[boskid][0.18.4] Crash loading 0.18.3 save: TrainSignalLogic::tryToReserveSignalsUpTo

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[boskid][0.18.4] Crash loading 0.18.3 save: TrainSignalLogic::tryToReserveSignalsUpTo

Post by AlphaGemo »

Multiplayer game, people were building rails and the server crashed. As usual, disconnected people can make a local save game of the last state.

At the very moment of the crash I finished the second layer of a two-tiered roundabout that had no signalling yet, and with a train inside. It might have been related to the pathing of that train. I cannot recall the exact configuration, as I cannot load the save.

Loading this save consistently and so far always reproduces the error that crashed the server. This has been confirmed by multiple people.
The original crash happened in 18.3, but the save file does also crash when loading in 18.4

The log (attached) reads:

Code: Select all

542.930 Error TrainSignalLogic.cpp:177: Failed to reserve signal in block.
I want to attach the save file, but I am getting an error from the forum "Error parsing server response.". The save file is 60 MB. I wish I could offer to reproduce the bug in a smaller setting, but I don't really know how.
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Re: [0.18.4] Crash loading 0.18.3 save: TrainSignalLogic::tryToReserveSignalsUpTo

Post by Loewchen »

Instead upload the save to googledrive and post the link, see: 3638
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Re: [0.18.4] Crash loading 0.18.3 save: TrainSignalLogic::tryToReserveSignalsUpTo

Post by AlphaGemo »

Thank you for the quick reply.
I was already uploading it to Mega, I hope that is fine. The link is:

https://mega.nz/#!XfY3CYgA!ea6OxvD7H6Mx ... bGHwbokuxg

I was not certain that it was the file size, since the upload error was inconclusive and the forum description about attachments simply says that they should be "small". If there is anything else I can do, please let me know.
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Re: [boskid][0.18.4] Crash loading 0.18.3 save: TrainSignalLogic::tryToReserveSignalsUpTo

Post by boskid »

Thanks for the report, and for save. Since it was made by the client in MP, it was exactly 1 tick before a crash so i could look at trains state and find out what was the issue.

Issue is fixed for 0.18.5. Save file will load just fine.
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