[V453000] [0.18.10] gun-turret-shooting-4.png, 14th row, both columns are identical

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[V453000] [0.18.10] gun-turret-shooting-4.png, 14th row, both columns are identical

Post by kirazy »

Row 14 for both gun-turret-shooting-4.png and hr-gun-turret-shooting-4.png has the same sprite in both column 1 and 2. The barrel should rotate forward in column 2 from where it is in column 1.

Compare row 2 in this image with the other rows:

I know, I know. Minorest of minor. :D

Edit: I even found the right angle. :D Ignore the purple.
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Re: [V453000] [0.18.10] gun-turret-shooting-4.png, 14th row, both columns are identical

Post by V453000 »

I'm puzzled and weirdly amused! Wow, that's some serious mystery right there. The two shooting frames are rendered out of Blender and then alternated between by a simple expression in After Effects. However, why does the +1 %2 break exactly on frame 123, is beyond me. :D

The two columns aren't actually identical, in one of them both animations are on top of each other which should never happen - and the one on top happens to be the first shooting frame.

Anyway, fixed by overriding the expression, but WTF. :D

Thank you for the report.
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