[MOD 0.17] Industrial Revolution

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Re: [MOD 0.17] Industrial Revolution

Post by BlueTemplar »

Shiny and chromium titanium !
Additionally, [turrets] can now point in 8 directions.
Nice, I always missed this from the Modular Scattergun Turrets !
Modular Scattergun Turrets
Is the intension here just to provide the player with a cheaper "anti pollution" item to give him tools not to anger the natives so much? Or do i miss a point here?
Bot Efficiency and Anti-Pollution modules have capped limits. Can you square those limits by using both (high-level) ones ?
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Re: [MOD 0.17] Industrial Revolution

Post by Attal »

Hello Deadlock!
Your mod is really nice

Right now I'm playing Krastorio+Industrial Revolution megabase

And I'm really depressed with science recost
Screenshot 2019-10-16 at 15.28.04.png
Screenshot 2019-10-16 at 15.28.04.png (161.27 KiB) Viewed 8774 times

According to the official wiki mining productivity research cost is an arithmetical progression.
https://wiki.factorio.com/Mining_produc ... (research)

Industrial Revolution is of course revolution, but arithmetical -> geometrical progression is overhard

Code: Select all

		data.raw.technology[tech].unit.count_formula = "2^(L-" .. level .. ")*" .. cost
Can you please review this line?
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Re: [MOD 0.17] Industrial Revolution. Stacking items.

Post by AlexGreen »


I would like to improve icons of stacked ingots for them to reflect the actual ingot shape. (e.g. gold or tin ingots have somewhat different shape). Currently all stacked ingots are looking the same. It would be very helpful if I could get (if there are any) original 3D assets of those ingots.

I really like the idea of stacking items on a belt but don't want to introduce loaders into the game since consider them to be too OP (referring to Deadlock's Stacking Beltboxes and Compact Loaders mod). That is why I would like to design a stacking machine (probably 1 x 2 entity) with "built-in" input and output (like splitters). Which also has look and feel compatible with IR or on general with current logistic item (undergrounds and splitters). Eventually may be adding some minor QoL thingies as well.

Do you think it is worth any effort?
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Re: [MOD 0.17] Industrial Revolution. Stacking items.

Post by Deadlock989 »

AlexGreen wrote: Thu Oct 17, 2019 10:38 am Greetings!

I would like to improve icons of stacked ingots for them to reflect the actual ingot shape. (e.g. gold or tin ingots have somewhat different shape). Currently all stacked ingots are looking the same. It would be very helpful if I could get (if there are any) original 3D assets of those ingots.
It would be less hassle for me to just update the icons myself. I'm aware they don't quite match, it was just very very low priority. Ditto some of the rods. The issue wasn't rendering them, that's two minutes work, it was something else.
I really like the idea of stacking items on a belt but don't want to introduce loaders into the game since consider them to be too OP (referring to Deadlock's Stacking Beltboxes and Compact Loaders mod). That is why I would like to design a stacking machine (probably 1 x 2 entity) with "built-in" input and output (like splitters). Which also has look and feel compatible with IR or on general with current logistic item (undergrounds and splitters). Eventually may be adding some minor QoL thingies as well.

Do you think it is worth any effort?
It's possible but would require composite entities. These can be broken quite easily by other mods. Non-square entities that aren't usually rotatable are also a pain, again, doable with dummy/proxy items/entities but it's an ugly hack imo. I did have plans to do something like this for an update to Crating Machine but tbh I'm just not feeling it at the moment. See Klonan's Belt Buffer to see how it was done there and some of the issues involved. It uses a composite loader/container/loader. You'd be using a furnace-like entity instead of the container. Timing is important.

