[MOD 0.10.2] Resource Spawner Overhaul - v1.0.2

Replaces resource spawning system, so that the distances between resources are much bigger. Railway is needed then.

Moderators: Dark, orzelek

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Re: [MOD 0.10.2] Resource Spawner Overhaul - v1.0.2

Post by iGi »

I made some changes to RSO to better fit my playstyle and thought i would share it with you guys.
As there is already an unofficial release, I thought it would not hurt.
Changelog for unofficial 1.0.4
I would recommend using RSO as described by the previous post.

All credits for this mod go to Dark.
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Re: [MOD 0.10.2] Resource Spawner Overhaul - v1.0.2

Post by Align »

Another change that could solve the lack of fighting would be making the pollution spread much further... hmm.
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Re: [MOD 0.10.2] Resource Spawner Overhaul - v1.0.2

Post by TheSAguy »

iGi wrote:I made some changes to RSO to better fit my playstyle and thought i would share it with you guys.
As there is already an unofficial release, I thought it would not hurt.
Thanks iGi! I never liked the fact that RSO placed all the Dytech rare elements in the starting area. I'll give RSO another shot now.

How does RSO change the spawner nests placement and new spawners from vanilla? iGi, your version changes the spitters to be paced like worms at bitter nests. I get that, but how does RSO change the entire process from vanilla?
EDIT: Does RSO affect the richness of Alien nests? (The amount of pink balls you get, don't remember what they are called)

I like to play a game where you have to constantly expand to find new resources. I like to play with high terrain segmentation and big water, that creates a maze map. I do have a modified land-fill mod that makes it much more expensive to use and my own "Natural Evolution" mod so you can kill a lot of nests without having the evolution factor go crazy,
Current Game Map
What settings do you guys find work best to accomplish this? What additional edits to RSO would help out?

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Re: [MOD 0.10.2] Resource Spawner Overhaul - v1.0.2

Post by Align »

TheSAguy wrote:EDIT: Does RSO affect the richness of Alien nests? (The amount of pink balls you get, don't remember what they are called)
Unchanged as far as I can tell, but that's not what the "richness" setting does for alien nests; you get just as many Alien Artifacts per spawner (random number from 2-9 I think), and instead it controls how many spawners are in each nest. So raising richness means more spawners, meaning more biters and spitters.
TheSAguy wrote:I like to play a game where you have to constantly expand to find new resources. I like to play with high terrain segmentation and big water, that creates a maze map. I do have a modified land-fill mod that makes it much more expensive to use and my own "Natural Evolution" mod so you can kill a lot of nests without having the evolution factor go crazy,
Current Game Map
What settings do you guys find work best to accomplish this? What additional edits to RSO would help out?

You might want to reduce the default richness settings for resource fields if you want to be forced to constantly expand, but that of course depends on how much your typical factories consume. For me I'm starting to think about making modules for rocket defense and am only halfway through the first iron and copper fields I ever expanded to, but I'm keen on high efficiency and don't build more than I need.
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Re: [MOD 0.10.2] Resource Spawner Overhaul - v1.0.2

Post by iGi »

How does RSO change the spawner nests placement and new spawners from vanilla?
RSO divides the map into regions. A region is 8 chunks by default. (you can change this in the config.lua)
Each region has 2-5 spawners.
Each spawner has 2-6 biter nests (+ additional worms/spitter spawner).
Additionally there's a chance that a spawn is on a resource. (40%)

New spawners are unaffected as far as I know.

