authorized411
Fri Jan 11, 2019 6:38 pm
Forum: News
Topic: Friday Facts #277 - GUI progress update
Replies: 101
Views: 51909

Re: Friday Facts #277 - GUI progress update

Update: clarification below about how long since v0.16 was testable. This FFF provides frame of reference 016-stable

No having only a subset test changes is unfair to the other players. Have you heart about Satisfactory? Its anoying that "everybody" except you and a few others got an alpha key ...
by authorized411
Fri Jan 11, 2019 5:53 pm
Forum: News
Topic: Friday Facts #277 - GUI progress update
Replies: 101
Views: 51909

Re: Friday Facts #277 - GUI progress update

This way, you get feedback faster.

Part of the reason Factorio experimentals are so stable is precisely because they want to avoid the excess of user-feedback on issues they can see themselves. When there are obvious issues and a storm of feedback, the noise can slow down progress!

v0.12 ...
by authorized411
Fri Jan 11, 2019 5:04 pm
Forum: News
Topic: Friday Facts #277 - GUI progress update
Replies: 101
Views: 51909

Re: Friday Facts #277 - GUI progress update

Please don't hold up the 0.17 release for a GUI update.

Iterate. MVP (minimum viable product)

Add an option to allow the players toggle between the old GUI and new one until it is stable. This way, if there are any game stopping bugs (ie can't click or access some UI), then the player can flip ...
by authorized411
Wed Dec 27, 2017 2:47 pm
Forum: 1 / 0 magic
Topic: [0.16.7] Crash on auto-save
Replies: 7
Views: 4755

[0.16.7] Crash on auto-save

I was in the middle of taking a blueprint of some pipes and I let go of the mouse so the blueprint dialog would pop-up for me to accept it. I let go of the mouse at the same time the auto-save progress window showed then I crashed.
by authorized411
Fri Nov 03, 2017 6:35 pm
Forum: News
Topic: Friday Facts #215 - Multithreading issues
Replies: 101
Views: 52297

Re: Friday Facts #215 - Multithreading issues

Terrain generation looks great, the picture looks like a jungle. However, the vanilla ore generation still looks like the same noise generation. Wasn't the ore generation going to get an update as well? I thought that was in a previous FFF.
by authorized411
Fri Jun 02, 2017 7:55 pm
Forum: News
Topic: Friday Facts #193 - Party planning & plans
Replies: 32
Views: 21769

Re: Friday Facts #193 - Party planning & plans

Please allow a "no rocks/trees" option in the deconstruction planner before updating the terrain. I have one that essentially does this but I had to add every rock and tree entity. Doing this was not fun and almost filled every slot in the planner.
by authorized411
Thu Jun 01, 2017 3:32 pm
Forum: General discussion
Topic: Avoid lategame brutal expansion: RSO or ER:Depletion?
Replies: 20
Views: 9274

Re: Avoid lategame brutal expansion: RSO or ER:Depletion?

I also name all of my mining post "Iron Ore Out" or "Copper Ore Out" and they have a wiring condition to close the station if they do not have enough in chests to fill a train. This has bitten me in a butt a couple times when I place an Iron station on a copper field and forget to change the ...
by authorized411
Tue May 30, 2017 7:15 pm
Forum: Ideas and Suggestions
Topic: Pollution Cloud Outline
Replies: 5
Views: 2884

Pollution Border

I've have seen several suggestions about adding the ability to change the color of the pollution graphic either for desire or need (color blind). I support that suggestion, however, I think what most others like myself really want is something that outlines the pollution border. I think the current ...
by authorized411
Fri Apr 21, 2017 3:52 pm
Forum: News
Topic: Friday Facts #187 - Space science & 0.15 graphics
Replies: 362
Views: 171848

Re: Friday Facts #187 - Space science & 0.15 graphics

Hanse00 wrote:Just to clarify, when you say we can help play on Tuesday, will this be some closed server testing deal, or will it just be released publicly as a beta version?
If it's like previous major version releases, it will be opt-in beta in Steam.
by authorized411
Fri Nov 04, 2016 1:45 pm
Forum: General discussion
Topic: Since 0.14 is stable
Replies: 5
Views: 2793

Re: Since 0.14 is stable

by authorized411
Thu Sep 22, 2016 8:21 pm
Forum: Ideas and Suggestions
Topic: Train Go-To Conditions
Replies: 2
Views: 3272

Train Go-To Conditions

I think train conditions should be expanded with a Go-To condition section instead of the limited Schedule/Wait conditions. I feel that the current options we have are limited when it comes to outpost or mini-base resupply or refueling the train.

Outpost or mini-base resupply is not limited to just ...
by authorized411
Sat Jul 09, 2016 5:29 am
Forum: Resource Spawner Overhaul
Topic: Feedback
Replies: 107
Views: 48982

Re: Feedback

In the Discussion and information thread, second post I saw the following: By default enemy expansion is disabled since it's slightly defeating idea of sparse biter bases to allow some room for exploration.

This lead me to believe that biters wouldn't migrate. However, in this thread it is ...
by authorized411
Thu Jul 07, 2016 4:16 am
Forum: Implemented Suggestions
Topic: [0.13] Uninstall Mod
Replies: 0
Views: 1603

[0.13] Uninstall Mod

The ability to uninstall a mod seems to be missing from the Mods window. I have the options to Check for Updates, Update, Install or Toggle but not Uninstall.

I love the fact that managing the mods is integrated in the game but currently I have to navigate (and know where) to the mod folder in ...
by authorized411
Thu Jul 07, 2016 4:14 am
Forum: Ideas and Suggestions
Topic: Pollution Cloud Outline
Replies: 5
Views: 2884

Pollution Cloud Outline

Add the ability to outline the pollution cloud on the map. There are some conditions, with terrain color and redness, where it is hard to see the edge of the cloud. Example, some colors of the desert with the faint red edge of the cloud.
by authorized411
Mon Jul 04, 2016 12:55 am
Forum: General discussion
Topic: Missing item in 0.13 changelog
Replies: 10
Views: 5498

Re: Missing item in 0.13 changelog

Here are my observations...
(Mine and mine alone, no internet research, and sorry for the length)

First, my map settings on my first major 0.13 play through:

Low terrain segmentation
Low frequency for all resources, including biters (RSO-like but no RSO)
Low water
Big starting area
No Mods ...

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