Idea for longer end game (for those that want to build)

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Idea for longer end game (for those that want to build)

Post by geeyummy »

I was thinking about how what I wanted from Factorio's end game was to build something huge, like an empire... but for what?

So I thought that there could be something like a "New game+" added, so the people that want to stop at the rocket silo can stop there.

My idea is that you are actually sent on the new planet to colonize it and to prepare it so that the new colony can thrive in the hostile environment. But what you have to build is actually a utopia, where nobody has to work (well the robots do haha). The rocket launch would be the signal for people to arrive saying its safe to come on the planet. So basically the end game would have to be to create a safe haven where the new colony can thrive without working and in order to do that you have to build a place safe from the bitter, the pollution but that also has comfortable housing (and trains for people?), sanitary system, infinite food and entertainment all while automatizing everything. To increase the difficulty you can always add new bitters (ones that can fly maybe?), hunger meter (introduce agriculture?) and maybe also disease for the new colony?

Anyway I think it'd be fun to automatize a whole new civilization, and who knows... maybe you could create an empire.
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Re: Idea for longer end game (for those that want to build)

Post by ssilk »

Added to viewtopic.php?f=80&t=24090 Collection of End-Game-Ideas / Enhancing Endgame
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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