So I guess that should also apply to Fulgora, i.e. players can start a base in Fulgora with NOTHING, which this is an intended feature.
However, in my recent playthrough, I almost trapped there. I landed with nothing, only to find that I was unable to set up a power grid. Lighting rods, either natural or artificial, cannot act as electricity poles. While for standard poles, the small ones requires wood and the medium and big ones require iron rods, so all 3 types can't be made without a powered recyclers. Thus, substations are the only viable option . However, since I hadn't unlock the related tech, I was unable to build one and locked there. Finally, I researched that tech and solved the problem.
Since Electric energy distribution 2 is not a precondition of landing Fulgora, unlike Electric energy distribution 1 (finding Fulgora requires Electric energy accumulators, which requires Electric energy distribution 1), players may make similar mistakes as me when first landing on Fulgora if not spoiled, which is lethal if their Nauvis base ceased to for function for some reason. Thus adding iron rods to ruins drop can solve this issue at minimal change. If devs don't think this solution is proper, possible other changes may include:
- also making research Electric energy distribution 2 a precondition of landing Fulgora
- adding some natural electricity poles as ruins on Fulgora
- adding the function of electricity poles to lighting rods