Space Platforms

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Re: Space Platforms

Post by mmmPI »

adam_bise wrote: Mon Dec 09, 2024 2:15 pm Nice. You should be a circuit board engineer! I think there is barely 2 empty spaces on there :)
Lol thank you but that sounds too serious for me :D

The ship is an improvement over a previous "rare" ship on which i spent quite some time already, so it allowed for a second round of optimization because it is very similar i spent (even) more time on little details. There's more than 2 empty tiles too but i tried my best to avoid them . Some of those left were for a speaker and logic to make it ring when the ship depart and arrive somewhere but it was using a modded song so i didn't include it.
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Re: Space Platforms

Post by Khazul »

mmmPI wrote: Mon Dec 09, 2024 4:30 am
Team-speeder => The Epic Racer
Designed for speed, more of personnal transport " i need to go fix this", "Aquilo-capable", it goes around 420 km/s, it uses a single assembly machine for either ammo or rockets, and the same chemplant does coal synthesis or explosive. Only two crusher, but they change receipes to do the different processing. The ship doesn't dump anything to space. It has a "ghost" mode, which can be activated when the "ghost" signal is set to 1, which will cut the outer engines, for lower speed but more safety. There is a another speed limit controller the signal V which works more as target speed and is set to 500 by default which the ship can't reach but it can be reduced if it feel risky with the current level of damage upgrade. The target speed will be maintained with 3 or 5 engine regardless. There is also a green lamp in the screenshot, it's red when the ship isn't ready to travel. This is used in the schedule condition, the ship moves only when the lamp isn't red anymore. And the decider that output the red color that overtake the green is setup with condition on ammo stock, explosive, ice , iron plate, iron ore , sulfur, carbon, and also accumulators, to make sure the ship initiate travel when ready.

Made this ship a month ago or so , and it's filled with notes on combinators, so i could reuse it and share the bp :)


Nice, but I am going to have to say you cheated and didnt confine yourself to one of each type of machine - ie one foundry, one chem lab, one assembler and one crusher :)

I only say this because a while back I was doing a ship that had only one of each and switched recipes with al the fluid handling etc, but I never actually got around to finishing it as a ship and instead it became an automated fabricator curiosity to fiddle with. It even made railgun rounds and repair packs :)

TBH, I quite like builds like this, but I really need more space around the hub (bigger hub or a cargo bay version that inserters can use) so cram more direct insert stuff with a little more cargo space.
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Re: Space Platforms

Post by coffee-factorio »

So I've taken an interest in this. And I hope to put up videya eventually of the thing flying about.

But this is a seed ship. The idea is that it goes somewhere, picks up stuff and expands up to a crystal. The crystal with adv. asteroid processing is capable of sustaining forges. Once you hit a critical mass of about 5K platform area (or +/- for clever) the thing can grow on its own. The "best" shape for design was found to be a "close to equilateral triangle" or le brick. Le brick because it's area use is efficient.

But if you slice it in half you double the width of the ship. Which doubles the asteroid collection in flight (probably unnecessary). A forward facing triangle will catch everything coming at it except at the back 60 degrees of the ship just by placing arms facing forward. It's freakishly efficient at high tonnages.

Prior to high tonnages though, your gun battery needs to be 4 in a line assuming blue science upgrades. I was having trouble working the tip of the thing so I flipped it around. This makes a triangular base with 16 guns facing forward.

The net result is a platform weighing in at 206 tons (833 platform) that can survive a trip to Vulcanus and back to Nauvis, which is probably useful if you want to get the Rush to Space Achievement. IF you let it saturate its belt with ammo (45 minutes in the map editor at Nauvis, less time at Vulcanus). It's iffy getting back to Nauvis, and don't try and run it on other planets without yellow damage upgrades: I watched Gleba's carbon asteroid balance deplete its ammo, and a forward facing triangle design I put up was heavier and died faster because it was difficult to get a working forward gun battery worth the term.

