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Version 0.18.31
Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 11:01 am
by FactorioBot
- New electric mining drill graphics.
- Tweaked electric mining drill icon to be a bit more colorful.
Minor Features
- Hovering over the circuit network id in the entity circuit control window will now show a tooltip with the circuit network contents.
- Added experimental Color Filters graphics option to attempt to improve accessibility for color-blind players.
- The debug setting "show-time-usage" now 'line wraps' if it doesn't fit on screen vertically.
- Fixed crash when merging force that contained unit groups. (85549)
- Fixed character preview being empty when the character is in a vehicle.
- Fixed script error when trying to load old PvP save games. (85713)
- Fixed setting vehicle driver/passenger to an offline player would crash the game. (85572)
- Fixed 4th parameter of noise.terrace function was parsed as literal number but was used as noise program register index. (85710)
- Fixed an issue with modded entities having an electric output flow limit of 0. (84963)
- Fixed that furnace recipe auto-selection didn't work correctly with temperature ranges. (85561)
- Fixed that LuaUnitGroup could be used while in an invalid destroyed state.
- Fixed button for selecting signal or number would not switch from number to signal with left click. (85766)
- Changed mining drill graphics definitions. Graphics are now defined using working visualizations contained in graphics_set and wet_mining_graphics_set prototype properties. If graphics_set is not defined, old animations property will be loaded instead for limited backwards compatibility, but other old graphics properties will be ignored.
- Mods can now be loaded from directories with the name of the mod but no version number.
- Added color_filters to utility-constants.
- Input fluid box with connection set to output or input-output will not have volume forced down by recipe fluid ingredient amount.
- Added LuaSurface::show_clouds read/write.
- Added LuaPlayer::stashed_controller_type read.
- Added LuaBootstrap::register_on_entity_destroyed().
- Added on_entity_destroyed event fired after an entity registered with LuaBootstrap::register_on_entity_destroyed() is destroyed.
Use the automatic updater if you can (check experimental updates in other settings) or download full installation at
Re: Version 0.18.31
Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 11:22 am
by mikiqex
Dude! I was just about getting back to work... The new drill looks brilliant.
Re: Version 0.18.31
Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:02 pm
by Shingen
Mods can now be loaded from directories with the name of the mod but no version number.
cool, finally!
but how about, you know, not requiring mods to be in a folder inside of another (zipped) folder at all?
i.e. i just can't understand why
which can now become
can't just become
Re: Version 0.18.31
Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:24 pm
by jan1i3
Shingen wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:02 pm
Mods can now be loaded from directories with the name of the mod but no version number.
cool, finally!
but how about, you know, not requiring mods to be in a folder inside of another (zipped) folder at all?
i.e. i just can't understand why
which can now become
can't just become was already possible before.
in fact it could have been
mods can also be loaded from folders directly, and those can now exist without the version number
so what was abc_1.0.0/data.lua can now be abc/data.lua.
see ... _structure
Re: Version 0.18.31
Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:29 pm
by fighting.dreamer
FactorioBot wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 11:01 amHovering over the circuit network id in the entity circuit control window will now show a tooltip with the circuit network contents.
This is getting awesome, please add circuit network contents to "hover" tooltip for all constructions as well; some are still not showing it (train stations, chests, lights, etc...).
pre-1.0 looking better and better with each release, good work

Re: Version 0.18.31
Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:39 pm
by Shingen
jan1i3 wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:24 pm was already possible before.
in fact it could have been
mods can also be loaded from folders directly, and those can now exist without the version number
so what was abc_1.0.0/data.lua can now be abc/data.lua.
okay, i knew about using unzipped folders and checked that already. i just thought the folder inside of the zip is treated in the same way, given that literally all mods i have currently downloaded have that same name with a version number as the zip itself, and i've seen mods on github that changed their main folder name's number each version, effectively moving ALL their files to a folder of a different name, which seemed incredibly stupid*/screen-space-wasteful regarding any later version comparison.
damn, that just strengthens how unnecessary this folder is.
*to be clear I'm not calling those mod devs stupid, they most likely just aren't aware that they didn't need to do it.
Re: Version 0.18.31
Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:59 pm
by Blacky007
is it normal that the Netzwork Numbers have the original color even if I use a Colorblind mod?