This is my current map and i'm quite pleased with RSO.
Current map
My settings
You can use

Code: Select all

global_richness_mult = 1.0
in the config.lua, if you want to reduce the richness of resources. For example, change it to 0.8 to reduce the richness by 20%. (I'm not sure if this affects biters too.)
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Re: [MOD 0.10.2] Resource Spawner Overhaul - v1.0.2

Post by Tardan »

i changed the mod in this way:
- more enemies
- less but bigger ressource fields
- smaller starting area for more pressure at the start

someone play with bob ores and extend the rso mod with the settings for the new ores?

my changes:

Code: Select all

-override_type = 'partially'   
+override_type = 'full'    
-starting_area_size=1           -- starting area in regions, safe from random nonsense
+starting_area_size=0.5           -- starting area in regions, safe from random nonsense
-absolute_resource_chance=0.30  -- chance to spawn an resource in a region
+absolute_resource_chance=0.10  -- chance to spawn an resource in a region

-min_amount=350 -- default value for minimum amount of resource in single pile
+min_amount=1000 -- default value for minimum amount of resource in single pile

-    starting={richness=2000, size=17},
+    starting={richness=1000, size=8},

-    starting={richness=1800, size=10},
+    starting={richness=800, size=5},
-    starting={richness=2500, size=12},
+    starting={richness=1500, size=6},
 -    starting={richness=1000, size=8},
+    starting={richness=500, size=4},
-    spawns_per_region={min=2,max=5},
+    spawns_per_region={min=4,max=8},

-    size_per_region_factor=1.05,
+    size_per_region_factor=1.15,
-    absolute_probability=0.15, -- chance to spawn in region
+    absolute_probability=0.25, -- chance to spawn in region
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Re: [MOD 0.10.2] Resource Spawner Overhaul - v1.0.2

Post by SHiRKiT »

Are there any plans to update this to cover Bob's ores, and the new other mods that adds resources?
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Re: [MOD 0.10.2] Resource Spawner Overhaul - v1.0.2

Post by AnodeCathode »

I've put together a quick and dirty addition to add Bob's Ores to RSO. For the most part just a duplicate of dytech. I turned the stone down as it's not quite as critical to Bob's Mods. Have a go. Also turned off the multi-ore for some but left some as-is.

This needs to be pasted at the end of the config.lua in the RSO mod. May need some modifications for specific amounts, but in testing running around at 10x speed in peaceful with both Bob's Ores on it's own and RSO it looks roughly similar. The tiny amounts of specific starter area ores (galena, quartz, tin) are still spawning as intended.


Code: Select all

-- BobOres
-- up the stone at start. Not Dytech levels but still higher than vanilla?
if remote.interfaces["bobores"] then
  config["stone"].allotment = 30
  config["stone"].richness = 200
  config["stone"].starting.richness = 100

if remote.interfaces["bobores"] then
-- bobores
  config["gold-ore"] = {

    spawns_per_region={min=2, max=5},
    size={min=2, max=5},
    min_amount = 15,

    starting={richness=50, size=3, probability=0},
      ["lead-ore"] = 3,
      ["silver-ore"] = 3,
      ["tin-ore"] = 3,
      ["tungsten-ore"] = 3,
      ["zinc-ore"] = 3,
  config["silver-ore"] = {

    spawns_per_region={min=2, max=5},
    size={min=2, max=5},
    min_amount = 15,

    starting={richness=50, size=3, probability=0},
      ["lead-ore"] = 3,
      ["gold-ore"] = 3,
      ["tin-ore"] = 3,
      ["tungsten-ore"] = 3,
      ["zinc-ore"] = 3,
  config["lead-ore"] = {

    spawns_per_region={min=2, max=5},
    size={min=2, max=5},
    min_amount = 15,

    starting={richness=50, size=3, probability=0.2},
      ["silver-ore"] = 3,
      ["gold-ore"] = 3,
      ["tin-ore"] = 3,
      ["tungsten-ore"] = 3,
      ["zinc-ore"] = 3,
  config["tin-ore"] = {

    spawns_per_region={min=2, max=5},
    size={min=2, max=5},
    min_amount = 15,

    starting={richness=50, size=3, probability=0},
      ["lead-ore"] = 3,
      ["silver-ore"] = 3,
      ["gold-ore"] = 3,
      ["tungsten-ore"] = 3,
      ["zinc-ore"] = 3,
      ["copper-ore"] = 2,
  config["tungsten-ore"] = {