It also IS NOT a colony support ship, this is the sort of thing you want for the mid game. IMO early you want a ~400 to 800 ton design capable of producing belts, iron plates, ice cubes, carbon, pipes and steel (2 components of a rocket silo). A brick that can stream you iron, belts, underground belts is a magical thing. Ice cubes and carbon are fuel and water, which comes in handy more often than not (and carbon is needed for tungsten).

If you want to use this as an idea for optimization or a ship class (my name for it is a seed because you need to feed it material to grow); my design criteria was "it has to be as light as possible, and get to Vulcanus with blue science upgrades to ammo, damage an inserter capacity). I used all yellow belts because I'm just cheap.

I think it can be taken further. I know that 155 tons, ~ a 24x24 seems to be impossible on a square frame. My design uses a 10 wide furnace without a belt weave, a belt weave in principle could cut the furnace width down by 1 to 9 if you can also get the output into ammo boxes, and do a second belt weave to handle its output. You'd need a second color of belt in orbit though, so your mileage may vary. The relevant point being that there's a 9x18 section of hull an enterprising mind might be rid of.
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Re: Space Platforms

Post by Khazul »

This is my 'Curiosity' ship - impractical experimental thing for the hell of it. It was a test bed ages ago for dynamic recipes and some other stuff and I finally got around to making it functional as a ship and now serves as my personal transport or as a fast courier.
Top speed is just over 500Km/s and it can get out to Aqilo at max speed. It uses mostly legendary stuff with some lower grades where they are more suitable.
It doesnt have speed control, but does have 'gears' to switch fuel flow to allow time to refill tanks if they get too low.
Both fuels are made in one chem lab via recipe switching. Despite this it can mostly keep up with max speed fuel consumption of 2100 unit/sec if the asteroid supply is plentiful enough.
It can make uranium ammo on board if u-238 is shipped up, otherwise it uses piecing ammo. In practice the extra production time of uranium ammo is maybe more trouble than it is worth though the extra punch does seem to help at speed. It also has a few lasers just to take the edge off and reduce gatling ammo consumption a little. For rockets is uses a mix of normal and explosive rockets. It also has a couple of railguns so makes ammo for that as well along with a small supply of repair packs.

Cargo is 159, of which just over half tends to get used for production, so it can carry a little cargo and may get used as a Gleba science transport at least I get all my science moved there as at can do that run in around 30 seconds.

The circuits on this are a mess and long overdue for being reworked.
I did once try this on system edge but forgot to reduce the fuel flow for the trip. Went splat into almost the fist huge asteroid it encountered at just over 500km/s :)
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Re: Space Platforms

Post by The Phoenixian »

The Phoenixian wrote: Fri Dec 06, 2024 9:08 am Image

Game finishing and basic promethium science ship. Could use a lot of optimization, especially with the coming changes to ERA blocks landmines but I'm pretty happy with the work on it so far, especially after ending up with enough railgun ammo to take up the duties of most other weapons when necessary. (Which is often. Going 300-400km/s to leave the system before eggs spoil eats ammo fast.)

Railgun coverage was fun to optimize, especially as railguns at right angles feel like they offer compact and interesting shapes, as well as potential dead zone for other structures. Ended up lending some very interesting shape to the central core and rear.

As one might expect, the belt routing was An Endeavor.
Quoting my post since I said I was likely to rework the front end eventually and now I have. Both out of an accumulation of high-end parts, and to fix a number of issues. There's a few changes to the rest, but they're mostly quality upgrades, module swaps, and comparatively minor tweaks.
The new front
The new front
12-12-2024, 09-16-31.png (10.76 MiB) Viewed 2225 times

This design chevrons the thruster placement, reworks and narrows the placement of the railgun clusters for far more crossfire, reworks the belts at the front to split off the circular line evenly so neither side gets priority, and adds in a large number of lasers to help conserve ammo. It's also my first experiment with circuit-controlled turret priorities, since It turns out there's enough railgun round production potential in this ship that they can take care of big and even medium asteroids to help take the ammo burden off the gun and rocket turrets. Landmines still see occasional use, and so will likely need a rework once 2.0.24 or 2.0.25 goes to stable, but it's far more of the occasional extra layer of protection than a main defense now. There's a lot of accumulators on the ship now. Not for power storage, per se, but to smooth out the demand curve since the peaks of the electrical load are very jagged.

