[Oxyd] [0.15.30] Savegame crash (Pathfinder cache corruption)

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[Oxyd] [0.15.30] Savegame crash (Pathfinder cache corruption)

Post by MagicKyrano »

Factorio crashes every time I try to load my savegame, with "Unexpected error occurred.".

Map: Magic Kingdom
Freeplay, version 0.15.30-1
Difficulty: normal
Playtime: 231:16:50

Mods Used:
- Rampant 0.15.17, https://mods.factorio.com/mods/Veden/Rampant
- Swarm 1.1.0, https://mods.factorio.com/mods/Supercheese/Swarm
- automatic-belt-direction 1.0.0, own made mod, not on any mod portal
- base 0.15.30
- rso-mod 3.3.11, https://mods.factorio.com/mods/orzelek/rso-mod
- what-is-it-really-used-for 1.2.5, https://mods.factorio.com/mods/Coppermi ... y-used-for

Rampant makes biters have AI (attack/retreat etc), Swarm spawn smaller childs of biters when they die. rso-mod changes the map generation, and what-is-it-really-used-for let's you browse items for where and how it can be used.
automatic-belt-direction is a custom mod I made myself, it turns belts placed in the direction you're laying them.

It is a single player map, and as far as I know, no-one has been on it but me (Magic Kyrano).

The crash happens everytime I try to load the map from the load menu, both without and with mods loaded.

There is one thing I've done that may be of interest: The map is started with enemy-expansion set to disabled, that means enemies/biters will not expand their bases. I've used this command to enable the enemy expansion a few hours before I had this savegame crash problem:

Code: Select all

/c game.map_settings.enemy_expansion.enabled = true
And tested if the command was set by printing the new value with:

Code: Select all

/c game.player.print(game.map_settings.enemy_expansion.enabled)
And then tested if there was some error for a few hours. I'm not sure if the expansion worked, as I didn't really see new bases spawn. After that I expanded my base (removed biter bases,discovered new areas, and defended the new ground).
I also used this command to sort-of reset the biters for the new expansion setting, in hopes of the new biters have the enemy expansion setting set and them trying to expand now:

Code: Select all

/c game.forces["enemy"].kill_all_units()
I did save and load the map, although I'm not 100% positive where exactly in this story I did that, but it did load the map with that expansion enabled setting without problems then. I even used a backup save, but after testing for a few hours I overwrote the original savegame.

However, after going out of the game entirely (menu->quit), and then reloading the game and loading the map, it crashed the game consistently.
The log file of the crash is attached to this post.

I do have an (somewhat older) savegame in my backup system, but it would be nice if you could find a way for me to play this map again.

Thanks in advance,
Magic Kyrano
Factorio current log
(4.26 KiB) Downloaded 182 times
Custom belts mod
(4.36 KiB) Downloaded 187 times
Magic Kingdom.zip
Savegame of map
(33.82 MiB) Downloaded 239 times
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Re: [0.15.30] Savegame crash

Post by kovarex »

This is a bug related to some path cache bug we were unable to locate yet. It is most probably related to the kill_all_units command.
Do you have a save before that command?
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Re: [0.15.30] Savegame crash

Post by MagicKyrano »

Yes, I have saves from before the commands. Yay for backups :)
My latest save is from 3 July, so that's 17 days back. Did loose some things but on the positive side: I get to make it better now :)

I assume from your wording that you mean you can't fix it. Well, then I'll play the older version, better than a total loss. At least thank you for trying.

Last question: Do you think it's save to use the given command to enable enemy expansion, or am I better off leaving it set to what it was? Or should I disable mods in that map before messing with those console commands?
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Re: [0.15.30] Savegame crash

Post by kovarex »

MagicKyrano wrote:Yes, I have saves from before the commands. Yay for backups :)
My latest save is from 3 July, so that's 17 days back. Did loose some things but on the positive side: I get to make it better now :)

I assume from your wording that you mean you can't fix it. Well, then I'll play the older version, better than a total loss. At least thank you for trying.

Last question: Do you think it's save to use the given command to enable enemy expansion, or am I better off leaving it set to what it was? Or should I disable mods in that map before messing with those console commands?
The point is, that I would like the save before you used the command, so I can try to reproduce the problem and fix it.
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Re: [0.15.30] Savegame crash

Post by MagicKyrano »

Ah sry, misread your text then.

Here is the backup of that map before that command.
Magic Kingdom - 2017-07-03.zip
Backup 2017-07-03
(25.3 MiB) Downloaded 157 times
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Re: [0.15.30] Savegame crash

Post by kovarex »

MagicKyrano wrote:Ah sry, misread your text then.

Here is the backup of that map before that command.
Well that maps seems to have its pathfinding cache corrupted already ...
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Re: [0.15.30] Savegame crash (Pathfinder cache corruption)

Post by Oxyd »

This may or may not be fixed in 0.15.32. Let us know if it still happens.
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Re: [0.15.30] Savegame crash (Pathfinder cache corruption)

Post by MagicKyrano »

Update 16-08-2017 :

I've done a few tests the last 2 days to see if I can re-create the crashes that started this topic.

There have been no changes in the mods used, except that they have all been kept uptodate.

So far, it seems that there are no crashes, I can load and save that same map (but developed over the last month or so).

I have included 3 saves of that map:
  • 1. Test - Before (Playtime 243:46:30)
    2. Test - Modded (Playtime 247:04:28)
    3. Test - Unmodded (Playtime 246:15:04)
Map 1, 'Test - Before' is a save before I did any of the tests that (probably) crashed my save in the past.

Map 2 and 3, the 'Modded' and 'Unmodded' saves are saves after the tests were executed.

For map 2, 'Test - Modded', the following actions were performed:
  • Execute command : /c game.map_settings.enemy_expansion.enabled = true to activate enemy expansion (which was disabled).
    Execute command: /c game.forces["enemy"].kill_all_units() to remove all walking enemies (houses left intact).
    Expand area into enemy territory.
    Kill at least one base inside existing territory, and kill at least one base in newly discovered enemy territory.
    Wait a few hours in-game to let the game settle.
    Save the map, exit the entire game, restart the game, and load the map again.
For map 3, 'Test - Unmodded', the following actions were performed:
  • Disable all mods (except base mod), and exit the entire game and then restart it.
    Load the save (which will now have it's mods not active), save the new save without the mods, and exit the entire game.
    Start the game and load the save without mods again
    And then after this, all actions from map 2 were also applied to this save.
All these actions were performed on version 0.15.33 of the game, on Linux Mint KDE 17.3 .

I hope this report helps you with the development.

Have fun and cu later,
Magic Kyrano
Test - Unmodded.zip
Map with mods removed
(33.09 MiB) Downloaded 221 times
Test - Modded.zip
Map with mods still in place
(37.37 MiB) Downloaded 235 times
Test - Before.zip
Map before executing the commands / test
(33.42 MiB) Downloaded 236 times
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