I agree that loaders pretty much trash game balance, but this is only because they can't support power sources and were left in the game engine half-finished. I don't play with DSB installed any more but when I did, I used the loaders for the beltboxes and almost nothing else. I considered having them as composites at the time but having them separate has advantages: (a) other mods fuck them up fractionally less often and (b) you can do interesting things with L-shaped stacking intersections, red>yellow de-stacking "splitters" etc. etc. That's just the way it is, we live in a world where robot arms can turn coal into energy directly and lock on to items on a moving belt without any electronics or sensors, but a simple gravity-powered chute at the end of a belt is an arcane fantasy.
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Industrial Revolution support for Multiple Unit Train Control

Post by robot256 »

Hey Deadlock,
I finally got to the point in my playthrough where I was going to research Multiple Unit Train Control. Somehow, it looks like it's not being unlocked even though all the prerequisites are researched. I've never seen a tech stay red (unavailable) when all the prereqs are green. It does this on a fresh save as well. Any ideas?
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Re: Industrial Revolution support for Multiple Unit Train Control

Post by Deadlock989 »

robot256 wrote: Fri Oct 18, 2019 12:29 am Hey Deadlock,
I finally got to the point in my playthrough where I was going to research Multiple Unit Train Control. Somehow, it looks like it's not being unlocked even though all the prerequisites are researched. I've never seen a tech stay red (unavailable) when all the prereqs are green. It does this on a fresh save as well. Any ideas?
It's probably something I did. Will take a look tomorrow night.
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Re: [MOD 0.17] Industrial Revolution

Post by Liquid5n0w »

Hey Deadlock,

I just started IR and it's really awesome, your work is amazing.

I am in the iron age and my turret no longer gets filled by Fill4Me when I place it after the update to 1.0.3, is this intentional or a bug? Looks like you changed the internal name for it and maybe that causes an issue for Fill4Me?
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Re: [MOD 0.17] Industrial Revolution

Post by Deadlock989 »

Liquid5n0w wrote: Fri Oct 18, 2019 2:10 pm Hey Deadlock,

I just started IR and it's really awesome, your work is amazing.

I am in the iron age and my turret no longer gets filled by Fill4Me when I place it after the update to 1.0.3, is this intentional or a bug? Looks like you changed the internal name for it and maybe that causes an issue for Fill4Me?
Thank you.

It certainly wasn't intentional, I've never heard of Fill4Me.

The Iron Age autogun turret is just the vanilla gun turret reskinned, the internal name did not change. The Stone Age copper turret changed its internal name to "scattergun-turret". Some of the other turrets changed internal name as well but none of them are ammo turrets. If Fill4Me is relying on lists of individually named turrets instead of looking at the properties of any and all ammo turrets in general then yes, that change might have affected it.
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Re: Industrial Revolution support for Multiple Unit Train Control

Post by Deadlock989 »

Deadlock989 wrote: Fri Oct 18, 2019 12:43 am
robot256 wrote: Fri Oct 18, 2019 12:29 am Hey Deadlock,
I finally got to the point in my playthrough where I was going to research Multiple Unit Train Control. Somehow, it looks like it's not being unlocked even though all the prerequisites are researched. I've never seen a tech stay red (unavailable) when all the prereqs are green. It does this on a fresh save as well. Any ideas?
It's probably something I did. Will take a look tomorrow night.
It looks like I broke MUTC support when I made a change attempting to improve support for other mods. Mod portal whack-a-mole, yawn. It's because the base MUTC technology has vanilla electronics research as a prerequisite and that tech is disabled/hidden in IR. Previously this was automatically removed, but in an attempt to be less harsh on unknown mods, I removed the automatic prerequisite stripping for non-vanilla techs.

Will be fixed later.
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Re: [MOD 0.17] Industrial Revolution

Post by nosports »

i finally braced myself to tackling this mod...

Come to Steel age
natives are under contorl (terminated in the pollution cloud plus a little give or take)

Is it feaseable for this mod to make this without a main-bus or bot-based factory ?
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Re: [MOD 0.17] Industrial Revolution

Post by Kyralessa »

I have a range question:

I have scattergun turrets that have a range of 15.

The game has medium spitters that have a range of 14.

Why are the medium spitters able to stand just outside the range of my scattergun turrets and bombard them?
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Re: [MOD 0.17] Industrial Revolution

Post by BlueTemplar »

I'd guess because these spitters are more than 1m smaller than the turrets ?
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Re: [MOD 0.17] Industrial Revolution

Post by Deadlock989 »

Kyralessa wrote: Sat Oct 19, 2019 5:42 am I have a range question:

I have scattergun turrets that have a range of 15.

The game has medium spitters that have a range of 14.

