[0.16.51] Inventory slots flashing after game was paused

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[0.16.51] Inventory slots flashing after game was paused

Post by Kayanor »

When holding the mouse cursor over a recipe in the main character window, the respective items in the main inventory and the quickbar light up orange.
However when you hold the cursor over the recipe, pause the game with Shift + Space, move the cursor somewhere else and then resume the game, the items in the inventories start flashing like if that item was inserted into the inventory.

Steps to reproduce:
  1. Have items in some inventory
  2. Open character window (E)
  3. Hover the mouse over a recipe of a item in the inventory (if you have transport belts in inventory, hover transport belt recipe)
  4. Pause the game (Shift + Space)
  5. Move the mouse cursor away from the recipies
  6. Resume the game (Shift + Space again)
What I expected to happen:
The highlighted slots in the inventories stop lighting up orange.

What actually happened:
The slots with items from the hovered recipe start flashing orange as if the items were inserted into the inventories.

Here is a GIF showing the issue (177 MB): https://px.kayanor.de/sx/Factorio_Inven ... ashing.gif
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Re: [0.16.51] Inventory slots flashing after game was paused

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. It's now fixed for 0.17.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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