It's a "coupled accumulators" design so it kicks in immediately (no moving parts) when it is needed, cuts out just as fast, and mostly stays off otherwise. (It will partially turn on each night, delivering about P*16/N watts of power, where P is the power draw on your main power grid and N is the number of accumulators attached to your main power grid. Add more accumulators to your main power grid to reduce this "leakage".)
This module has some extra robustness features, namely it has an internal solar cell and accumulator (2 of each actually, just because the space was there). The internal accumulators mean that even if the external grid (and all the accumulators attached to it) were pulled completely down (e.g., by lots of lasers being fired) this module will still maintain some power to keep the inserters functioning. The solar cells mean that the module is "self starting", and can automatically recover from a long-term loss of fuel (once fuel returns).
In the picture you can see one instance of the backup power module in the middle, and part of two more on either side (and in the minimap you can see there are three more below them). Notice the wiring in the picture -- the substation and two medium electric poles are on their own separate power circuit. (The substation couples to all 16 coupling accumulators.) The big electric pole connects to my main power grid, and also connects to the two medium electric poles which are used to couple to the 16 coupling accumulators.
Each module will deliver up to 4.8 MW. (It's 4.8 rather than 5.1 because there are only 16 coupling accumulators in this design and accumulators only transfer 300kW each. A 17th accumulator could be added to get the full 5.1 MW, but that would be a bit messy, requiring additional power poles. Worse yet, unless this design is modified fairly heavily you'd have to place the additional "internal" pole in a position where it's supply area would extend outside of the module's physical shape, making it more likely that you might accidentally end up powering something with backup power that shouldn't be.)
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