The game crashes reproducibly upon attempting to join or leave a multiplayer game. This crash only happens if I run Factorio as a background process, then closing the terminal window:
Code: Select all
$ bin/x64/factorio &
$ exit
If I instead leave the terminal window open (don't type "exit"), I can join/leave the multiplayer game without any issues.
If I am already in the multiplayer game, then subsequently type "exit" in my terminal, attempting to "Quit" the game will cause a crash.
Here is what the tail of the logfile looks like when it crashes upon joining:
Code: Select all
23.403 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(80157) mapTick(9391) changing state from(InGameWaitingForOthers) to(InGame)
23.403 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1706: networkTick(80157) mapTick(9391) peerID(16) fullStateLog: local state(InGame) local peers(((peerID(0) state(InGameWaitingForOthers) mapAlignTick(-1))
((peerID(16) state(InGameWaitingForOthers) mapAlignTick(-1))
23.418 Warning Thread.cpp:42: Thread exception: Error when writing to file..
23.422 Error CrashHandler.cpp:183: Received SIGSEGV
Factorio crashed. Generating symbolized stacktrace, please wait ...
#0 0x89eddd in Logger::logStacktrace(StackTraceInfo*) at /tmp/factorio-EAM95S/src/Util/Logger.cpp:382
#1 0x7ce13b in CrashHandler::writeStackTrace() at /tmp/factorio-EAM95S/src/Util/CrashHandler.cpp:84
#2 0x7ce3b4 in CrashHandler::SignalHandler(int) at /tmp/factorio-EAM95S/src/Util/CrashHandler.cpp:188
#3 0x7fd630d7f4a0 in ?? at ??:0
#4 0x7fd62f6f1989 in ?? at ??:0
24.675 Error CrashHandler.cpp:85: Map tick at moment of crash: 9391
24.675 Error Util.cpp:77: Unexpected error occurred. You can help us to solve the problem by posting the contents of the log file on the Factorio forums.
Code: Select all
22.327 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:996: networkTick(128108) mapTick(9431) changing state from(InGameWaitingForOthers) to(InGame)
22.327 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1706: networkTick(128108) mapTick(9431) peerID(18) fullStateLog: local state(InGame) local peers(((peerID(0) state(InGameWaitingForOthers) mapAlignTick(-1))
((peerID(18) state(InGameWaitingForOthers) mapAlignTick(-1))
22.427 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1143: networkTick(128114) mapTick(9437) received stateChanged peerID(0) oldState(InGameWaitingForOthers) newState(InGame)
22.427 Info MultiplayerManager.cpp:1143: networkTick(128114) mapTick(9437) received stateChanged peerID(18) oldState(InGameWaitingForOthers) newState(InGame)
22.461 Info NetworkInputHandler.cpp:754: mapTick(9440) networkTick(128117) connecting to player(Voltara).
22.461 Info NetworkInputHandler.cpp:608: assigning playerIndex(0) to peer(18)
22.461 Info GameActionHandler.cpp:2639: MapTick(9440) processed PlayerJoinGame peerID(18) playerIndex(0) mode(connect)