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by Tallywort
Fri Nov 22, 2024 4:07 am
Forum: Show your Creations
Topic: Design Challange: Smart Asteroid Processing!
Replies: 94
Views: 11241

Re: Design Challange: Smart Asteroid Processing!

no the quantity is choosen in the constant combinator

i see a value of 2147483645 for all types which would make it possible to fill the wholes store with one ore type if it was used to limit the quantity.
i see that the inserters try to insert carbon, ore and whatever to the crushers. i do ...
by Tallywort
Mon Feb 26, 2024 6:52 pm
Forum: Energy Production
Topic: Compact 2xN Nuclear Reactor - Height 252 Tiles
Replies: 4
Views: 1846

Re: Compact 2xN Nuclear Reactor - Height 252 Tiles

It looks very nice, with the symmetry and density, but it's so dense i couldn't place a fuel saving system on 28.57% of the reactors, those on the extremity of the blueprint do not have a flat belt attached, only 2 undergrounds, and there is no room for roboports to change it to logi chest and i ...
by Tallywort
Fri Feb 16, 2024 4:32 pm
Forum: Railway Setups
Topic: 3 and 4 way intersections
Replies: 466
Views: 251942

Re: 3 and 4 way intersections

I don't think ramps will necessarily make this thread obsolete. Even with them there will still be size vs throughput optimisation to be had. Though perhaps not as many ways to really push throughput alone.

Maybe a throughput / tiles used metric could be useful?

If only you could floodfill ...
by Tallywort
Thu Feb 15, 2024 7:54 am
Forum: Mechanical Throughput Magic (circuit-free)
Topic: Perfect 1:1 ratio compact GR science hub
Replies: 10
Views: 28300

Re: Perfect 1:1 ratio compact GR science hub

The Inserter factory always receives 1/4th of the total gears going into the FIRST splitter. The red science also receives 1/4th. The belts receive 1/8th (1 craft produces 2 belts, so you need double the amount of inserter crafts). The excess gears going to the belt side of the FIRST splitter are ...
by Tallywort
Wed Feb 14, 2024 5:48 am
Forum: Mechanical Throughput Magic (circuit-free)
Topic: Perfect 1:1 ratio compact GR science hub
Replies: 10
Views: 28300

Re: Perfect 1:1 ratio compact GR science hub

vlodek69 wrote: Fri Feb 09, 2024 9:27 pm What are those belt shenanigans for at the top right? I'm really new to the game..
Looks like 1 to 3 balancer with a few extra splitters without purpose.
by Tallywort
Wed Nov 02, 2022 4:38 am
Forum: Energy Production
Topic: Autobreaker for preventing brownouts and controlling backup power
Replies: 22
Views: 8118

Re: Autobreaker for preventing brownouts and controlling backup power

Not quite. In an overdraw situation, you get 13⅓seconds of brownout until the accumulators discharge to the emergency backup threshold, at which point that kicks on and the entire grid gets maximum power.

Yes, but it doesn't prevent those brownouts from occurring, as it needs to detect a ...
by Tallywort
Mon Oct 31, 2022 3:46 pm
Forum: Energy Production
Topic: Autobreaker for preventing brownouts and controlling backup power
Replies: 22
Views: 8118

Re: Autobreaker for preventing brownouts and controlling backup power

The merits of different circuit-based or circuitless reactors and their fuel efficiencies are off topic here.

But in terms of energy storage, peak power is wholly determined by the amount of turbines, and storage by the amount of tanks (and pipes etc.).

This is equivalent to accumulators ...
by Tallywort
Tue Oct 18, 2022 12:28 pm
Forum: Railway Setups
Topic: 3 and 4 way intersections
Replies: 466
Views: 251942

Re: 3 and 4 way intersections

4lane BufferedSuperCompact

For a right turn, the inside lane can only exit to the outside lane and vice versa.
For going straight or a left turn, the inside lane can only exit to the inside lane, and the outside lane to the outside lane.