- Schaltungsnetz_red_green.PNG (1.57 MiB) Viewed 15798 times
Re: Version 0.18.31
Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:25 pm
by Pi-C
Shingen wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:39 pm
i've seen mods on github that changed their main folder name's number each version, effectively moving ALL their files to a folder of a different name, which seemed incredibly stupid*/screen-space-wasteful regarding any later version comparison.
To me, it makes sense to let the folder inside the zip file have the same name as the zip file (including the version number) because I may have different versions of the mod open for editing. This makes it a bit easier not to get lost between versions (e.g. when looking at an older version for reference). When I'm done, I just zip the folder and upload; when I start working on the next version, I unpack the last zip file and just rename the new folder to the next version.
Re: Version 0.18.31
Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 2:37 pm
by Blacky007
I have huge FPS drops for 8-10 UPS less when doing or undoing a construktion robos order for about 190 elements
anyone else this issue?
Re: Version 0.18.31
Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 2:51 pm
by SuperSandro2000
Re: Version 0.18.31
Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:10 pm
by Oktokolo
FactorioBot wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 11:01 am
Added experimental Color Filters graphics option to attempt to improve accessibility for color-blind players.
Nice. Is it modable?
FactorioBot wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 11:01 am
Added on_entity_destroyed event fired after an entity registered with LuaBootstrap::register_on_entity_destroyed() is destroyed.
Is this the long and often requested ability to get informed whenever an entity is removed from the surface even if that is done by the scenario editor or another mod's script?
Is it suitable for tracking hundreds of entities?
That would make managing compound entities a lot less quirky.
Re: Version 0.18.31
Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:03 pm
by someone1337
FactorioBot wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 11:01 am
- Mods can now be loaded from directories with the name of the mod but no version number.
Easily the best change ever.
You meant the crops watering system?
Re: Version 0.18.31
Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:05 pm
by tylere
I really, really dislike the new mining drill model.
It covers up the belt nearly totally and reduces visual clarity.

Re: Version 0.18.31
Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:44 pm
by valneq
tylere wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:05 pm
It covers up the belt nearly totally and reduces visual clarity.
"Nearly totally" is a serious exaggeration. In the screenshot you provided, you can still easily see the iron ore on the belt – and that it is not compressed, yet. When the iron ore is moving, it is even easier to see what is going on on the belt. The static picture makes it artificially more difficult to see.
Additionally, in your screenshot you have the overlay from bottleneck. These indicators tell you exactly which miners are working and which are not (and for what reason). When you furthermore look at the belt compression at the end, this is everything you possibly need to know about your mining outpost. Why do you want/need to see every pixel of the belt inside the mining outpost?
[edit] I personally play without bottleneck and without the yellow arrows for miners, because I don't think they add anything. It is usually easy enough to deduce the state of a machine by just looking at its animations and the belts and pipes around it.
Re: Version 0.18.31
Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:55 pm
by Rseding91
Oktokolo wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:10 pm
Is this the long and often requested ability to get informed whenever an entity is removed from the surface even if that is done by the scenario editor or another mod's script?
Oktokolo wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:10 pm
Is it suitable for tracking hundreds of entities?
Yes, it has the same (tiny) cost to register/handle an entity when there's 0 or 5 or 5 million.
Oktokolo wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:10 pm
That would make managing compound entities a lot less quirky.
That's a large portion of why it was added.
Re: Version 0.18.31
Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:58 pm
by Bilka
Note that registered entities are global, not per mod. So when the event is raised, you will have to check that the unit number and/or registration ID is for an entity your mod cares about.
Re: Version 0.18.31
Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:58 pm
by invisus
valneq wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:44 pm
tylere wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:05 pm
It covers up the belt nearly totally and reduces visual clarity.
"Nearly totally" is a serious exaggeration. In the screenshot you provided, you can still easily see the iron ore on the belt – and that it is not compressed, yet. When the iron ore is moving, it is even easier to see what is going on on the belt. The static picture makes it artificially more difficult to see.
Additionally, in your screenshot you have the overlay from bottleneck. These indicators tell you exactly which miners are working and which are not (and for what reason). When you furthermore look at the belt compression at the end, this is everything you possibly need to know about your mining outpost. Why do you want/need to see every pixel of the belt inside the mining outpost?
[edit] I personally play without bottleneck and without the yellow arrows for miners, because I don't think they add anything. It is usually easy enough to deduce the state of a machine by just looking at its animations and the belts and pipes around it.
Not to mention that the bottleneck indicators are now made redundant by the built-in indicator on the new miner model.
I for one really, really like the new mining drill model.
Re: Version 0.18.31
Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 5:09 pm
by Pi-C
invisus wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:58 pm
Not to mention that the bottleneck indicators are now made redundant by the built-in indicator on the new miner model.
I thought these new indicators were only in the new miners? So bottleneck would be redundant just for them, not for assemblers, furnaces, etc. Is that correct?
Re: Version 0.18.31
Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 5:17 pm
by valneq
Pi-C wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 5:09 pm
invisus wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:58 pm
Not to mention that the bottleneck indicators are now made redundant by the built-in indicator on the new miner model.
I thought these new indicators were only in the new miners? So bottleneck would be redundant just for them, not for assemblers, furnaces, etc. Is that correct?
Yes. Still, I play without bottleneck. I don't like these overlays. Setting bottleneck not to show anying for working machines (instead of green circle) makes it bearable, but still … looking out for non-moving machines is more immersive in my opinion.
Re: Version 0.18.31
Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 5:37 pm
by tylere
In any case, bottleneck doesn't actually overlap with the belts AT ALL. Not one single pixel.