Timer circuits can be built with the circuit system provided in game I saw that. Or rather, I saw this one https://wiki.factorio.com/File:Timer.png . Something about it seemed off. It seems too quick, it's clearly not outputting seconds and I would hate to build my circuit clock wrong and the setup...
:danger: SPOILERS!! (obviously) :danger: Overall a definite 9/10, I'm here because of the small difference to perfection and because most "complaints" I have are just a few balancing issues (that maybe can be solved in 2.1 or something?) Except Aquilo. The complaints are definitely complai...
I'm going to bump this, but I actually noticed something different. The uncommon power medium power poles get a 9x9 area, which is *just barely* enought to connect 16 solar cells, which is a great upgrade (maybe disproportionally good) from the regular mediums which only connect 6. Which mean you &q...
I think I will make a more detailed post later, but it should really not be too much to ask, that the logistics system can fulfill a request we already have set up to fill a rocket perfectly. (if all items are available). E.g. a rocket takes "A" and "B" rocket capacity 100 each, ...