I find it also just looks a lot more interesting. Almost like the head of an axe.

Cross-firing railguns like the center four really benefit from quality, more so than most turrets, since they turn that extra range into broader coverage of the front.

I have run into issues with railgun fratricide each other a few times an hour, thankfully, here it just affected the side-facing rails and could be fixed by pushing them each out a block, since as long as diagonal railguns are packed tightly enough to share tiles it doesn't cause problems. I'm guessing what happens is that while the railgun arc shows the full firing angle, the railgun round itself pushes out an extra margin of damage horizontally on either side of that.

All in all, at this point, it feels like the forward turrets are complete enough that future changes are more of a balance between thruster power and ammo production. It does feel like absolute top speed should be cut going into the shattered planet, but it's still able to travel comfortably around 150 into that flight zone with the turret reworks, and only really struggles right before the transition since I'm pushing it to the maximum even at the edge of the star system. It's probably time to start carrying more biter eggs each run.
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Re: Space Platforms

Post by ichVII »

12-16-2024, 01-11-03.png
12-16-2024, 01-11-03.png (1017.95 KiB) Viewed 2082 times
This is my inner planet ship using only solar powered lasers.
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Re: Space Platforms

Post by coffee-factorio »

13K space platform. The isoceleses triangle frame is for optimal rock collection - I cut a square in half to double its width for the same area of material, and stuff comes at a lower rate in orbit so I wasn't so interested about it. It's also colony capable to the point of blue inserters and red belts - basically those are now on-demand music and I can stream 'em anywhere.

First of it's class has production for 1ip space platform. I'm at a tricky point with that because I need an intermediate design between 1kplatform ~6K platform and this. But once you get better quality engines you can increase the layout for the same speed, and the wider frame is probably going to let me fit even more engines on the next generation of design at that point.
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Re: Space Platforms

Post by mmmPI »

Vessel Piglet
Inspired by some successful example of biomimicry, i'm excited to present my new vessel, the Piglet !
V. Piglet.jpg
V. Piglet.jpg (1.58 MiB) Viewed 1992 times

You can hear it fly there but it's blurry : viewtopic.php?p=653598
The shape was made from the piglet drawing thanks to this website :

Yes the head is empty, it's a piglet , you won't find complicated logic there, it's not super smart, look it's full of railguns, but also solar powered, how can it be expected to fire all those guns at once is beyond immediate concern. It does look scary though right ? if you don't think about it, and you are an asteroid.

It can be adapted to nuclear or fusion reactor by removing one cargo bay on the left side of the hub and some solar pannel to make room for nuclear fuel belting to the head. There are 3 belts loops running around the whole ship, one for asteroid chunks, one for rocket/gun ammo, and one for rail gun ammo. So it's easy to just grab asteroid chunks from the head to make ice locally for a nuclear reactor, and dump used fuel behind the ears. If you do this though, it probably should be called a pig, and no longer a piglet.

There are a few lasers turrets on the blueprint, there are mainly for aesthetic reason, i found it looked better with laser coming from the "crown" and the behind. Currently it can fly at 130/150km/s between Fulgora and Aquilo, or even stay in Aquilo's orbit with physical damage 9 and stronger explosive 7 researched.

Now i'm not sure if i should be working on a sleigh, or rather try to get a faster mount, because there's some reindeer shortages currently and unfortunatly a piglet is not a good replacement.
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Re: Space Platforms

Post by mmmPI »

Khazul wrote: Tue Dec 10, 2024 1:31 am Nice, but I am going to have to say you cheated and didnt confine yourself to one of each type of machine - ie one foundry, one chem lab, one assembler and one crusher :)
Actually that's because i think it is ridiculous to use a single chemplant and then several pumps to swap around fluid since that take a larger footprint and is slower. The logic of the ship could be used for this purpose, but i didn't force myself to apply it where it make no sense.
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Re: Space Platforms

Post by Khazul »

Promethium Science Ship

I finally made a full legendary Promethium Science Ship. I am not sure I can ever go back to using regular production machines and inserters after this :)

It is designed to run two cycles of Promethium Science production for each collection round trip, so that is 12.8K science every 45 minutes or so.

