[1.1.33] Updating mods with no space available caused a few failures (hung, loss of achievements, mod-enablement)

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[1.1.33] Updating mods with no space available caused a few failures (hung, loss of achievements, mod-enablement)

Post by doktorstick »

Howdy. Unfortunately, there aren't logs available for the first two attempts.

1. Attempt #1 to update mods. Factorio hard-hung after 1 of 3 had completed (according to the bar). It had to be killed. Reason it hung was unknown at the time (I didn't know the drive was out of space).

2. Attempt #2 to update mods. Factorio presented a Windows dialog complete with a DING! sound "behind" the Factorio window that indicated the drive was out of space. It is possible that this window was present in the above attempt and I did not notice it, which gave the impression that Factorio hard-hung. I didn't hear the DING in attempt #1, but it doesn't mean it didn't sound.

3. Attempt #3 to update mods. After removing a few hundred gigs of stale programs, Factorio took a different code path, reporting a corrupted achievements file. Was this because of the free space allowed the error, or was it because killing Factorio didn't corrupt the file (Attempt #1) but shutting down "normally" (where "normally" is defined as clicking the button in the Windows dialog and Factorio immediately closing) when out-of-space did corrupt it (Attempt #2)? Updating mods were successful, and launching Factorio post-update had no errors. Here's a snippet from the factorio-previous.log related to the achievements file:

Code: Select all

  20.325 Loading sounds...
  20.488 Info PlayerData.cpp:71: Local player-data.json available, timestamp 1620997425
  20.488 Info PlayerData.cpp:78: Cloud player-data.json unavailable
  20.489 Error PlayerData.cpp:269: Failed to load achievement data: Couldn't read from input file. File could be corrupted.
  20.933 Crop bitmaps.
  20.933 Atlases were not loaded from disk cache.
  20.992 Parallel Sprite Loader initialized (threads: 11)
  21.063 Initial atlas bitmap size is 16384
Addition to the "corrupted" achievements file, all mods are enabled now (only a subset were before). The mod settings appear unaffected as does the Factorio settings.
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Re: [1.1.33] Updating mods with no space available caused a few failures (hung, loss of achievements, mod-enablement)

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. These should all be fixed for the next release.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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