I was playing with a friend via LAN using Evolve;
We've managed to create a trainstation and start playing with a train positioned on a short straight line of rails with a single stop. (one end of rails was on water)
I was the server, and when playing with conditions I thought that I'd like to modify one of them, just to see how does it work, so I doubleclicked on the condition.
Factorio went to black screen GFX only freeze (Teamspeak worked just fine). My friend got dropped from the game, and when I got back after putting the pc to sleep - the game informed me about the crash and the existence of attached logfile.
Unfortunately it's very late today, so I can't try to pinpoint the real cause of this issue. I'll let you know if this happens again (and I'll try to force it

Take care, and thank you for working on this wonderful game!