This is a new type of crash for me. Usually Factorio can at least tell me that something happened which shouldn't have, and prompt me to send a log. This time, the game just became unresponsive for a few seconds, then crashed to the desktop.
Since updating to 0.16, I've had Outpost Planner (and its dependency, PlannerCore) installed and enabled but never actually used the Outpost Builder tool itself. This crash happened immediately after I used the Outpost Builder tool for the first time in 0.16, and had selected all of an iron ore patch plus part of a nearby coal patch that was within the selection rectangle.
I have tried to reproduce the crash, with no success. I am hoping that the OS X crash report (since Factorio's own log file simply ends with no reference to any errors) will at least be of some use. Given the timing, it seems possible (if unlikely) that there is a problem with the modding system whereby mods might unintentionally (or maliciously) crash the whole game somehow.
[0.16.20] Kernel Protection Failure from mod
[0.16.20] Kernel Protection Failure from mod
- Attachments
- Outpost Planner hard crashed Factorio.txt
- (62.17 KiB) Downloaded 104 times
Re: [0.16.20] Kernel Protection Failure from mod
Thanks for the report. It crashed running Lua garbage collection logic with no obvious reasoning as to why.
Do you have any way to reproduce the crash?
Do you have any way to reproduce the crash?
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
Re: [0.16.20] Kernel Protection Failure from mod
Unfortunately, no. I tried doing the same steps again in-game, but the crash did not repeat. (Presumably it wasn't at exactly the same tick each time, not that I have any way of realistically doing that.) It's possible that the code for PlannerCore and/or Outpost Planner could shed some light on what the game's Lua engine was doing right before the crash occurred, since it seemed to be triggered by the outpost planner tool, but that's about all I got for the time being.
I hoped that the crash log would provide enough info for a starting point, but this will have to stay in Pending (or 1/0 Magic) unless and until I can repro. Sorry I can't provide more data!
I hoped that the crash log would provide enough info for a starting point, but this will have to stay in Pending (or 1/0 Magic) unless and until I can repro. Sorry I can't provide more data!