Version 2.0.18
Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2024 5:55 pm
- Allowed negative multiplier of logistic (and constant combinator) groups. (118684)
- Updated shortcut icons and increased their size to 56px.
- [space-age] Container sizes increase with quality.
- Reviving container ghosts no longer puts colliding items on the ground into the resulting container.
- Loading game for hosting now automatically offers the dialog whether the mods should be synced before continuing (as with normal game load).
- [space-age] Bulk inserter doesn't default upgrade to Stack inserter as they are not functionally interchangeable. (121011)
- [space-age] Demolisher health bars will always be visible for at least 1 tick after they take any damage, even if they fully regenerate the damage in the same tick.
- [space-age] Default quality cycling shortcut simplified to alt+scroll.
- Fixed confusing blueprint parameter context tooltip for filter of storage chest. (119013)
- Fixed music not switching correctly when restarting level. (121012)
- Fixed that the production GUIs showed the graphs in 'All' when opened with saved precision. (121152)
- Fixed that the "load save after sync" checkbox did not work in the sync mods with save GUI. (121091)
- Fixed removing heatpipes from a blueprint could leave them visually connected to their neighbours. (118750)
- Fixed 'Dropping to planet' button being too wide and pushing the 'Cancel' button off the screen. (121132)
- Fixed 'Always show' label not being accurate to the behavior of only showing in "Alt-mode". (116256)
- Fixed 'Parameterised build' GUI clipping off screen when too long. (120712)
- Fixed robots failing to upgrade a container if it was the only source of the requested item. (118973)
- Fixed that reusing the same sprite for multiple effects crashed instead of showing the error message and an option to disable problematic mods. (117208)
- Fixed 'Galaxy of Fame' upload GUI clipping off screen on smaller resolutions. (118826)
- Fixed vertical alignment of Current Research icon. (117091)
- Fixed asteroid spawning being significantly reduced when a platform moved with paused thrust. (121123)
- Fixed that fluids could get erased during migrations. (119600)
- Fixed a crash when removing a roboport while robots in that network are deactivated by script. (119993)
- Fixed that choose-elem-button wouldn't show the select list GUI if clicked with an item that didn't pass the filters. (118537)
- Fixed that syncing mod while trying to host game didn't allow to continue the process after reloading the game. (119876)
- Fixed chunks not being covered by fog of war when remote-viewing an unvisited surface. (121029)
- Fixed all/any/individual request satisfied wait conditions ignoring maximum count of space platform requests. (119265)
- Fixed offshorepump tooltip flickering too much when pumping at full capacity. (120177)
- Disabled "Drive Remotely" button on driveable vehicles ghosts' GUIs. (120400)
- Fixed Cargo Landing Pad and Space Platform Hub GUI being clipped off screen on smaller resolutions. (120670)
- Fixed platform deletion and undelete platform buttons being clipped off the surface list. (120443)
- Fixed that tanks didn't preserve all of their settings when mined and rebuilt. (121148)
- Fixed that rebuilt tanks didn't have their inventory size bonus from equipment. (121219)
- Fixed script error in PvP when setting starting item count to 0. (117571)
- Fixed spectator players of dead teams showing on the map in PvP. (114477)
- Fixed that inserters could get stuck with specific combinations of spoilage and disabled by control behavior. (121167)
- Fixed that some pop-up GUIs would get closed when robots built the entity while the ghost GUI was open. (118545)
- Fixed that robots performing module upgrades left some modules on ground when upgrading mixed modules to one type. (119524)
- Fixed that space platforms could unload cargo while waiting for departure. (120856)
- Fixed clouds and smoke were moving in exactly opposite direction. (118576)
- Fixed that spidertrons would severely confuse demolishers. Demolishers will now retaliate against spidertrons. (120027)
- Fixed the confirmation button behaving inconsistently in the remote view ghost picker menu. (121287)
- Fixed Agricultural tower sometimes showing wrong status if its growing plants were destroyed externally.
- Fixed a crash when exporting a blueprint with asteroid collectors which had gaps in the filters list. (121377)
- Fixed Being able to super-force entity through technology gui. (120305)
- Fixed spoilage was not considered as more spoiled than any spoilable items. (121406)
- Fixed that highlighted robots in the logistic networks chart view didn't smoothly follow robots. (117328)
- Changed base/space-age tile collision mask definitions so that they don't share references to the same tables.
- Added ItemPrototype::spoil_level.
- Fixed/reworked how setting tiles behaves vis-à-vis (double)hidden tiles (concerns LuaSurface::set_tiles, editor and placing of non-mineable tiles in-game) (118527)
- Added LuaEquipment::inventory_bonus read.
- Added LuaEquipmentGrid::inventory_bonus and LuaEquipmentGrid::movement_bonus read.
- Added LuaEquipmentPrototype::get_inventory_bonus().
- Fixed that LuaEntity::get_priority_target() would give invalid results for empty filters.
- Extended LuaEntity::splitter_filter, splitter_input_priority and splitter_output_priority to also work with lane splitters.