[2.0.12] Select item GUI for ghosts is closed when construction robots revive the entity

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[2.0.12] Select item GUI for ghosts is closed when construction robots revive the entity

Post by cooldino »

(build 79795 expansion, win64)

This is my first post, so let me know if I did anything wrong writing this.

I'm calling the gui which you can select a signal, item, and possibly a constant as the "select item gui"

brief explanation:
I try to set the circuit condition for an inserter, but while I'm selecting the item in the condition, the inserter gets constructed, exiting the gui (this exit is the bug). this makes me have to re-open the gui and re-find the item I was looking for.

reproduction steps:
this is possibly (if roboports are in range) time sensitive: step 3 must be completed before the ghost gets constructed
1. place ghost which has a select item gui (e.g. circuit condition, logistic network condition)
2. make the ghost have the select item gui (e.g. connect the ghost to a circuit network, click the logistic network connection icon)
3. click the select item gui (e.g. the square to the bottom left of "Enable/disable" in the circuit connection gui)
4. wait for the ghost to be placed.
5. it then exits you out of the select item gui, back into the constructed entity's gui (as if you pressed escape to exit the select item gui)

note: I've tested this specifically on requester chests and stack inserters, but I recall it happening for any other entity
probably related:
[Rseding91] [2.0.11] crash when the entity ghost you've opened gets upgraded
[2.0.10] Factoriopedia panel closes when opened from machine GUI when machine is modified

I've attached a video of me reproducing the bug. note that I use the hotkey for toggling personal roboports (instead of clicking it because that would exit the select item gui).
the bug reproduction using a ghost stack inserter and toggling personal roboports
(1.31 MiB) Downloaded 37 times
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Re: [2.0.12] construction exits ghost's select item gui (it shouldn't)

Post by Genhis »

Thanks for the report, this is a known limitation of the current system and happens to all ghosts. It is undesired, especially if you are making complicated edits to an entity, but fixing this issue will take some time.

Ref. 118671
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Re: [2.0.12] Select item GUI for ghosts is closed when construction robots revive the entity

Post by Rseding91 »

This report gets to be the main one in the changelog via nature of.. it's the first I found after fixing the issue.

That's to say, this is now fixed for the next release.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
Manual Inserter
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Re: [2.0.12] Select item GUI for ghosts is closed when construction robots revive the entity

Post by vmainen »

Still happens with buffer chests.

1. Build a ghost
2. Start setting up requests
3. Robot builds the chest
4. Gui closes automatically while I'm still trying to set the recipe.
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