[Rseding91] [2.0.28] Crash deleting surface (InfiniteVector.hpp)

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Burner Inserter
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[Rseding91] [2.0.28] Crash deleting surface (InfiniteVector.hpp)

Post by j_matya »

We were testing a new mod with Trupen on a Multiplayer server.
I run on Linux, others run on Windows. My game crashed, the others didnt.
It happened twice, but when we tried to reproduce, we could not.

From the clip I got from twitch is seems to have happened when I teleported to a surface that was shortly afterwards deleted.
https://www.twitch.tv/trupen/clip/Froze ... _8Bm_6c8_f

Got the second crash with the same backtrace also clipped, the situation was similar, the surface was deleted, after which my game crashed:
https://www.twitch.tv/trupen/clip/Enthu ... 0IjEEM7Hg7

Here is the log with the stacktrace:
(13.84 KiB) Downloaded 19 times
The mod is unfortunately not published yet, and I did not get approval to attach it directly to the bug report, I would send it in a DM if possible.

The most significant parts of the backtrace is here:

Code: Select all

/tmp/factorio-build-lcfI5v/src/Util/CrashHandler.cpp (652): CrashHandler::SignalHandler(int)
/tmp/factorio-build-lcfI5v/src/Util/Container/InfiniteVector.hpp (83): InfiniteVector<Chunk*>::at_safe(int) const
/tmp/factorio-build-lcfI5v/src/Util/Container/InfiniteVector.hpp (73): InfiniteVector<Chunk*>::operator[](int) const
/tmp/factorio-build-lcfI5v/src/Surface/Surface.cpp (364): Surface::getChunkSafe(ChunkPosition const&) const
/tmp/factorio-build-lcfI5v/src/Entity/HeuristicEntitySearch.cpp (109): HeuristicEntityIterator<Surface>::startAdvancedTile()
/tmp/factorio-build-lcfI5v/src/Entity/HeuristicEntitySearch.cpp (24): HeuristicEntityIterator<Surface>::HeuristicEntityIterator(Surface&, MapPosition const&)
/tmp/factorio-build-lcfI5v/src/Entity/HeuristicEntitySearch.hpp (74): HeuristicEntitySearch<Surface>::HeuristicEntitySearch(Surface&, MapPosition const&)
/tmp/factorio-build-lcfI5v/src/Entity/ItemRequestProxy.cpp (797): ItemRequestProxy::getProxyForEntity(Entity*)
/tmp/factorio-build-lcfI5v/src/Equipment/EquipmentGrid.cpp (1267): EquipmentGrid::checkRemoveProxyGridRequests(Entity*)
/tmp/factorio-build-lcfI5v/src/Entity/Character.cpp (3634): Character::postTransferHook(NotificationData const&)
/tmp/factorio-build-lcfI5v/src/Item/ItemStack.cpp (436): ItemStack::clear()
/tmp/factorio-build-lcfI5v/src/LatencyState.cpp (1076): LatencyState::activateFakeCharacterForCollisionChecks()
/tmp/factorio-build-lcfI5v/src/LatencyState.cpp (1049): LatencyState::activateFakeCharacterForCollisionChecks()
/tmp/factorio-build-lcfI5v/src/LatencyState.cpp (282): LatencyState::resetOnBeginningOfTheTick(MapTick, MapTick)
/tmp/factorio-build-lcfI5v/src/LatencyInputHandler.cpp (44): LatencyInputHandler::update()
/tmp/factorio-build-lcfI5v/src/Game.cpp (166): Game::latencyUpdate()
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Re: [2.0.28] Crash deleting surface (InfiniteVector.hpp)

Post by j_matya »

from what I can see in the mod's lua code is this `expedition.abandon_expedition` being executed when the "Abandon expedition" button was pressed which caused my crash:

Code: Select all

function expedition.abandon_expedition(player)
    local expedition_surface = game.surfaces[player.force.name .. "_expedition"]
    local island_surface = game.surfaces[player.force.name]
    if not expedition_surface or not island_surface then
        player.print("Error: Invalid surfaces in abandon_expedition.")

    tools.teleport_whole_force(player.force, island_surface, expedition_surface)


    storage.forces[player.force.name].is_active = false

function tools.teleport_whole_force(force, to_surface, from_surface, position)
    position = position or {x = 0, y = 0}
    for _, player in pairs(force.players) do
        if not from_surface or player.surface.name == from_surface.name then
            tools.teleport_player(player, to_surface.name, position)
            player.print("Teleported to: " .. to_surface.name)

function tools.teleport_player(player, surface_name, position)
    local surface = game.surfaces[surface_name]
    position = position or {x = 0, y = 0}

    -- Find a collision-free position and teleport the player
    local found_position = surface.find_non_colliding_position("character", position, 0, 1.0)
    if found_position then
        player.teleport(found_position, surface)
        player.print("Teleported to: " .. surface_name)
        player.print("No collision-free position found on surface: " .. surface_name)

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Re: [Rseding91] [2.0.28] Crash deleting surface (InfiniteVector.hpp)

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. This is now fixed for the next release.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
Burner Inserter
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Re: [Rseding91] [2.0.28] Crash deleting surface (InfiniteVector.hpp)

Post by j_matya »

Thank you!
Could you please give a hint what triggers this, so I can avoid doing that until the next release?
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Re: [Rseding91] [2.0.28] Crash deleting surface (InfiniteVector.hpp)

Post by Rseding91 »

It’s a bug with the latency logic not handling that a players character was on a surface that had been deleted.

If you move players off the surface a second or two before deleting the surface it should avoid it.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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