[0.12] Bugs, crashes & other issues

The raillayer; must have, if you want to play with railway.

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Re: [0.12] Bugs, crashes & other issues

Post by Choumiko »

Darkestnoir wrote:Getting this when i place a Rail Layer, no crash. On 12.13.
0.12.13 (and 0.12.14) break mods. Try picking up every FARL in your save and place them again, This should get rid of the errors (at least until you save and load the game again)
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Re: [0.12] Bugs, crashes & other issues

Post by HellNeko »

Updated form 12.15 to Factorio Ver 12.16 came so i went a head to test it while watching colonelwill stream and when i tryed to load the save i get Deserialization error, LuaObject targets to wrong object. Save file is probably corrupted but i only get this massage with save that uses F.A.R.L. 0.4.3 when i remove F.A.R.L. the save loads the other mods i have are -

Blueprint string 2.2.0
Diesel Generator 0.2.1
Oil Steam Boiler 0.2.0
Rail Tanker 1.1.2
TheFatControler 0.3.14
Trainstats 1.0.0
Smart Trains 0.3.7

Edit: after some time i tried loading the save again with FARL turned off it load then i went and turn it back on and went straight to loading the save without restarting the game and the save loaded with FARL working so i dont know if it was just a temp bug right after updating to 12.16 or not i'll keep this post here just in case.

and I_need_a_better_Username_ form twitch wonted to know what your doing for the Blueprint Book in relation to FARL in factorio 0.13 when it come out.
Save game that is using FARL 0.4.3
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Re: [0.12] Bugs, crashes & other issues

Post by Choumiko »

HellNeko wrote:Edit: after some time i tried loading the save again with FARL turned off it load then i went and turn it back on and went straight to loading the save without restarting the game and the save loaded with FARL working so i dont know if it was just a temp bug right after updating to 12.16 or not i'll keep this post here just in case.
Did you save the game in 0.12.13/0.12.14 ? See this bug report: https://forums.factorio.com/forum/vie ... =7&t=17482

That's how i described your solution here: https://forums.factorio.com/forum/vie ... 37#p115637
HellNeko wrote:and I_need_a_better_Username_ form twitch wonted to know what your doing for the Blueprint Book in relation to FARL in factorio 0.13 when it come out.
0.13 is a long way ahead. FARL will probably read a book and check the blueprints in it for valid ones and use them.
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Re: [0.12] Bugs, crashes & other issues

Post by Boogieman14 »

Think I've found a minor bug, looks like the 'am I on straight track'-detection is slightly off:


Activating FARL in that position should probably have returned an error, instead it placed down the diagonal track.
I don't have OCD, I have CDO. It's the same, but with the letters in the correct order.
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Re: [0.12] Bugs, crashes & other issues

Post by Choumiko »

Boogieman14 wrote:Activating FARL in that position should probably have returned an error, instead it placed down the diagonal track.
Didn't the older versions where FARL crashed when starting on a curve teach you to _never_ start on a curve? :mrgreen:

Uh yeah, once i get around to using the new api completely, FARL would start at the southern track. What you're seeing is a result of me using a mix between the old way and the new and forgeting about the curves :D
I'll fix it like this (sunday maybe):
FARL is started on a curve: place tracks starting after the curve
FARL is started on a straight track before a curve: place tracks going straight (create a junction)
That's the old behaviour, except that it starts on curves too.
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Re: [0.12] Bugs, crashes & other issues

Post by Henkdohm »

FARL 0.4.4 crashes with YARM 0.7.7

when I enter the FARL this happens:
Error while running the event handler: __FARL__/FARL.lua:157: No such function: YARM.hide_expando

Doesn't happen with FARL 0.4.3
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Re: [0.12] Bugs, crashes & other issues

Post by Choumiko »

Try replacing the remote.lua in the YARM zip/folder with this one: https://github.com/narc0tiq/YARM/raw/master/remote.lua

Should work then and will also minimize the YARM overview (except resource sites < 10% or so) when you enter a FARL and reopen it when leaving, see https://github.com/narc0tiq/YARM/pull/20
I think this will be in the next YARM release.

