Production statistics shortcut from assembly machine

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Production statistics shortcut from assembly machine

Post by Shuisman »

Pressing 'p' while having an assembly machine dialogue open, open the production statistics showing only that item
It would be great that if you have the dialog of an assembly machine or refinery or so open, and when you press 'p' that it would still open the production statistics as before, but then that it highlight the output-items of the selected assembly machine. This would make looking for certain components much quicker and intuitive (at least to me).

Example, you have opened the dialog of an assembly machine:
assembler.png (1.09 MiB) Viewed 482 times

and when you now press 'p' (default production statistics) you get the production dialogue with the products of the assembly machine already filtered:
production.png (657.58 KiB) Viewed 482 times
I often work on a certain sub-components of my factory and then wonder on the production statistics for that subpart. This shortcut would greatly simplify finding things without typing the name of the item, or scrolling through a long list of items. You generally have an assembly machine close by, or even the dialogue already opened. Also you can then keep your hand on your mouse; not needing to type out the item.
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