Why are the medium spitters able to stand just outside the range of my scattergun turrets and bombard them?
Because projectiles originate some distance away from the centre of the entity. Looking at the medium spitter prototype, its projectiles are launched approximately 1.9 metres away from the spitter's coordinate origin. The "range" tooltip on entities does not take this into account: the range of the "spits" is indeed 14m but they are not launched from the spitter's origin coordinates and the tooltip does not tell you this. To put it another way, a spitter's mouth is apparently 0.9m nearer to a scattergun turret than the scattergun turret's distance to the centre of the spitter's body.

This "feature" also applies to player-owned turrets (but kind of in reverse), which is why in that case the tooltip displays both "Range" (engagement range) and "Projectile range" (how far the projectile can travel after being launched) - if these are the same, the projectiles may exceed the green circle/arc because they don't start at the origin of that circle/arc. This is slightly confusing but there's nothing I can do about it, that's the game engine.

If this was not a technical question but instead you were asking why the mod allows medium spitters to bombard your Stone Age turrets, it's because I like it that way.
nosports wrote: Fri Oct 18, 2019 7:30 pm Is it feaseable for this mod to make this without a main-bus or bot-based factory ?
Yes. If you did want to build a megabus style base, for metals I don't personally see the point of putting anything apart from ingots on it. But you can do spaghetti or train supply/demand or city blocks or whatever you like.
Last edited by Deadlock989 on Sat Oct 19, 2019 11:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [MOD 0.17] Industrial Revolution

Post by Deadlock989 »

Version: 1.0.4
Date: 19. 10. 2019

- Added reinforced steel walls.

- Defender robots now fire physical bullets, like the steel magazines they are made with.
- Physical projectile damage level 6 and turret damage level 6 technologies now require utility science.

- Train stops stack to 50. Sulphur stacks to 100.
- Fixed that higher tier vanilla chests were faster to craft than low tier IR chests.

- DSB: The icons for stacked ingots and rods now resemble the base items more closely.
- Multiple Unit Train Control and others: Fixed an issue with hidden tech prerequisites.
steel-walls.png (791.51 KiB) Viewed 8194 times
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Re: [MOD 0.17] Industrial Revolution

Post by Commander »

Hello and thank you for this wonderful mod :)
Factorio already wandered into my pocket drawer. With your mod, I have this but again every day on the screen. Great work they have done there.
However, I have a little problem:
1) I transport all liquids by train and these in barrels. Unfortunately, it is not possible to fill dilute sulfuric acid in barrels. Is this what they wanted, or was it forgotten?
2) I have written a small patch file (beginner), in which I change some vanilla things to my needs. This includes changing the length of the cable from the main power poles to 50. Since IR is running, this is no longer possible and the length is 32. In their mod, I have seen that there is a line that changes this. Unfortunately, I do not know how to write the command in my patch file, so this is back at 50. Maybe they could help me and write me this change for my file.
Otherwise a really good job from you.
Thank you very much. :)
P.S. Sorry for my bad english, since I work with translator.
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Re: [MOD 0.17] Industrial Revolution

Post by nosports »

Deadlock989 wrote: Sat Oct 19, 2019 11:03 am
nosports wrote: Fri Oct 18, 2019 7:30 pm Is it feaseable for this mod to make this without a main-bus or bot-based factory ?
Yes. If you did want to build a megabus style base, for metals I don't personally see the point of putting anything apart from ingots on it. But you can do spaghetti or train supply/demand or city blocks or whatever you like.
First i have to say this mod gives me more than the feeling as firstly playing the base (and still i do with mods)
I love it and have nighmares now :D
i Don't know if this is good or bad :lol:

For a main bus i would say it would need too much space and bots are somewhat boring (takes out much of the puzzleing, albeit very effective)
There are much in-between products as pistons, rivets and so on, but i feel its not worth to place such products on a bus, because they are not used that much.

Here a picture of my iron-base still using some copper/stone/glas from starting area.
But iron and copper and glas are delivered from outside smelters
2019-10-19 14_11_08-Factorio 0.17.jpg
2019-10-19 14_11_08-Factorio 0.17.jpg (427.74 KiB) Viewed 8165 times
Copper age runs still on some coal powered machines, but when out of power i switch the said machine to electric.
2019-10-19 14_50_56-Factorio 0.17.jpg
2019-10-19 14_50_56-Factorio 0.17.jpg (106.99 KiB) Viewed 8165 times
Then a personal question as i want to play to the end as intended :P
is it fitting to incorporate a teleporter mod for the player to hop around the base ?

