[Oxyd] [0.16.22] fluid_background shift y bug

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[Oxyd] [0.16.22] fluid_background shift y bug

Post by Earendel »

There's a bug with the storage-tank fluid rendering code. If you specify a y shift on the fluid background then the shift value seems to be multiplied by the storage tank full %.
This means that you can't position that layer correctly, it also means that the image moves up and down as the tank is filled/ emptied.
To test: data.raw['storage-tank']['storage-tank'].pictures.fluid_background.shift = {0, -4}
Fill tank with water and a blue bar expands but also rises above the tank.
Expected behaviour is the bottom of the fluid background would be fixed based on the shift value, as the tank is filled the bar expands upwards but the bottom does not move.

Edit: the flow_sprite image also has the same problem but on the x axis.
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Re: [Oxyd] [0.16.22] fluid_background shift y bug

Post by Oxyd »

Thanks, fixed in 0.16.24.
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Re: [Oxyd] [0.16.22] fluid_background shift y bug

Post by Earendel »

Great, thanks
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