I'll see if i can fix the issue Boogieman had before i fall asleep and make a new release then that won't crash if you have the unmodified YARM
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Re: [0.12] Bugs, crashes & other issues

Post by mazetar »

Trying to read in blueprints on 0.12.16 results in a Error:

FARL.Lua 986 -> Attempt to index field 'boundingBoxOffsets' (a nil value)
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Re: [0.12] Bugs, crashes & other issues

Post by mazetar »

mazetar wrote:Trying to read in blueprints on 0.12.16 results in a Error:

FARL.Lua 986 -> Attempt to index field 'boundingBoxOffsets' (a nil value)
This happend on the demo map provided in the main post.
However by loading into my own save file and creating new blueprints worked fine :D
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Re: [0.12] Bugs, crashes & other issues

Post by ssilk »

I'm sorry, this happened, cause the ZIP version somehow managed to load the mods from the binary-version. Maybe I accientially copied the old config. So Factorio loaded the old mods, instead of the new...

This bug is still alive.

I got
[code]__FARL__/data-updates.lua:9: attempt to index field 'rail' (a nil value)[/code]

PiggyWhiskey wrote:
Szereka wrote:Hello

I Am Having the same problem with Factorio 0.12.11
Dont have 5Dim in my mods only FARL 0.4.2
Did try to remove FARL and didnt get any problem then reinserted FARL 0.4.2 and BAM
I got the same ERROR as before.
My Best Regards

Just because you don't have 5DIM installed, doesn't mean the mod doesn't attempt to handle it just in case you do.

As I said. Edit line of data-updates.lua to change FROM

Code: Select all

if data.raw["rail"]["straight-power-rail"] then

Code: Select all

if data.raw["straight-rail"]["straight-power-rail"] then
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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Re: [0.12] Bugs, crashes & other issues

Post by Airat9000 »

:( bug!!! not automate place in poles! bob power
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Re: [0.12] Bugs, crashes & other issues

Post by SirRichie »

What's the bug? it looks like the pole got placed?
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Re: [0.12] Bugs, crashes & other issues

Post by Airat9000 »

SirRichie wrote:What's the bug? it looks like the pole got placed?
not place
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Re: [0.12] Bugs, crashes & other issues

Post by waduk »

V 0.5.0
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Re: [0.12] Bugs, crashes & other issues

Post by Choumiko »

waduk wrote:V 0.5.0
How did that end up there??

grab this file: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Choum ... tities.lua and place it in FARL_0.5.0.zip/FARL_0.5.0/prototypes/entity/ overwriting the existing one.

Will upload a fix soonish

Edit: Reuploaded the fixed release: https://github.com/Choumiko/FARL/releases/tag/v0.5.0
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Re: [0.12] Bugs, crashes & other issues

Post by Alekthefirst »

Choumiko wrote: Edit: Oooops, i hit edit instead quote without noticing, sorry Alek :roll: :oops:
Factorio is a game about automating everything. One day, i hope i can automate shitty signatures just like this one.
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Re: [0.12] Bugs, crashes & other issues

Post by Choumiko »

Damn it..

Fixed: https://github.com/Choumiko/FARL/releases/tag/v0.5.01

This version loads without any other mods in the folder, so i guess all copy+paste mistakes are gone..
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Re: [0.12] Bugs, crashes & other issues

Post by decitrig »

I'm not able to get FARL to place parallel tracks (save attached). It places tracks out in front of the FARL, but nothing on either side of it. I'm just doing the basic thing, nothing with blueprints. Is there something else I need to do?
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Re: [0.12] Bugs, crashes & other issues

Post by Choumiko »

decitrig wrote:I'm not able to get FARL to place parallel tracks (save attached). It places tracks out in front of the FARL, but nothing on either side of it. I'm just doing the basic thing, nothing with blueprints. Is there something else I need to do?
You need to use blueprints, see viewtopic.php?f=61&t=9411 for an explanation on how they work. Or put 2 empty blueprints in your toolbar and click the Diagonal and Vertical buttons in the Settings menu of FARL to give you a quick idea of how they should look.
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Re: [0.12] Bugs, crashes & other issues

Post by decitrig »

Choumiko wrote:You need to use blueprints, see viewtopic.php?f=61&t=9411 for an explanation
I thought that just clicking the setting was sufficient, per https://www.reddit.com/r/factorio/comme ... ll_tracks/? If I have blueprints that describe parallel tracks but I *don't* check the "lay parallel tracks" option, what happens?
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