It is probably easiest to consider that the cycle starts at Nauvis with a full load of Promethium and Quantum circuits already on board (so skips the biter egg part after initially built to pre-fill the ship).
At Nauvis it takes on board 6.4k biter eggs and processes the 16K of Promethium already on board into 6.4k of science and drops that to Nauvis immedately.
Then it takes on board another 6.4K of biter eggs and heads out to Shattered Planet where it processes the biter eggs into science (around 16K Promethium needed) and turns around when it runs out of eggs. This will allow it to fill up on another 16K+ of Promethium on the way back.
Then it stop at Aquilo to fill up on Quantum Circuits and finally heads back to Nauvis for the cycle to repeat.
Biter eggs are onboard for just over half the cycle.

Top speed is around 480Km/s, reduced to 300-325Km/s on the System Edge route and down to 225-250Km/s on the Shattered Planet route while collecting Promethium.
It seems to produce far ammo ammo than it can possibly use which is just a quirk of beacon placement around machines that needed them overlapping machines that didn't need so many. End result is it produces >8000 rounds of gatling ammo, >4500 rockets and ~1400 railgun rounds per minute and just under 12k fuel per second. I am not sure what it can actually use with everything on free firing, but I have never seen a gap on the ammo belts develop.

There are lots of circuits on board to handle speed control, asteroid collection and reprocessing, crusher production to minimize garbage (it occasionally has to dump a little excess production from a crusher to ensure it can never clog, but quite rare) and ensure science production safely handles eggs, flips stack inserter filters and machine recipe when needed to ensure eggs can never be trapped anywhere and are dumped overboard if anything goes wrong resulting in insufficient resources process the eggs.

The thrusters are handled in groups of 8, with groups shutting down to provide a kind of gearing system depending on the route. This way the speed control isnt limited to the speed range of a single group of thrusters and the end result is it has a speed range of from 50Km/s up to around 480Km/s. Without the grouping, the lower speed would be around 150Km/s. As it happens it seems quite happy at over 250Km/s on the Shattered planet part of the route, however as a just in case it does have a damage control reaction to slow down to minimum speed to allow time to recover using onboard repair packs and spare parts. So far it has never taken any damage.

There is still some more circuits work to do on it hence the bare area at the back, but it is otherwise functional enough for my use.

The odd shape at the front was an experiment to allow a higher concentration of collectors for fast collecting while still covering ahead of them with loads of weapons. Its seems to work.

While it does carry Promethium using belt storage which some like to label as 'cheesey', it does also carry eggs in the hub and processes eggs while collecting as well as back at Nauvis, so the best of both worlds.

No mods are needed for this, however I do have 2 mods in my game that are used on it:
- Nixie tubes for various displays
- My own fuel barrelling mod to get it moving after it is initially built. Without this it just takes much longer to get going for the first time while waiting for small chunks above Nauvis.
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Re: Space Platforms

Post by mmmPI »

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Re: Space Platforms

Post by Khazul »

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Re: Space Platforms

Post by BraveCaperCat »

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Re: Space Platforms

Post by Khazul »

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Re: Space Platforms

Post by jaylawl »

Khazul wrote: Sun Dec 22, 2024 3:28 pm Promethium Science Ship
Thats a fantastic space platform. You clearly care not only for functionality, but also visual appeal. Great combination, great work!
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Re: Space Platforms

Post by Khazul »

jaylawl wrote: Mon Dec 23, 2024 7:09 pm
Khazul wrote: Sun Dec 22, 2024 3:28 pm Promethium Science Ship
Thats a fantastic space platform. You clearly care not only for functionality, but also visual appeal. Great combination, great work!
Thanks, kind words. It is my favourite part of space age - making ships and circuits to coerce them into working as I want :)
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Re: Space Platforms

Post by mmmPI »

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Re: Space Platforms

Post by the_potty_1 »

I tested what happens to my inner planet shuttle if I go to Aquilo, and it went badly. So I've been working on a chunkier ship with rockets and red ammo, and I just tested it out. One wall chunk got destroyed, otherwise perfect. I haven't really added enough logic to handle raw materials backing up, I thought I'd wait for it to happen and then fix whatever got stuck.