    spawns_per_region={min=2, max=5},
    size={min=2, max=5},
    min_amount = 15,

    starting={richness=50, size=3, probability=0},
      ["lead-ore"] = 3,
      ["silver-ore"] = 3,
      ["gold-ore"] = 3,
      ["tin-ore"] = 3,
      ["zinc-ore"] = 3
  config["bauxite-ore"] = {

    spawns_per_region={min=2, max=5},
    size={min=2, max=5},
    min_amount = 15,

    starting={richness=50, size=3, probability=0},
      ["lead-ore"] = 3,
      ["silver-ore"] = 3,
      ["gold-ore"] = 3,
      ["tin-ore"] = 3,
      ["zinc-ore"] = 3,
  config["rutile-ore"] = {

    spawns_per_region={min=2, max=5},
    size={min=2, max=5},
    min_amount = 15,

    starting={richness=50, size=3, probability=0},
      ["lead-ore"] = 3,
      ["silver-ore"] = 3,
      ["gold-ore"] = 3,
      ["tin-ore"] = 3,
      ["zinc-ore"] = 3,
  config["quartz"] = {

    spawns_per_region={min=2, max=5},
    size={min=2, max=5},
    min_amount = 15,

    starting={richness=50, size=3, probability=0},
      ["lead-ore"] = 3,
      ["silver-ore"] = 3,
      ["gold-ore"] = 3,
      ["tin-ore"] = 3,
      ["zinc-ore"] = 3,
  config["zinc-ore"] = {

    spawns_per_region={min=2, max=5},
    size={min=2, max=5},
    min_amount = 15,

    starting={richness=50, size=3, probability=0},
      ["lead-ore"] = 3,
      ["silver-ore"] = 3,
      ["gold-ore"] = 3,
      ["tin-ore"] = 3,
      ["tungsten-ore"] = 3,
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Re: [MOD 0.10.2] Resource Spawner Overhaul - v1.0.2

Post by AnodeCathode »

Finished updating RSO to add support for Bob's Ores. I took iGi's unofficial 1.0.4 update and modified. All modifications can be seen on github.

Downloadable unofficial version 1.0.5: https://github.com/AnodeCathode/Resourc ... tag/v1.0.5

Github main page: https://github.com/AnodeCathode/Resourc ... ulBobsOres

The config values were based on a very scientific process of pulling the values out of the air and checking the result. Seems to be balanced against the actual ore usage and compared with vanilla. Feedback on specific values appreciated.
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Re: [MOD 0.10.2] Resource Spawner Overhaul - v1.0.2

Post by fishlips13 »

If you read this post a few hours ago, you would have seen a bunch a text describing how I was going about this. Well, whatever. I decided to whitewash it all and integrate my changes into AnodeCathodes' 1.0.5 version. No you're not going crazy. :P
I set myself to the problem of no spitter spawners being generated with this mod. iGi's solution was to add spitter spawners as "sub-spawns" when entire bases are generated. While this gets the job done, in my opinion, a perhaps more elegant solution could be to spawn 50% biter spawners and 50% spitter spawners when the spawners are generated, similar to how the game handles them in vanilla.

My solution, though simple, is a bit of a hack (could be a lot worse I can tell you!) because the spawn cases are hard-coded: flip a coin, on heads generate a biter spawner, on tails generate a spitter spawner. This generates approximatey equal numbers of spitter spawners in place of what previously would have been biter spawners. There are values in config.lua that allow you to manipulate the spawn ratios of biters/spitters should you so wish.

AnodeCathode, if you wish to use the changes I've made and update your GitHub, by all means do. The files I've changed (config.lua and control.lua) are in a separate zip file attached to this post.