I noticed some things which i would consider thinking about (but it may be its all intentionally so - at least its your mod)

Sulfur branch seems a little not ironed out, because you use water to get the sulfur and later add water again to get sulfuric acid.
looks like a vicious cycle :-)

Lead seems only getable through the refined ores extraction (is this correct ?) - there i would maybe add a small recipe to filter such precious ores from water; using a assembler or maybe the small tank as filter. may be some very small lead-ore patches.
(but this may be only my thinking, because i may be in a close spot (biters are somewhat stronger now and i want to cut back pollution with solar-power)
I hope my steel munition and soon to have rockets will allow me to protect my base / clear pollution area)


Oh i see - some steel walls available now - just right on time i may think ;)
( are the gates intentionally missing for steel walls ?, seems like unusual, albeit i may think they don't need a health like the walls(give the biters some chances :mrgreen: )
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Re: [MOD 0.17] Industrial Revolution

Post by Deadlock989 »

Commander wrote: Sat Oct 19, 2019 12:19 pm Hello and thank you for this wonderful mod :)
Factorio already wandered into my pocket drawer. With your mod, I have this but again every day on the screen. Great work they have done there.
However, I have a little problem:
1) I transport all liquids by train and these in barrels. Unfortunately, it is not possible to fill dilute sulfuric acid in barrels. Is this what they wanted, or was it forgotten?
2) I have written a small patch file (beginner), in which I change some vanilla things to my needs. This includes changing the length of the cable from the main power poles to 50. Since IR is running, this is no longer possible and the length is 32. In their mod, I have seen that there is a line that changes this. Unfortunately, I do not know how to write the command in my patch file, so this is back at 50. Maybe they could help me and write me this change for my file.
Otherwise a really good job from you.
Thank you very much. :)
P.S. Sorry for my bad english, since I work with translator.
1) This is intended - I have a thing about messy menus. Adding dilute acid to barrelling would make 11 barrel recipes and a messy menu. Recommend transporting undiluted acid then mixing at the destination. I will revisit this after the future Factorio crafting menu refresh update (could be months away).

2) You have a choice, your patch mod can either require IR as a dependency, or you could make your change in data-updates.lua or data-final-fixes.lua, as IR makes its change to large power poles in the earliest stage (data.lua). For more advice on doing this please see the modding tutorial.
nosports wrote: Sat Oct 19, 2019 12:53 pm First i have to say this mod gives me more than the feeling as firstly playing the base (and still i do with mods)
I love it and have nighmares now :D
i Don't know if this is good or bad :lol:


Sulfur branch seems a little not ironed out, because you use water to get the sulfur and later add water again to get sulfuric acid.
looks like a vicious cycle :-)
Thank you.

The sulphur / acid recipes are not substantially different from vanilla, those both use water as well. The only consequential difference is that IR sulphuric acid doesn't require iron plates.
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Re: [MOD 0.17] Industrial Revolution

Post by Cribbit »

Loved the first part. Only complaint is that my first map didn't have iron anywhere remotely close to my base - after walking for a while I eventually had to turn on cheats, clear a 1500 radius on the map and only then found some at the very edge, behind biter bases. Maybe resource generation should guarantee at least a small patch of iron somewhat close?
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Re: [MOD 0.17] Industrial Revolution

Post by Deadlock989 »

No, working as intended. It is confusing for the player if they have iron in the starting area but can't use it for a couple of hours. RNG map generation is RNG, getting the occasional "bad map" has been with us since at least 2015, and that's what the map preview is for. Won't change it, autoplace map gen code is a literal portal into hell.

This is the multi-km rail hike I had to suffer trying to get gold for red electronics on my current game (railworld settings):

gold.png (350.44 KiB) Viewed 8087 times
There was swearing but I got over it.
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Re: [MOD 0.17] Industrial Revolution

Post by CyberMan »

Got some license issues. Your mod is released with CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. Hopw can youtube makers do their letsplays with mod? Your license forbids to monetize their videos. I know 2 great russian youtubers that making cool interesting Factoprio vids, but they said taht your license forbids hem using your mod in their videos. I wannato make viodeo with monetizatoion too, but again - license frbids me doing letsplays with your mod.

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