512 tons, around 130 km/s

Aquilo_ship.png (1.55 MiB) Viewed 1642 times

EDIT OK that material balancing logic was kinda important. Sulphur backed up, missiles stopped getting manufactured, and turns out turrets don't do much to large asteroids. Ten turrets unloading for 15 seconds did absolutely nothing, granted most were on yellow ammo, but .. well I panicked and sent the ship back to Gleba, and it got half way before exploding. So I'm tweaking it to only use red ammo, and fixing sulphur balancing.
Last edited by the_potty_1 on Tue Dec 24, 2024 7:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Space Platforms

Post by seltha »

Here is my NX class Starship (from 'Enterprise')
12-24-2024, 18-11-52.png
12-24-2024, 18-11-52.png (1.91 MiB) Viewed 1608 times
It's a nuclear powered science vessel with 16 space science assemblers onboard. I run a pair of them on a milk run from Nauvis to Fulgora, each ship making 2-4k science per round trip depending on the asteroid distribution. Round trip takes approximately 4 minutes. It's still early game for me, I don't know how it will hold up deeper into space. I might have to build a NCC-1701-D for that :mrgreen:

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Re: Space Platforms

Post by mmmPI »

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Khazul wrote: Tue Dec 10, 2024 1:31 am TBH, I quite like builds like this, but I really need more space around the hub (bigger hub or a cargo bay version that inserters can use) so cram more direct insert stuff with a little more cargo space.
I am trying to help because i noticed this unused belt that look like the remainder of something forgotten, given that there's already other inserter extracting promethium chunk and placing them in the same belt, i thought it would only require little to no adaptation to change it so it can accept any asteroid chunk to speed up the initial process of getting the ship moving instead of getting fuel barrel.
Just adding an inserter configured to deal with other chunks than promethium would help a lot there as it would also allow the hub the clean itself from asteroid chunks that may end up there during construction or finishing the last details.
suggestion.jpg (210.14 KiB) Viewed 1561 times
That seem to me a constructive suggestion to have a better use of the space around the hub.
the_potty_1 wrote: Mon Dec 23, 2024 11:15 pm EDIT OK that material balancing logic was kinda important. Sulphur backed up, missiles stopped getting manufactured, and turns out turrets don't do much to large asteroids. Ten turrets unloading for 15 seconds did absolutely nothing, granted most were on yellow ammo, but .. well I panicked and sent the ship back to Gleba, and it got half way before exploding. So I'm tweaking it to only use red ammo, and fixing sulphur balancing.
Hey sorry if this an unsolicited advice x), i noticed on your ship your are using a single crusher to produce both the carbon for fuel and for the coal synthesis for explosive, this is why the "sulfur backs up", in game it appears that the ratio are exact if you use the carbon and the sulfur for creating explosive only, there would be no left-over if you don't mess with productivity bonus in the chemplants, and you can use another crusher, dedicated only to carbon, for the fuel.
seltha wrote: Tue Dec 24, 2024 7:31 am It's a nuclear powered science vessel with 16 space science assemblers onboard. I run a pair of them on a milk run from Nauvis to Fulgora, each ship making 2-4k science per round trip depending on the asteroid distribution. Round trip takes approximately 4 minutes. It's still early game for me, I don't know how it will hold up deeper into space. I might have to build a NCC-1701-D for that :mrgreen:
I think it's the first ship on this thread with a solid wall of asteroid collector at the front, i like it ,it look designed as if "no asteroid chunks should scratch the paint". Curious to see the deep space version :D
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