That's still all directions though (aside from turning ...
by Tallywort
Tue Jul 26, 2022 4:26 am
Forum: Mechanical Throughput Magic (circuit-free)
Topic: Perfect half-lane split
Replies: 5
Views: 16503

Re: Perfect half-lane split

And it can also be used when you have different items on the two lanes of the input belt, to separate them again. With the difference over just using a filter splitter being the lanes it outputs to. Could be useful in niche situations.
by Tallywort
Fri Jul 15, 2022 3:29 am
Forum: Combinator Creations
Topic: Simple as possible lamps animation loop
Replies: 1
Views: 1851

Re: Simple as possible lamps animation loop

So if I got it rght, it's one signal for each lamp and the bits encode when in the animation that lamp is turned on/off. And then just a clock to drive the bitshift, with a division to make the animation slower.
by Tallywort
Fri Mar 11, 2022 3:59 am
Forum: Railway Setups
Topic: How-to: Two-way rails
Replies: 30
Views: 180165

Re: How-to: Two-way rails

I kind of have to disagree on that, even when using two way tracks that scenario seems rather rare and unlikely. And even if it does occur, it isn't too bad to have a train take a longer route or path to further station once in a while.
by Tallywort
Mon Feb 28, 2022 8:30 am
Forum: Combinator Creations
Topic: UPS optimization - 100vs500 lanes (spoiler: 500 lanes results are more stable)
Replies: 4
Views: 2730

Re: UPS optimization - 100vs500 lanes (spoiler: 500 lanes results are more stable)

How is the system we're looking at non-ergodic? We can get nice means out of it, AND expect those means to be the same between tests.

If the system were non-ergodic, what even are we measuring?
by Tallywort
Thu Feb 24, 2022 1:17 am
Forum: Combinator Creations
Topic: UPS optimization - 100vs500 lanes (spoiler: 500 lanes results are more stable)
Replies: 4
Views: 2730

Re: UPS optimization - 100vs500 lanes (spoiler: 500 lanes results are more stable)

Interesting, though I wonder how those test results stack up if you take into account that you could run that 100 lane test 6 times longer than the 500 lane one.
by Tallywort
Sat Jan 22, 2022 3:51 am
Forum: Railway Setups
Topic: 3 and 4 way intersections
Replies: 466
Views: 251942

Re: 3 and 4 way intersections

causa-sui wrote: Fri Jan 21, 2022 5:50 pm However, the decision to exclude intersections that do not support U-turns is disappointing.
I'm fairly certain that when they said, only intersections where a train can go in all directions, they meant all directions other than the incoming direction. (so no u turn necessary)
by Tallywort
Sun Jan 02, 2022 7:08 am
Forum: Railway Setups
Topic: 3 and 4 way intersections
Replies: 466
Views: 251942

Re: 3 and 4 way intersections

Which is honestly a fair point, some of these intersections are huge, and for some you need to push your factory quite far to really make use of them.

Of course you can always just pick a smaller intersection if it suits your throughput needs.

Another point can be made that, while I think that the ...
by Tallywort
Wed Dec 08, 2021 4:08 pm
Forum: Mechanical Throughput Magic (circuit-free)
Topic: Flow Routers - UTU balancers without the balance
Replies: 21
Views: 14583

Re: Flow Routers - UTU balancers without the balance

Interesting, I have a strong suspicion that it requires the same number of splitters compared to 2^n balancers. (and if not, it will at least grow with similar time complexity) while allowing somewhat smaller designs for the other sizes of router.
by Tallywort
Mon Nov 15, 2021 8:38 am
Forum: Railway Setups
Topic: 3 and 4 way intersections
Replies: 466
Views: 251942

Re: 3 and 4 way intersections [Work in progress]

Great to see a new intersection thread. Hope this one will be as popular as the last
by Tallywort
Tue Nov 02, 2021 2:04 am
Forum: Energy Production
Topic: Train+barrel-based, no signal nuke plant & utility
Replies: 6
Views: 3541

Re: Train+barrel-based, no signal nuke plant & utility

Honestly with that preamble I was expecting a reactor with steam being barreled instead of a reactor with pumps replaced by unbarrelling assemblers.
by Tallywort
Wed Oct 27, 2021 6:00 am
Forum: Energy Production
Topic: Contest: Longest train based nuclear reactor
Replies: 89
Views: 29405

Re: Contest: Longest train based nuclear reactor

That's just using the train as steam tanks. The first train will never leave so I would say that doesn't count.

I don't think that is the case, in fact I think that, unless the flow of steam between the stations is faster than the flow into the first train, then the first train will necessarily ...
by Tallywort
Wed Sep 15, 2021 12:48 am
Forum: Show your Creations
Topic: [Project Log] I want to turn my Factorio into a Tomagochi
Replies: 11
Views: 6669

Re: [Project Log] I want to turn my Factorio into a Tomagochi


Morality exists, whether you want it to or not. It's not in what we play, it's how we play it.

Sure, and games can be valuable teaching tools for why and how to care for the environment. I just don't think Factorio needs to be that game, nor do I feel like Factorio is even a good fit ...

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