Of course, all credit goes to Dark for creating this mod in the first place and the various people who've worked on the unofficial versions keeping it upto date.
Hope this update works for you. If there's any problems, let me know. Ciao! :D
Changelog for unofficial 1.0.6
RSO updated with spitter spawners.
(16.29 KiB) Downloaded 209 times
These are the 2 files that have changed from the 1.0.5 version.
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Last edited by fishlips13 on Tue Jan 06, 2015 2:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [MOD 0.10.2] Resource Spawner Overhaul - v1.0.2

Post by AnodeCathode »

fishlips13 wrote: AnodeCathode, if you wish to use the changes I've made and update your GitHub, by all means do. The files I've changed (config.lua and control.lua) are in a separate zip file attached to this post.
Done. Excellent changes. I've put together an updated archive on the releases page:

https://github.com/AnodeCathode/Resourc ... s/releases

You can also see any changes made from 1.0.5 to 1.0.6 here:

https://github.com/AnodeCathode/Resourc ... 7a30f9535d
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Re: [MOD 0.10.2] Resource Spawner Overhaul - v1.0.2

Post by Degraine »

Just how far are you supposed to travel to get oil? I'm having a hell of a time finding any on my current map...
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Re: [MOD 0.10.2] Resource Spawner Overhaul - v1.0.2

Post by golress »

There's definitely something wrong with the oil spawn but I didn't give up and eventually after 2 hours I found an oil source. I'm now putting down a 2000 rail long railway to get the oil to my starting area. It's an expensive investment and I know pipes are a lot cheaper but... I like trains. :D
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Re: [MOD 0.10.2] Resource Spawner Overhaul - v1.0.2

Post by Choumiko »

golress wrote:There's definitely something wrong with the oil spawn but I didn't give up and eventually after 2 hours I found an oil source. I'm now putting down a 2000 rail long railway to get the oil to my starting area. It's an expensive investment and I know pipes are a lot cheaper but... I like trains. :D
That really seems a long way for the first oil source..
The rails will be needed anyways and one doesn't just like trains, one loves them! ;)
What version of rso are you using and how did you create your game? (world gen settings, changed something in config.lua?)
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Re: [MOD 0.10.2] Resource Spawner Overhaul - v1.0.2

Post by golress »

I used rso 1.0.6 that I found here in 1 of the last comments. And I'm using factorio 0.11.10. I didn't change any of the settings in the mod config and didn't change any of the generation settings either, just everything 'normal'.
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Re: [MOD 0.10.2] Resource Spawner Overhaul - v1.0.2

Post by AnodeCathode »

Think it's just luck of the RNG gods. My latest map started with one 103% oil well and the next oil was also a long ways away. Took a lot of native clearing to eventually get there. Sometimes the gods giveth and sometimes they taketh away. They were nice enough to put a really large stone patch not far away ;p
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Re: [MOD 0.10.2] Resource Spawner Overhaul - v1.0.2

Post by Degraine »

I finally (finally) found a cluster of oil wells, a long way from spawn. Gonna be a hell of a trip getting a line back out there but that's what the rail layer is for.

I get the feeling this might be a case of the RNG being a little too all-or-nothing, especially if you aren't completely exhaustive in your search.
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Re: [MOD 0.10.2] Resource Spawner Overhaul - v1.0.2

Post by tecxx »

when i try to start a multiplayer game (0.10.11), factorio crashes. statusbar on screen shows "loading new map" at this moment. using rso 1.0.6.
no other clients are involved at this moment, its just me, trying to start the game.
any idea why this happens?
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Re: [MOD 0.10.2] Resource Spawner Overhaul - v1.0.2

Post by Aranian »

I tried my hand at bugfixing that problem about a week ago, but couldn't figure it out. Even removing basically all logic it would still randomly crash when creating the game. It might be that certain operations are "timed out" in mp faster than sp (or something similar), but I have no great knowledge of modding (bugfixing this was my first foray into factorio modding).

I think oil wells are a bit on the low side in the normal settings, especially since only 1 well is spawned at most locations.
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Re: [MOD 0.10.2] Resource Spawner Overhaul - v1.0.2

Post by billw »

Regarding MP: I had the same problem, I could get around the initial crash by starting the game in single player then loading that game in MP. However after a couple of hours I got a crash, something to do with "creating a block with invalid coordinates -255949, 255949" (not the exact message but something similar).
Also the rail laying machine apparently doesn't work in MP any way so unless you are very patient this mod isn't going to be great for MP I think.
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