[Genhis][2.0.14] Upgrading modules order is canceled and modules drop on ground

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Fast Inserter
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[Genhis][2.0.14] Upgrading modules order is canceled and modules drop on ground

Post by Brambor »

  1. Go to Nauvis
  2. Get Uncommon Quality module mk 3 into your hand
    11-03-2024, 12-32-14.png
    11-03-2024, 12-32-14.png (828.13 KiB) Viewed 1674 times
  3. ctrl+click the accumulator crafting building (ctrl+f it on the map) to fill it up with Uncommon Quality module mk 3.
  4. The modules are marked for deconstruction
  5. Once bots are finished, only 4/5 slots are occupied and there is common Quality module mk 3 on the ground. It is not marked for deconstruction.
    11-03-2024, 12-37-11.png
    11-03-2024, 12-37-11.png (1.01 MiB) Viewed 1674 times
  • Building is full of uncommon quality module mk 3.
  • Nothing is left on the ground. If it is, it at least is marked for deconstruction.
(26.6 MiB) Downloaded 31 times
Burner Inserter
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Re: [Genhis][2.0.14] Upgrading modules order is canceled and modules drop on ground

Post by Xellnix »

thanks that im not the only one with that behavior

as i started to produce qualitys of quality modules i made a upgrade planer that increases the quality % bonus with each step

i end up with the same issue as the op sometimes, to me it looks like if i upgrade the current upgrade/downgrade order to "fast" (aka skip a module step) the bots sometimes cant handle the new overriden order

i cant rep it constant, but if you use the said upgrade planer at a assembler with up/downgrade order multiple times when the bots started to interact it can happen (i upgraded the module tier, waited for a bot to switch the first modules then up/downgraded it, waited for the first bot to change something and again ... that sometimes produces "lost" modules

to make that happen, it looks like the modules used need to be available, so they are already routed but canceled or something like that
Factorio Staff
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Re: [Genhis][2.0.14] Upgrading modules order is canceled and modules drop on ground

Post by Genhis »

Thanks for the report, this is fixed for the next release.
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