As I said above, loving 0.17, BUT, one very negative feedback: I very much dislike the middle-click to clear a quickbar item.
Not sure if its bug or something that is planned to be fixed, but the middle mouse button has never been used until now, so why has it been introduced for the sole purpose of clearing the quickbar assignment. Right-click makes much more sense.
Not pleased with 17.1 so far...
Re: Not pleased with 17.1 so far...
Middle mouse button was used to set filters in quickbar in 0.16evopwr wrote: Sat Mar 02, 2019 9:29 am As I said above, loving 0.17, BUT, one very negative feedback: I very much dislike the middle-click to clear a quickbar item.
Not sure if its bug or something that is planned to be fixed, but the middle mouse button has never been used until now, so why has it been introduced for the sole purpose of clearing the quickbar assignment. Right-click makes much more sense.
So I used to drag a item from inv to quickbar an click middle mouse button to lock it there.
I keep doing that in 0.17 with the result that the quickbar slot I just assigned is cleared. Very annoing, will take some getting used to.
Re: Not pleased with 17.1 so far...
I've always played the game using Efficiency modules after unlocking plastic. My pollution cloud barely moves out of my factory. I wonder how this works in 17. You can modify all the pollution and biter options when starting a world. Playing on a rail world disables biter expansion.
Re: Not pleased with 17.1 so far...
I'm happy 0.17 is finally here, but the devs spending the last year in hiding developing features without feedback from players made 0.17 become a mess of epic proportions.
That they don't have anyone that knows about UI/UX and still went to try to develop a new system for about 2 years, again without any feedback from real players (they might have had some yes-men), takes away like 90% of all the work done on this game since 0.16.
The UI border theme look slightly fancier, although outdated, but the intuitivity is either lost or the same and that's the whole point of a user interface.
Still happy they finally released this version, no development will ever happen without that happening first when the devs don't have prior experience or expertise.
That they don't have anyone that knows about UI/UX and still went to try to develop a new system for about 2 years, again without any feedback from real players (they might have had some yes-men), takes away like 90% of all the work done on this game since 0.16.
The UI border theme look slightly fancier, although outdated, but the intuitivity is either lost or the same and that's the whole point of a user interface.
Still happy they finally released this version, no development will ever happen without that happening first when the devs don't have prior experience or expertise.
Re: Not pleased with 17.1 so far...
Played thousands of hours. Died to biters. Yeah no i'm calling bullshit. Pretty much all of your complaints sound like a complete noob or first time player refusing to learn.ledow wrote: Fri Mar 01, 2019 4:20 pm Been here a while. Played thousands of hours. Not a fan of 17 at all so far. Bear in mind that I went into it knowing only "this is now possible", not playing through hours of tutorials and googling.
First, it messed with the gui scaling so I was squinting at text and had to reset the gui scaling back to 100 (somehow it moved to 70? I never had it on 70 on the previous version, I never messed with it at all). It was like someone had whacked up the resolution but kept the text size the same. I never had any techy issues, but that gave me one before I'd even got into the menus.
Then I had serious trouble with the new toolbelt - I can put duplicate items on it which means I *keep* putting duplicate items on it rather than putting things back into their slot that's already allocated to them. Don't see the point of that at all. Different blueprints, sure, but why do I need two "yellow belt" slots on the same row of the toolbelt, both showing the same inventory amount? It's that "not quite a shortcut, not quite the item itself" disconnect still.
I started a fresh game and literally on the same radar screen (i.e. just out of sight but there the second you walk a little way) was a biter nest... they wiped me out. Played the same seed again with no-attack aliens... I left them alone, built walls, did a ton of research, made a ton of bullets, etc. I literally had to retreat from the worm-spit which nearly killed me (despite being behind a wall, behind which a gun turret was *only just* in range of the nearest alien nest, but NOT in range of the worm itself). It then took out the gun turret and the double-wall took a beating and the gun turrets nearby could only keep the biters off, not take out their nests or attack the worm. Lucky I had ammo churning out by then.
So literally I had to suit up, gun up, run out, kill the worm, and then keep running back to the base to heal (I had to research gates just to get in and out quick enough). Sorry, but that's way too much for a beginner who has no idea and just plays a default map... and that was in no-attack mode...
The new graphics make it hard for me to see any box-contents, especially on wooden boxes. I also can't tell what the assembly machines are making - try a grey assembly machine making the lowest telegraph poles - you can barely see the icon on it. Literally I kept pressing Tab thinking that I'd turned off labels, or thinking that the assembly machine wasn't actually set to make anything.
The new GUI stuff doesn't add much - I actually struggle with some menus now - still haven't worked out what the thing on the right of the toolbelt is there for (apart from the obvious "Alt" box), and don't care as I don't use it.
The research screen is just useless... I want to research to robotic flight... found it... but I can't just select it, I have to select lots of prior boxes than when I click on them it moves me TO them, but if I double-click it silently adds to the queue (that's hard to spot if you're not looking!), and it becomes a mess to just choose half-a-dozen things to research. And then there's the yellow/orange/red colouration... a newbie won't get the hang of that dialogue at all, it's horrendously crowded and not at all obvious how to queue stuff or that you're moving up/down a tree.
Performance is... well... meh. On a fresh game on an upgraded 0.16 config, I get 60fps, but it's 30fps by the time I actually start doing anything (with my graphics card in the laptop warming up, I presume, as it's related to the fan speed). 0.16 used to be able to do 45-50 on a huge map unless there were large alien movements, I'm already below that without having done more than start to build a wall. That doesn't bode well at all. Now, it might be because it's loaded the HD graphics (it looks like it) but that shouldn't be the default if I never had them before. I feel sorry for anyone with a non-gaming Intel chip.
Everything just feels more clunky. I'm really sad about it. I finished up an Angels+Bobs+Spaces on 0.16 in anticipation of starting almost a "new" game by playing 0.17 with no mods and it's not... it feels like a backwards step. I started the above fresh game using default maps... died once... tried again in peaceful... barely got to walling off... struggled for more than necessary to take out a biter nest that was smack-bang in my way and a clear threat from me just wandering around for initial resources, if I wasn't on peaceful, and now I feel no enthusiasm.
I'm really quite sad. The polish is aesthetic but not necessarily practical. A newbie coming into 0.16 might have thought "well the game looks like an older game, but I can understand how things work" even if they didn't get the magic shortcuts (copy/paste, etc.). A newbie coming into 0.17 must be wondering what the hell is going on.
Re: Not pleased with 17.1 so far...
Honestly, 0.17 biters are a whooooooole different can of worms. Like, upwards of twice as hard, on the same settings.Xuhybrid wrote: Sat Mar 02, 2019 6:56 pm Played thousands of hours. Died to biters. Yeah no i'm calling bullshit.