When I tried to load my save file to launch a server, I got a notice that said that my save had a bad zip file. I decided to just make another map to play on for the time being, but when I came back later, the new map was also corrupted. The auto saves are also corrupted. I changed my version back to 0.15.3 to see if that fixed it, but it did not. I have the maps attached in Dropbox links. There are also steam links to screenshots of the notices I got.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/o1xpb8ykzzqh7 ... r.zip?dl=0
https://www.dropbox.com/s/sw7y3nl98ianf ... s.zip?dl=0
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ ... 664BF4A59/
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ ... 445616A02/
[0.15.X] Bad Zip File Save Corrupt
Re: [0.15.X] Bad Zip File Save Corrupt
Your save files are corrupt - the zips themselves are reporting CRC values when I try to extract them.
That indicates either you've got bad RAM, your hard drive is failing, or you have some software that's corrupting the files.
Try running this: http://www.memtest.org/
That indicates either you've got bad RAM, your hard drive is failing, or you have some software that's corrupting the files.
Try running this: http://www.memtest.org/
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.