The Optimisation branch is now working, with the first of Rseding's suggestions implemented. I found my (rookie) mistakes, and redid the part affected. Next onto the field maintainer script, to see if we can get an improvement there also!Blu3wolf wrote:Thats the general aim of the Optimisation branch here: ... timisationroy7 wrote:Blu3wolf, any chance the performance suggestions Rseding makes here can get into the official release? It solves the performance problems of using lots of farms, but was done in a much older version he just used for himself.
Unfortunately while that version is loading into Factorio just fine, its not actually growing anything, so I have an error somewhere. Havent found it yet though. Also that branch is still working on the first of his suggestions, the second one (about planting trees on farms more efficiently) has not been started on yet.
EDIT: 0.3.0 is up here:
Would appreciate feedback - any bugs, and also how performance is affected with LOTS of treefarms!